android - Conversion of Variable Value from String to Long in Java -
is there anyway of converting value of string long in java? apparently, string.format("%040x", new biginteger(1, message.getbytes(message)));
changes format of instead of value. need alter value using converted variable encryption (prince) process processed in long (hexadecimal) format.
public void onclick(view v, string args) { string phoneno = txtphoneno.gettext().tostring(); string message = txtmessage.gettext().tostring(); if (phoneno.length()>0 && message.length()>0){ //prince pri = new prince(); //message = tolong(); string.format("%040x", new biginteger(1, message.getbytes(message))); prince.encrypt (message, k0, kop, k1, t); sendsms(phoneno, message); } else toast.maketext(getbasecontext(), "please come in both phone number , message.", toast.length_short).show(); }
you can utilize long.parselong()
new biginteger(1, message.getbytes(message))
shouldn't work. first of all, message.getbytes()
throws exception unknown charsets.
also, new biginteger(1, message.getbytes("utf-8"))
homecoming odd results input.
my guess question is: how can convert string bytes , hex string?
byte[] info = message.getbytes("utf-8");
to byte array string. question tells how can convert hex string: convert byte array hex string in java
java android string cryptography data-type-conversion
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