Monday, 15 February 2010

c# - What exception should I throw for a failed file parsing? -

c# - What exception should I throw for a failed file parsing? -

i have method parsing file. however, parsing fail anytime, depending on various conditions (not-so-cautious user playing file, example).

public string parsedatfile(string datfile) { string[] deezlines = file.readalllines(datfile); // we're searching essential info within file. bool daessentialdatafound = false; foreach (string datline in deezlines) { if (datline.contains("daessentialdata")) { daessentialdatafound = true; break; } } if (!daessentialdatafound) throw new whatshouldithrowexception("yo dood where's da essential info in " + datfile + "?"); dostuffwith(deezlines); }

is there exception utilize in such scenario? thought about:

formatexception: not clear issue, custom exception: not have special treatment exception i'm throwing, i'd rather avoid using custom exception, though that's way settle things down.

fileformatexception should fine :

the exception thrown when input file or info stream supposed conform file format specification malformed.

you can optionally provide uri , descriptive error message.

if don't want reference windowsbase may create own exception specific format. based on fact there xmlexception thrown

c# parsing exception

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