javascript - ValueBinding not working on adding new Object in my Ember view -
i have input field type number result of multiplication of 2 values displayed.
i have set total function valuebinding in html
here ember.view.extend total calculation
app.totalview = ember.view.extend({ templatename: 'total', tagname: 'input', attributebindings: ['total:value', 'placeholder', 'type'], placeholder: null, type: 'number', total: (function() { var res= parseint(this.get('controller.newthread.selectcontenttariffa')) * parseint(this.get('controller.newthread.primary')); homecoming isnan(res)?"":res; }).property('controller.newthread.selectcontenttariffa', 'controller.newthread.primary') });
i have defined calls newthread
newthread:function(){ homecoming {selectcontenttariffa:null,primary:null,total:null,weight:null}; }.property(),
this html when select values calculation: valuebinding=newthread.selectcontenttariffa, valuebinding=newthread.primary , total result
<tr> <td>{{view prompt="tariffa" valuebinding=newthread.selectcontenttariffa content=selectcontenttariffa optionvaluepath="content.value" optionlabelpath="content.label"}} </td> <td>{{view em.textfield type="number" valuebinding=newthread.primary class="form-control"}} </td> <td>{{view "total"}}</td> <td><button class="btn btn-success" {{action add together item}}>add</button></td> </tr> <script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="total"> {{}} </script>
this html there values displayed after have added them
{{#each item in model}} <tr> <td>{{item.selectcontenttariffa}}</td> <td>{{item.primary}}</td> <td>{{}}</td> </tr> {{/each}}
i dont't know missing, have reproduced issue here : can see value of result in lastly column under not bound
the total
property of object assigned newthread
property never set result. approach create total property calculated property , carry out multiplication there. display property within view.,js
javascript model-view-controller ember.js jsfiddle jsbin
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