React Checkbox not sending onChange -
tldr: utilize defaultchecked instead of checked, working jsbin here,output
trying setup simple checkbox cross out label text when checked. reason handlechange not getting fired when utilize component. can explain i'm doing wrong?
class="lang-js prettyprint-override">var crossoutcheckbox = react.createclass({ getinitialstate: function () { homecoming { complete: (!!this.props.complete) || false }; }, handlechange: function(){ console.log('handlechange', this.refs.complete.checked); // never gets logged this.setstate({ complete: this.refs.complete.checked }); }, render: function(){ var labelstyle={ 'text-decoration': this.state.complete?'line-through':'' }; homecoming ( <span> <label style={labelstyle}> <input type="checkbox" checked={this.state.complete} ref="complete" onchange={this.handlechange} /> {this.props.text} </label> </span> ); } });
class="lang-js prettyprint-override">react.rendercomponent(crossoutcheckbox({text: "text text", complete: false}), mountnode);
using checked doesn't allow underlying value alter (apparently) , doesn't phone call onchange handler. switching defaultchecked seems prepare this:
class="lang-js prettyprint-override">var crossoutcheckbox = react.createclass({ getinitialstate: function () { homecoming { complete: (!!this.props.complete) || false }; }, handlechange: function(){ this.setstate({ complete: !this.state.complete }); }, render: function(){ var labelstyle={ 'text-decoration': this.state.complete?'line-through':'' }; homecoming ( <span> <label style={labelstyle}> <input type="checkbox" defaultchecked={this.state.complete} ref="complete" onchange={this.handlechange} /> {this.props.text} </label> </span> ); } });
to checked state of checkbox path be:
the alternative event passed handlechange
checkbox onchange reactjs
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