I have 2 date pictures, one date from one and the other is a date date. I can successfully highlight the range before date (to date) from Showday (), but I need it when new values are selected. There is either a way to turn on the on-stile statement:
1) Trigger before showaway again? Or
2) Find all the dates of the new category and apply them to the CSS class? Showe before
: Function (date) {if (date> = initialFromDate & Amp; amp; & amp; date & lt; = initialToDate) {return [true], 'UI -personal-date ',' ']; } And {return [true, '', '']; }}, On Selection: Function (Dattext, OBJ) {var Sedet = New Date (date text); Var toDate = $ ("Date.iv2") datepicker ('getDate'); ** Get personalized dates? If formatting for CSS class or individualDate ** (different & gt; = fromDate and amp; personalized date & litter; = toDate),
< Img src = "https: // i.stack.imgur.com/P21is.png" alt = "image gives CSS and HTML generated for datepicker">
I have done this successfully with a datepicker for a date and a date For the sake of, so I modified it for a date picture. This code is:
$ (function () {var today = new date (); var this yuan = (today) .getFullYear (); var sadeet = '1/1 / 2000 '// This is the starting date from the date, which is set date date to Date date from the datepicker range var to date =' 1/7/2000 '// Date Date start datepicker .... : Function (date) {// if the date range is in (date & gt; = date to & amp; date & lt; = toDate) {return [true, 'ui-individual-date', '']; / / CSS class is applied to the category} Other {returns [true, '', ''];}}, select: f The system (datetext, OBJ) sets the new range loaded on the // // fresh call, assumes that the last click is (".", "Refresh"); $ (". ClassDp2") datepicker ("Refresh ");},
Every time you refresh, the ShowDay function is called new with date and toddrate range from H. Variables being functional and modify them You can apply highlighting with CSS on every click.