I'm new to ABAP. I had created four tables (Z588B, Z588T, ZFINALTABLE) which I wanted to populate in the function builder using SQL.
At first I tried to join these tables T588B, T588T and deposit this for the cluster table cluster "Got tables and launch ideas are not allowed".
That's why I created temporary table to store data T588B, T588T tables, so I can use Z588B, Z588T temporary tables Jedfintlabl in Jeflainlbl are, I need it.
I was able to populate the Z8888B, Z888T with the data that I needed, but no data came back after being included in the use of these temporary tables.
This is what I had
1) Function module created using SE37 "Z_BAPI_TESTP_FM"
2) In the import tab I define the parameters I do
3) declared temporary tables that I se11
< Z588B like Z588B was created using the T588B Z588T for the temporary structure like ZFINALTABLE
4) entered my SQL query in the source code.
function Z_BAPI_TEST_FM * "--------------- --------------------------------- ----------------- ----- * "*" local interface: "import *" VALUE (Maanditi) type ZTESTPA30-MANDT * "VALUE (USERG) type ZTESTPA30 -USERG *" export * "VALUE (RETRUN) type BAPIRET2 *" Tables * "ZPA30 Structure ZPA30 *" Z588B Structure Z588B * "Z588T Structure Z588T *" Z582S Structure Z582S * "Z588BTEST Structure Z588BTEST *" ------- ---------------- ---------------------------------- ------------- Tables :. Z588B, Z588T, ZFINALTABLE MANDT USERG MNTYP MENUE infty choose T588B customer's table Z588B specifies that where the MANDT = MANDT and USERG = USERG and MNTYP = 'I tables and SPRSL =' N ''. T588T where customers MANDT = MANDT and MNTYP = specified Z588T grounds that investigations select MANDT SPRSL MNTYP MENUE DTEXT '. as a ~ MANDT MANDT a ~ USERG USERG a ~ MNTYP as selected as the MNTYP a ~ Infty as a ~ menu infty b ~ SPTRSL SPRSL as B ~ DTEXT D51 as Z588B table ZFINALTABLE field as a left Z588T B as a ~ MNTYP = b ~ MNTYP Switch to join. ENDFUNCTION
The Z588B was able to load data on Z588T for the given parameter, but with the joining, the last SQL ZFINALTABLE is not returning data in the table.
Do anybody tell you that there is no data in the last SQL ZFINALTABLE using JOIN?
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