Wednesday, 15 September 2010

unix - passing a string variables into a function ksh -

unix - passing a string variables into a function ksh -

i'm trying pass string variables within function (the bteq work) can't seem work. seek this:

td_instance="one" user="usr1" pass="pass1" schemaname="schemaa" tblname="tablea" query="sel '>'||count(*) $schemaname.$tblname" query_td() { bteq .logon $td_instance/$user,$pass database $schemaname; .set width 1000; .set titledashes off; $1; .logoff; .quit; .exit } echo $(query_td << eof |grep '^>' |sed -e "s/^>//" eof "$query")

and maintain getting error:

-ksh: .: syntax error: `)' unexpected

i've moved bunch of compenents around still can't seem work..i maintain getting same error when move things around not sure wrong here know is....


so based on comments below...i've tried simplify create easier debug...i've got function now...

query_td() { bteq "$(cat $home/.tdlogon) database $schemaname; .set width 1000; .set titledashes off; $1 .exit" } query_td $query

but seems run

bteq "$(cat $home/.tdlogon)

but reason doesn't run past portion of function. starts bteq programme , logs in, sits in bteq waiting commands...

here how able work...moved eof within statement...i think guys refering too, right?

td_query () { bteq << eof |grep '^>' |sed -e "s/^>//" $(cat $home/.tdlogon) database $schemaname; .set width 1000; .set titledashes off; $1 .logoff; .quit; .exit eof } echo "the date is: " $(td_query "sel '>'||current_date;")

unix ksh

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