Tuesday, 15 March 2011

jmeter use multiple BeanShell PostProcessor parametrs in http request -

Can anyone explain how to do such a thing?

I have a Beanshell post processor in my test phase. It gives a list of n elements (each time the number of elephants is different) I wonder, is it possible to run some exact http requests? Which will use that element? For example, the processor returned var1, var2, var3, then this three Http request:

  ... / get-smth $ var = var1 ... / get-smth $ var = Var2 ... / get-smth $ var = var3  

I realized that I use a size to keep the variable in the loop controller, but for http request How to implement variables?

Leo, possibly an array + a foreach controller can solve your problem

< Take a look at p>, you can include almost anywhere ... For example, if you want to include the VERS1 in your life; Just look at it as $ {var1} Note the multidimensional variable (array) like $ {Var1}; That means var1_1 will give you the first element

objective c - iOS app crashes "tcpConnWorkQueue" -

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

  Thread: Fixed a crash: tcpConnWorkQueue 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x000000019344f270 __pthread_kill + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001934ed228 pthread_kill + 112 Turn off 2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00000001933c6b18 between + 112 3 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x000000019348a3e4 _nano_malloc_check_clear 4 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x00000001934892f8 nano_free + 192 5 CoreFoundation 0x00000001825c9a04 CFRelease + 1064 6 CFNetwork 0x000000018203f5dc SocketStream :: ~ SocketStream () + 472 7 CFNetwork 0x000000018203f3ec SocketStream :: ~ SocketStream () + 28 8 Korfoundeshn 0x00000001825c9724 CFRelease + 328 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000019330d49c _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000019330d45c _dispatch_client_callout + 16 11 libdispatch .dylib 0x0000000193317554 _dispatch_queue_drain + 1216 12 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000193310564 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 132 13 libdis Patch.dylib 0x0000000193319224 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 656 14 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000019331a75c _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 108 15 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001934e92e4 _pthread_wqthread + 816  

/ / main thread

  Thread: com.apple.main-thread 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x000000019872ce7c ​​mach_msg_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x000000019872ccf8 mach_msg + 72 2 Korfoundeshn 0x0000000l8794l808 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 200 3 Korfoundeshn 0x000000018793f75c __CFRunLoopRun + 940 4 core Fundeshn 0x000000018786d664 Sifarn Luprinspeshik + 396 5 Ufoundeshn 0x0000000l948l7500 - [ NSHMLReader Loading WebSite] + 1988 6th Foundation 0x00000001948188C - [NSHTMLReader attributedString] 32 7 U IFoundation 0x00000001947b65e4 _NSReadAttributedStringFromURLOrData + 5804 8 UIFoundation 0x00000001947b4e80 - [NSAttributedString (NSAttributedStringUIFoundationAdditions) initWithData: Options: DocumentAttributes: error:] 148 9 Application 0x00000001000b27b0 - [LAItem setItemDescriptionHtml:] (LAItem.m: 108) 10 Test app 0x00000001000b1e80 - [LAItem initWithDataDictionary:] (LAItem.m: 46) 11 Test App0x00000001000b25dc + [LAItem itemsWithDataArray:] (LAItem.m: 93) 12 Test App0x00000001001394f4 - [oldest updateDidadataMeM] (Latest M: 234) 13 Test App0x000000010015Feb 8_____ [Details View Controller getTestDetailFeed] _block_invoke (TestDetailViewController.m: 165) 14 Test App0x00000001001843dc __86- [Data Centers sendGetRequestWithUr Lendpoint: Urlprmetrs: Sukkessblok: Faalurblok:] _ Blok_invo of (Ldatasentrkm: 163) 15 Libdispatchkdilib 0x000000019860549c _dispac_col_blok_and_riliz + 24 16 Libdispatchkdilib 0x000000019860545c _dispac_claint_colut + 16 17 Libdispatchkdilib 0x0000000198609a70 _dispac_man_kueue_kalbak_4CF + 932 18 CoreFoundation 0x00000001879418dc __kfruँlup_is_srvising_the_man_dispac_kueue__ + 12 19 CoreFoundation 0x000000018793f984 __CFRunLoopRun + 1492 20 CoreFoundation 0x000000018786d664 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 396 21 Graphics Services 0x00000001909a75a4 GSEventRunModal + 168 22 UIKit 0x000000018c172984 UIApplicationMain + 1488 23 Test App0x00000001001375d0 Main (Main. M: 16) 24 libdyld.dylib 0x000000019862ea08 start + 4  

I f1networking for API hit kit. I can not find the exact scenario It crashes very often, I got a trace from the Crichistic framework.

Thanks in advance.

zend framework2 - Dynamically Render jpg/png from string inside php page -

I need to render an image (PNG) from a string (a user's telephone number) when the page is presented goes. Is it possible to present the image within the PHP page? Or should I have to create a page specifically to render the image and I will include it?

If I use this code inside my php page, it does not work properly

  & lt ;? Php // Create a 100 * 30 image $ im = imagecreate (100, 30); // White's background and blue text $ BG = Size of image ($ im, 255, 255, 255); $ Text color = picture calculator ($ im, 0, 0, 255); // Write the string on the upper left commenting ($ im, 5, 0, 0, 'hello world!', $ Text color); // Output image header ('content-type: image / PNG'); Imagepng ($ im); Imagedestroy ($ im); ? & Gt;  

I have to declare "header-type: image / PGN" or another way of rendering PNG because if I I declare this, then the other parts of the page are not presented.

I am using Zend Framework 2

As he suggested me, I used Base 64 mode Tried to use and works fine

  & lt ;? php ob_start (); $ im = @imagecreate (110, 20) or die ("new gd image The stream can not be initialized "); $ Background_color = imagecolorallocate ($ im, 0, 0, 0); $ Text_color = imagecolorallocate ($ im, 233, 14, 91); Imagestring ($ im, 1, 5, 5 , "A simple text string", $ text_color); imagepng ($ im); $ Image_data = ob_get_contents (); Ob_end_clean (); $ Image_data_base64 = base64_encode ($ image_data);? & Gt; & lt; img src = "data : Image / png; Base64, & lt ;? Php echo $ image_data_base64 ;? This is an exam, do not compete with and use this code on your site;  It is unsafe. 

With all web pages - Images are not part of HTML - they are separate So if you have files, you have to create a separate file and set the appropriate headings for your image, and then just add the URL of the file to the source of your image

Keep in mind that if your Url "file.php? Number = 123456 ", robots are easy to find phone numbers and it will only beat the purpose of the image (if I believe this purpose correctly).

Alternatively, You can create an image, change it to base 64 and embed it in the actual HTML source as a data-uri. I do not recommend it, but if you are interested, just "html data -uri "google - You will find many examples.

ViewState, Session, Hidden Form Fields, and QueryString for state management ASP.NET -

I am learning asp.net and c # and I have some questions because reading msdn page was confusing.

I should know when and how to use the viewstat, session, hidden form field and quizstring for state management.


If you only assign objects If you want to live for the life cycle of the current page, then a viewstation is right.

Session State:

For the data that a user needs to remain on multiple pages for the entire session,

Hidden form fields:

Hidden fields can be used to store data, which are several post backs Have to stay in, when your viewerast is disabled

Use with Javascript (because it is a plain text)

/ P>

Question paper:

Pass, which is not confidential

More information:

youtube - Is there any well-defined way to programmatically create a user? -

I am researching YouTube to support our video system. We have many clients and they want their accounts if they want to use the client system. Seeing YouTube APIs does not appear that I can manipulate user information. Is it possible for YouTube to programmatically create users through any other Google API or Youtube API? No, customers will have to manually create accounts. Programmatic account creation will be ready for abuse.

agda - Flattened matrix vs 2D matrix lookup equivalence (proof) - seeking more elegance -

I have a clear evidence (statement) that the elements in the form of a meter * n in the flat representation of a matrix Seeing length vector is similar to vector-of-vector representation. But my evidence seems terrible. [I will not give it proof here, doing so would be a prerogative!]. To make this question self-reliant, I give some self-contained Egga modules below, which are helpful. [Some of these limas should be in the standard library, but not.]

Actually, I'm looking for a great way to fill the hole below, proof of lookup concat . If you can make my lames more elegant, feel free!

  Module NN where open import data Net Open ImportDetate Properties Simple Open Import Data met. Open Properties, Import Data. Import Import Open. Open (Fin; inject≤; fromℕ; toℕ) Import data. Finn Open import data using properties (bounded) The product to be used (_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) Open Import Relationship Binary.PropositionalEquality - Some useful lemurs cong + r≤: ∀ {ij} → i ≤ j → (k: ℕ) → i + k ≤ J + k cong + r≤ {0} {j} z≤nk = n ≤m + njk cong + r≤ {suc}} {0} () k - absurd cong + r≤ {suc i} {suc j} (Sssi≤j) k = s≤s (cong + r≤) {I} {j} i≤jk) cong + l≤: ∀ {ij} → i ≤ j → (k: ℕ) → k + i ≤ K + j cong + l≤ {i} {j} ijjk = start (k + i ≡⟨ + -comm key⟩ i + k ≤⟨ cong + r≤ i≤jk⟩ j + k ≡⟨ + -comm jk⟩ K + j ∎) where open ≤-recieving cong * r≤: ∀ {is} → i ≤ j → (k: ℕ) → i * k ≤ j * k cong * r≤ {0} {j} z≤nk = Z≤n cong * r≤ {success}} {0} () k - absurd cong * r≤ {suc i} {suc j} (s≤si≤j) k = cong + l≤ (cong * r≤ I≤jk) k sinj≤: ∀ {ij} → success i Suc j → i ≤ j sinj≤ {0} {j} _ = z≤n sin ({iSP) = p * n + kmm * n: ∀ {mn} → (ii: fin m) → (k: fin N) → (success (toe i * n + toℕ k) ≤ m * n) i * n + k≤m * n {0} {_} () _ i * n + k≤m * n {_} { 0} _ () i * n + k≤m * n {success meter} {success} Ik = start (success (toℕ i * suc n + toℕ k) ≡⟨ cong suc (+ -comm (to ii)) ( ℕ k))⟩ suc (tok k + toℕ i * suc n) ≡⟨ refl⟩ suc (toℕ k) + (to ii) * n) ≤⟨ cong + r≤ (bounded k) (to ii) success n +⟩ Suc n + (to ii) * ≤⟨ cong + l≤ (cong * r (sin i) (success n)) (success n)⟩ success n + (m * success n) ≡⟨ rifle Success M * success n ∎) where open ≤-logic fwd: {mn: (I) + Kmm * nik) Lookup: Context: ∀ {mn} {A: Set} (Lookup J (Lookup IXSS) LookupCanc ij xss = {Lookup Lookup (XML)) (XMC) !!}   fwd  by induction, then it follows the rest: pre> 

  Open import data.Note. Open the banner import data. Hide Fine (_ + _) Open import data. Import Import Open. Open properties import relationship Binary.PropositionalEquality fwd: ∀ {mn} - & gt; Fin M - & gt; Fin N - & gt; FIN (M * N) FWD {Successful M} {N} Zero J = Inject + (M * N) JFWD {N = N} (Success I) J = N (FWD ID) - It should be Standard in Library . Lookup - ++ - raise: ∀ {m}} {a} set} (j: fin n) (xs: vac am) (ys: vac an) - & gt; Lookup (increase MEG) (XS ++ YS) ≡ Lookup which YS Lookup - ++ - h raise J [] ys = Rifle lookup - ++ - h raise J (x ∷ xs) ys = lookup - ++ - jacks xs Increase YS Lookup∘concat: ∀ {mn} {A: Set} ij (xss: VAC AN) M) - & gt; Lookup J (Lookup I xss) LookupCanChat Zero J (xs ∷ xss) = Lookup - ++ - Inject + X (Context XSS) J LookupConChat (Seu-i) J (X  Strong proof for fwd : << code>   : - 

  Module soundness where open import data .net properties. Open import data. Finn Properties Voice: ∀ {mn} (i: fin min) (j: fin n) -> toe (fwd ij) ≡ to ii * n + to jj soundness {suc m} {n} Zero j = sym (inject + -lemma (m * n) j) Increase the sound of {n = n} (suc i) j rewrite to-n (FWD IJ) | Strength I am Jammu = SMM (+ -sok n (toℕ i * n) (toℕ j))  

linux kernel - ARM: May I do direct memory accesses to a range returned by ioremap_nocache() [without using ioread*()/iowrite*()]? -

I am using a TI AM3358 SOC running an ARM Cortex-A8 processor, which runs Linux 3.12 is. I have enabled a child device of the GPMC node in the device tree, which checks my driver, and there I provided the device tree node to get an unwanted area of ​​ ioremap_nocache () Calling with the resource I got. / P>

The reason for this is that I am not asking for any cash, that it is not a real memory device connected to a GPMC bus, which will definitely benefit from the processor cache, but an FPGA device. Therefore it is necessary to always go through the actual wires.

When I do this:

  u16 __iomem * addr = ioremap_nocache (...); Iowrite16 (1, and eder [0]); Iowrite16 (1, and Eder [1]); IORIT 16 (1, End And [2]); Iowrite16 (1, and Eder [3]); Ioread16 (& amp; addr [0]); Ioread16 (& amp; addr [1]); Ioread16 (& amp; addr [2]); Ioread16 (& amp; addr [3]);  

I think 8 access is done on the wires using a logic analyzer. However, when I do this:

  u16 v; Editor [0] = 1; Edit [1] = 1; ADR [2] = 1; Copula [3] = 1; V = addr [0]; V = Eder [1]; V = Eder [2]; V = addr [3];  

I look at the four writing accesses, but there is no access to reading later.

Am I missing something? Knowing the difference between ioread16 () and a direct memory access, knowing that the GPMC range is completely similar to memory?

Could this behavior be the result of any compiler optimization that can be avoided? I have not seen the guidelines that have come so far, but by then, maybe something interesting is enough to give someone enough answers to be experienced.

ioread * () and iowrite * () , at ARM, after blocking a data storage, unstable access, e.g. :

  #define readb (c) ({u8 __v = readb_relaxed (c); __iormb (); __v;}) #define readw (c) ({u16 __v = readw_relaxed (C) ; __iormb (); __v;}) #define readl (c) ({u32 __v = readl_relaxed (c); __iormb (); __v;}) #define writeb (v, c) ({__iowmb (); writeb_relaxed (v );) Written in #define (v, c) ({__iowmb (); writew_relaxed (v, c);}) #define writel (v, c) ({__iowmb (); writel_relaxed (v, c) ;})  

__ Raw _read * () and __ raw_write * () (where * The b , w , or L ) can be used to read / write directly to the exact instructions necessary for those tasks. Do the address indicator a variable For casting, do castings. Examples (store register, half word):

  #define __raw_writew __raw_writew static inline zero __raw_writew (u16 val, unstable) Zero __iomem * ADR) {ASM WaterLeil ("SBR% 1,% 0": "+ Q" (* (fluctuations, 16 __forbs *) edit): "R" (val)); }  

Be careful that these two functions do not contain any constraints, so you should read rmb () (read the memory barrier) and Wmb () (type memory block) anywhere you want your memory to be accessed.

r - File.exists() doesn't work -

I have to be either blind or stupid, but I can not go ahead with it:

I have defined as a variable SOURCENAME:

  SOURCENAME = file.path (dataDatabase, date [1], paste0 (exchanges, "_", ticker "_trade .csv "))  

who is this string:

 " /home/malejg/goxtrader/data/2014-12-12/Bitfinex_BTC_trade.csv " 

When I look at the existence of the file, I found the following result:

  & gt; File.exists (sourceName) & gt; [1] True  

That's why the file definitely exists. But when I use the above version like an I statement:

  if (file.exists (sourceName)) {some sample code here}  

It throws an error:

  error (file.exists (sourceName)) {: the length of the argument is zero  

how is it possible is? Code works fine on Windows, so is there some Linux related problem?

Session information:

sessionInfo () R Version 3.1.2 (2014-10-31) Platform: x86_64- pc- linux- GNU (64-bit)

location: [1] LC_CTYPE = en_US.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC = C

attach base packages: [1] Statistics graphics grDevices utils
dataset methods based

other packages attached: [1] data. table_1.9.4 xts_0.9-7 / zoo_1 .7-11

Loading through the namespace (and not attached): [1] chron_2.3-45
grid_3 .1.2 Latiss_0k20-30 Pliyr_lk8kl [5] Arseepeepi_0kllk5
Rijhep 2_lk4kl Stringr_0k6k2 tools .1.1.1

  if (isTRUE (file)     .exists (sourceName)) {cat ('found')}  

php - Need help displaying array content programmatically -

I have an associative array in which

  • is important for the titles of a jQuery navigation list working for the part Look at the code at the left of the picture below:

    Tabbed content area

    The problem is on the right side, the list on the right is populating automatically, when the tab should have content for the "Appellachian and Rural Studies" tab. When I load the page it is generated, but when I click on any individual link, the code works correctly and shows only the content area title related to the right tab, see below:


    Here the code is doing this:

      & lt; ! - Content of tabulated research areas - & gt; & Lt; H4 & gt; Research area & lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt; Hour & gt; & Lt; / Hour & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; / * & Lt ;! [CDATA [* / $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# tab li"). Click (function () {// first active active tab $ active class "active" "#tabs li" AddClass ("active"); // Hide all tab content $ (". Tab_content"). RemoveClass ('active'); // Now add selected / clicked tabs ($). Here we select selected href var of selected tab tab (Hide); // Here ("A"). Entry ("href"); // Show selected tab content $ (select_tab). FadeIn (); // Finally, we return false which Yes, we are, so click on the link were not returned;});}); / *]] & Gt; * / & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Div id = "tabs_wrapper" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "tabs_container" & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ Researchareas = array ('1' => 'Appalachian and Rural Studies', '2' => Child's Welfare, '3' => 'Dirtyology', '4' => Human '5' => 'Intimate partner violence', '7' => 'LGBTQ', '8' => 'Substance Abuse', '5' = & gt; 'International Social Work', '5' = & gt; And misuse ',' 9 '= & gt; Suicide survivor and beerweed,' 10 '=' Trauma and post-traffic stress', '11' = 'Veterans and military social work'); ? & Gt; & Lt; Ul id = "tab" & gt; & Lt ;? Php foreach ($ $ Key = & gt; $ value as research) {$ tabname = 'tab' $ Key; ? & Gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "# & php echo $ tabname?"; & Gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ value? & Gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt ;? Php}? & Gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "tabs_content_container" & gt; & Lt ;? Php foreach ($ $ key = & gt; $ value as $ $) {$ divtab = 'tab' $ Key; ? & Gt; & Lt; Div id = "& lt ;? php _e ($ divtab) ;? & gt;" Class = "tab_content" style = "display: block;" & Gt; & Lt; H4 & gt; & Lt ;? Php _e ($ value); ? & Gt; & Lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;? Php}? & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - End tabbed research content area - & gt;  

    I do not necessarily need to load all the array values ​​in the entire list on page loads, and instead, just display the first tab correctly, such as the second image In. I am not sure where I am missing, but I am most definitely. Any help is greatly appreciated and I will be grateful for ever.

  • ruby on rails - Undefined method `arel_table' for 'method':Module -

    In my application I have 2 models: Foreign keys between sushi (Table 1) and Type_ Susie (Table 2) Whenever I'm showing Table 1 data, it shows me sushi type like your ID (1, 2, 3), but I would like to show the name of this type of sushi:

    Tipo Sushi ", for example (yaksoba, sashimi) and id (1, 4 for example).

    Do you help me?

      & lt;% @ sushis.each do | Sushi | & Gt%; & Lt;% = sushi.name% & gt; & Lt;% = sushi.price% & gt; & Lt;% = sushi. Tipo_sushi_id% & gt; - & gt; (I think I need to change something I & lt;% = link_to 'Show', Sushi% & gt; & lt;% = link_to 'edit', edit_sushi_path (sushi)%> gt; & lt;% = Link_to 'deleted', sushi, method :: delete, enter dot code here: 'confirm:' are you sure? '}% < >  

    Update: I've updated "sushi.tipo_sushi_id" from "sushi.tipo_sushi.name" , but I ' Message found: Undefined method for tiposhi 'arel_table': module .

    I solved the problem by adding to Model / SushiRbb, comand related_to: tipo_user, class_name: sushitipo .

    thanks guys!

    c# - DataGrid populated using ItemsSource not sortable despite CanUserSortColumns="true" -

    I have a database grid from the database, so I can make changes and changes in the database.

    However, you can not sort columns by clicking on the header. Nothing happens when you click on them I have seen so many questions on the SO. In this way, and I have changed my XML Lot and have tried different things, but no answer has been decided for me.

    This is my C #.

      public window 1) {initial group (); LoadDataGrid (); } Private Zero LoadData Grid () {Task DataContext Function DB = New Work DatatyText (); Var function = (Select functions from P. DB. Lubutk P); MyDataGrid.ItemsSource = Work; }  

    Here's the XMAL I tried with the first tutorial:

      & lt; Grid: DataGrid name = "MyDataGrid" CanUserSortColumns = "True" & gt; & Lt; Grid: DataGrid.Columns & gt; & Lt; Grid: DataGridTextColumnBinding = "{Binding Path = Number}" Header = "Number" CanUserSort = "True" /> & Lt; Grid: DataGridTextColumn Binding = "{Binding Path = Description}" Header = "Description" CanUserSort = "True" /> & Lt; / Grid: DataGrid.Columns & gt; & Lt; / Grid: DataGrid & gt;   

    I tried to add things like SortMemberPath = "Number.code" or SortMemberPath = "Number" and with different tags Turned around

    I also tried a structure like another tutorial, but it also does not work.

      & lt; Grid: Datagrid name = "Myadatgrid" Cancellous Column = "True" items Source = "{Binding}" & gt; & Lt; Grid: DataGrid.Columns & gt; & Lt; Grid: DataGrade Template Columns SortMailPath = "Number" Cancersource = "True" & gt; & Lt; Grid: DataGrade Template Columns Columns & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; TextBlock & gt; & Lt; TextBlock.Text & gt; & Lt; Binding path = "number" /> & Lt; /TextBlock.Text> & Lt; / TextBlock & gt; & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; / Grid: DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate & gt; & Lt; / Grid: DataGridTemplateColumn & gt; & Lt; Grid: DataGrade Template Column SortmailPath = "Details" CanUserSort = "true" & gt; & Lt; Grid: DataGrade Template Columns Columns & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; TextBlock & gt; & Lt; TextBlock.Text & gt; & Lt; Binding Path = "Details" /> & Lt; /TextBlock.Text> & Lt; / TextBlock & gt; & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; / Grid: DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate & gt; & Lt; / Grid: DataGridTemplateColumn & gt; & Lt; / Grid: DataGrid.Columns & gt; & Lt; / Grid: Data grid & gt;  

    Do I populate the datagrid? I have tried to use MyDataGrid.DataContext = tasks; But if I do this then I can not take it at all to fill the data grid.

    Thank you very much for any suggestions.

    From the database in a straight supporting your LINQ result sorting

    Try it:

      Task DataContext functions DB = new datatytext (); Var function = (Select functions from P. DB. Lubutk p) .Oolist (); MyDataGrid.ItemsSource = Work;  

    linux - Updating from a Debian RC to a stable version when released? -

    If I install Debian JC RC then to get Jesse to do something other than 'App To-Update Update' Need to be stable, stable version when released?

    The only thing you need to do, besides "apt-get update", "apt -ad upgrade ")

    In addition, you can also migrate from Debian 7 to Debian 8 using those two commands.

    android - GoViral Social Media AIR extension - Facebook integration -

    I have a problem with Govière ANE for iOS / Android -

    whenever I try to make The app, either as debug or full package build, build fails. I do not get any error messages at all, and trying to manually install .apk on Android devices does not get much from the 'App installation unsuccessful' message.

    I have been able to get the app, App-App Removing the code from the XML file is removing the code below, which I have copied from the googling plugin, starting pdf. After deleting it I can create the app, and install it on my device, but can not use the Facebook part of the GoViral plugin.

      & lt; Application & gt; & Lt; Activity Android: name = "com.facebook.LoginActivity" Android: Theme = "@Android: Style / Theme Transcellant. Any title" Android: label = "Login" /> & Lt; Provider Android: Authority = "com.facebook.app.NativeAppCallContentProviderXXXXXXXX" Android: name = "com.facebook.NativeAppCallContentProvider" /> & Lt; Meta-Data Android: name = "air.com.blugames.popartify.ApplicationId" Android: value = "XXXXXXXX" /> & Lt; / Application & gt;  

    I changed the XXXXXXXX with my Facebook ID in the app, but I have hidden it here

    I do not see anything wrong in this code. But I am not familiar with the XML side of Air Development.

    Does anyone ever see anything before / after this problem? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

    Are you using the latest ANE? V4.6.0 and the latest AIR SDK

    Here is a copy of my manifest. Note that this does not include the first line but it works.

      & lt; Meta-Data Android: name = "air.com.yourcompany.example.ApplicationId" Android: value = "000000000000000" />  


    & lt; Android & gt; & Lt; ManifestAdditions & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [& lt; MANIFEST ANDROID: installLocation = "auto" & gt; & Lt; Use-sdk android: minSdkVersion = "14" Android: targetSdkVersion = "14" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.INTERNET" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" / & gt; & Lt; Activity Android: name = "com.facebook.LoginActivity" Android: Theme = "@Android: Style / Theme Transcellant. Any title" Android: label = "Login" /> & Lt; Provider Android: Officials = "com.facebook.app.NativeAppCallContentProvider2154XXXXXXXXXXX" Android: Name = "com.facebook.NativeAppCallContentProvider" /> & Lt; / Application & gt; & Lt; / Reveal & gt;]] & gt; & Lt; / ManifestAdditions & gt; & Lt; / Android & gt;

    PostgreSQL syntax error Rails 4 -

    I have a railway 4 app that he has.

    No error was found in the development using MySQL

    I get the following in production on Herocon:

      March 16 09:40: 22 SquareShipd App / Web Get 1: for "/" 2015-03-16 16:40:22 +0000 March 16 09:40:22 SquareShepped App / Web.1: Processed by PageSender # Index HTML As 16 March 09:40:23 SquareShiped App / Web 1: PG :: Syntax Error: Error: Syntax Error "or" Near ")" Mar 16 09:40:23 Squarespread App / Web.1: Line 1: SELECT COUNT (*) "COURSE" WHERE "COURSE" "Id" IN () Mar 16 09:40:23 SquareSheeped app / web.1: ^ Mar 16 09:40:23 SquareSheeped app / web.1: "Choose" from "Course" Where "Course" "ID" IN () March 16: 40:23 SquareShipd app / Web 1: Landed / in-page rendered page / index.html.erb (69.8 ms) Mar 16 09:40:23 SquareShipd app / Web 1 : ActionWise :: Template :: Error (PG :: Syntax Error: Error: Syntax Error Error or Pass) "March 16, 23 Squarespad App / Web.1: Line 1:" Course "from Select COUNT (*) Where" Sea SquareShiped App / Web 1: ^  

    I thought this could be because my code is asking for it A value in the empty array so I have a couple I statement, so it does not appear that the array was empty. This is not working

      def index = curriculum = course.limit (7) .dir (created_as: desc) @reviews = review.limit (7) .order (created_at :: Desc) if user_signed_in? Find out the peer recommended courses, @viewer = users. ("What is the situation like?", Present_up.). Where ('id & lt; & gt;?, Current_user.id) @peer_recommended_courses = [] @ peers.each do | Peer | @peer_recommended_courses & lt; & Lt; Peer.reviews.where (recommended: true) .pluck (: course_id) end if @ peer_recommended_courses.empty? @peer_recommendations = [] Other @peer_recommendations = course. Here (id: @peer_recommended_courses) End # fund company recommended @ colleagues = user.where ("like company?", Current_user.company). Where ('id & lt; & gt; ?, Current_user.id) @colleague_recommended_courses = [] @ colleague. Colleague @College_Raymond Series & lt; & Lt; Peer.reviews.where (recommended: true) .pluck (: course_id) end if @ colleague_recommended_courses.empty? @colleague_recommendations = [] and @colleague_recommendations = course.here (id: @collage_armeded seat) end and end  

    If someone can explain why this error is happening then I would be grateful .

    PS apologizes for terrible coding, I am a lot more a Noble and most of these probably will be in my course model. I am working on it. Just want to ship this update

    The query is still running because @peer_recommended_courses < / Code> is not an empty array.

      @peer_recommended_courses = [] @ peers.each Do it. Colleague @peer_recommended_courses & lt; & Lt; Peer.reviews.where (recommended: true) .pluck (: course_id) expiration  

    If no peer review is made where recommended, then @peer_recommended_courses now actually [[]] is not just [] . Flatten the array so that the Arel query is handled properly (or leveling the array before empty? ):

      @peer_recommendations = course. : @peer_recommended_courses). Flatten)  

    c - How to iterate through a given integer input, and give output of Largest to Smallest digits? -

    According to the principle, how do I solve this problem

    For example, if given If the input was 9536, the output would be 9653.

    I want a way to add this usage, and in the cycle of each point and when finding a number that was larger than the rest, in the empty string R as the first 'character' Is stored.

    I was able to solve it using PHP (my main language), but not C I am preparing for a laboratory situation and this experiment uses C as my main language, so I am trying to brush my basic skills

    to help you Thanks

    three steps:

    1. Read the input one character at a time Convert an integer and store it in an array of integers.
    2. Sort Array
    3. (now sorted) array

    error trying to install python-devel -

    When I try to install Python-developers, I keep giving this error downgrade is also not working Any help will be very much appreciated.

      $ yum install python-devel Determining the installation process resolving dependencies - & gt; Checking transactions --- & gt; Package Python-Develop X86_64 0: 2.6.6-37.el6_4 will be installed - & gt; Processing dependency: Python for package (x86-64) = 2.6.6-37.el6_4: Python-Develop-2.6.6-37. El6_4.x86_64 - & gt; Finished dependency resolution error: Package: Python-Develop-2.6.6-37. El6_4.x86_64 (baseos_repo) is required: Python (x86-64) = 2.6.6-37.el6_4 Installed: Python -6.6-52 . 6 .x86_64 (anaconda-CentOS-201303020151.x86_64 / 6.4) Python (x86-64) = 2.6.6-52.el6 Available: Python -6.6-36.el6.x86_64 (Besos_Pro) Python (x86-64) = 2.6 .6-36.el6 Available: Python -6.6-37.el6_4.x86_64 (Besos_Pro) Python (x86-64) = 2.6.6-37.el6_4 - To use you, try to use the broken-snap You can try to run the problem: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest  

    java - What is opencsv.jar? Why do we use in jmeter? -

    I just want to know what is opencsv.jar and we call it JMeter . I tried to know more about this on the internet but did not get a proper answer. Can anyone explain this to me?

    As far as I know that the jimiter does not use OpenScv anywhere, jar

    < P> Test is used for parametrations so that test data can be operated by loading test data from external CSV files

    Test results are used to dump into CSV file

    are dependent on both of them

    CNF vs Horn Satisfiability -

    I know it's easy to prove whether a horn-formula is satisfactory. My question is: Why is it easy with the horn formula instead of the usual CNF?

    Appearance or absence can be shown in linear time. A good start with some examples can be found without back tracking.

    A Berode University pseudocode

     Enter image details here

    There is a classic problem satisfying for general CNF expression. A polynomial time algorithm is known for the satisfaction of CNF (except if P = NP ).

    java - Custom MOXyJsonProvider in Jersey 2 not working? -

    I was reading more than the answer and the approach I'm trying to do was not matched, so I it shot decided to give a .. I made a feature to disable the default ConfigurableMoxyJsonProvider,

      @Provider public square JsonFeature feature @Override {public boolean configured (last FeatureContext context) {apply Does the last string disableMoxy = CommonProperties.MOXY_JSON_FEATURE_DISABLE + '.' + Context.get Configuration (). GetRuntimeType () Name (). ToLowerCase (); Context.property (disabledMoxy, true); Back true; }}  

    I have created a simple custom providers,

      @Provider @Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Consumes (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) Public Class JsonProvider MOXyJsonProvider {@Override protected void preWriteTo (object object, class and lieutenant; ?? gt; type, type generic type, annotation [] annotation, media type media type, multivivalmap & lt; string, object & gt; httpHeaders, Marshall Marshall) Expands in JAXBException {System.out.println ("test"); } @Override protected void preReadFrom (Class & lt; object & gt; type, genericType, annotation [] annotations, MediaType MediaType, MultivaluedMap & LT; string, string & gt; httpHeaders, Unmarshaller unmarshaller) JAXBException {println ( "test ") Throws; }}  

    I have registered both;

    Register (JasonFeature.class); Register (JsonProvider.class);

    And I have a shot with a simple GET request,

      @GET @Path ( "test") public String getTest () {new Return TestObject (); }  

    I believe that this should work, but neither the preceding nor the prequel is ever received by applicant. Do I remember any other step? How do I get the fire

    find out - anyone that stops it across .. the perfect way to default off,

      public class implements @Provider JsonFeature Feature {@Override public boolean configured (last FeatureContext context) {context.property (CommonProperties.MOXY_JSON_FEATURE_DISABLE_SERVER, truth); Back true; }}  

    Then ConfigurableMoxyJsonProvider expands like so;

      @Provider @Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Consumes (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public class JsonProvider ConfigurableMoxyJsonProvider extends {@Override protected void preWriteTo (object, class of & lt ;? & gt; type, genericType, annotation [] annotations, MediaType MediaType, MultivaluedMap & LT; string, object & gt; httpHeaders, marshaller marshaller) throws JAXBException {println ( "test"); } @Override protected void preReadFrom (Class & lt; object & gt; type, genericType, annotation [] annotations, MediaType MediaType, MultivaluedMap & LT; string, string & gt; httpHeaders, Unmarshaller unmarshaller) JAXBException {println ( "test ") Throws; }}  

    html - CSS overlay on scrollable DIV -

    I have a class overlay whose purpose is to create an overlay while loading data I can add it to any div. It works entirely except for divs , where content can overflow.


    MyDiv "& gt; Div class =" overlay ">
    & Lt; div id = "innerDiv" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; / div & gt;


      .overle {status: absolute; background color: # 888888; top: 0 pixel; ambiguity: 0.5; bottom: 0 pixel; right: 0 pixel; left: 0 pixel; z-index : 50px;}  

    Here is the example at . Scroll down in the box and you will see the problem.

    Any JavaScript Without the height of internal code to .oplao css, you must pass.

      Overlay {display: block; position: full; background color: # 888888; top: 0 pixel; ambiguity: 0.5; height: 600px; hidden flux; bottom: 0 pixel; right: 0 pixel; left: 0 pixels; Z-index: 50;}  

    You can do it dynamically:

    $ ('. Overlay '). CSS ('height', $ ('# internal div'). Height ());


    Ruby Boolean Operations -

    In the train (i.e., ruby), I need either X and Y to be true or true: / P>

      (x & y) || A  

    I suspect that I can write

      x & amp; Amp; Y || One  

    But I do not know the superiority of Ruby works. I did some tests and I was still not sure (especially with an anomaly on line 3):

      true | True & amp; False # = & gt; True truth || True & amp; Amp; False # = & gt; True or true and false # = & gt; False # ah? True | False & amp; True # = & gt; True truth || Wrong & amp; Amp; True # = & gt; True or false and correct # = & gt;  ||  and  |  

    Bonus points * (and and equivalent to - and or - I believe that English Versions are restricted to Ruby StyleGuide).

    But really my question is how to write (x & y)? Without a bracket

    * Bonus point is only imaginary because @sawa (in the comments below) is Sheldon Cooper secretly

    either x and y are true or just a

    Assume that I understand you correctly, I write it to ( X & amp; Y) || A , as you had suggested in your question, with brackets, clarifies how to behave in spite of priority, to others.

    However, to answer your question, yes, you can leave the field in this case, as shown by the test case wrong & amp; Amp; Wrong || True # = & gt; True vs wrong & amp; Amp; (False || true) = & gt; False shows that & amp; Amp; Amp; And is the priority of at least || (This is actually a high priority, as true || false & false # = & gt; true )

    The main difference between = and (and similarly, with booleans in Ruby and & amp; and & amp; ) is that | Boolean classes have a method, while > is a language-level boolean operator. This means that || supports short circuit evaluation, while | does not, in addition, | Both and and have priority over and and = ( & amp; are top priority ), As false & amp; Shown by amp; Wrong | True # = & gt; Incorrect and true | False & amp; False # = & gt; True .

    Now you are performing bullion operations like, || and & amp; Amp; And almost always happens what you want. For the difference between

    = and or (or similar), that question has already been asked twice They may want to see it and as they should answer your question in that respect. (The short answer is that or and and are statement level operators, while || and & amp; amp; Expression-level.)

    javascript - Use variable index for a map in golang template -

    I would like to use a JS variable in a Go block inside a template. Here's where I set the variable:

      {{range $ tourney no, $ tourney: =. }} & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Strong & gt; Numero do Turonoi: {{$ tourneyNo}} & lt; / Strong>: & lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var $ selectedTourney = {{$ tourneyNo}}; // set $ selectedTornie = last $ toron none - say it is 209  

    And here's how I would like to use it:

      {{index with $ SelectTourney}} $ $ selected Torny should be replaced in code by 209, as is the second part of the code that is set before {{.}} {{End}}  

    working ; I want to derive from the element that was defined earlier in the $ $ tourney variable in the index.

    The goal is to target that a list of tournaments is displayed, the user clicks on one of the research institutes and information about this tournament is displayed, using JS, one below On the same page.

    Thanks a lot for help: D

    Java Array Of Record Solution -

    Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text">

    I rewrite an Informix-4 GL program in Java and I'm having some problems with data retrieving from the database Is busy

    I am currently using SQLite3 for testing purposes and I am compiling and executing my code from Windows Command Line (not using any IDE at this point).

    The problem is I am being used to use the Informix-4GL dynamic array of such records as below:

      records DataArray dynamic array of data_id integer, data_name four (15), data_desc four (15) end record  

    which I am able to populate as please and then

      retrieves data using the displayed data array [3] (example third line inserted) .data_id < / Code> 

    I would like to know the recommended way to create some simulators in Java, is it possible to store Java's equivalent data of the dynamic array of records and then select the data identifier Using some form of?

    Here's how I did this in Informix-4GL. It's more clear

      main lv_string string, # normal variable lv_cnt integer, define lr_table record like table . *, To create the DataArray dynamic record array, # value I am storing in array data_id integer, data_name four (15), data_desc four (15) end record lv_string = "selection from table *", let's # statement statement 01 " Where 1 = 1 "data_curs declare the data_prep from the lv_string, give the cursor to the data_prep, select from lv_string =" table = 02 ", # create statement 01" id =? " In lr_table, lv_cnt = 0 foreach data_curs let's create data02_prep from lv_string. * Go to loop # through the SQL return results lv_cnt = lv_cnt + 1 dataArray [lv_cnt] .data_id = lr_table.id # Go to the store variable go to DataArray [lv_cnt] .data_name = lr_table. Use execution data02_prep data ranging from data to lr_table.id # store variablesAre [lv_cnt] .data_desc # different table end foreach if dataArray.getLength () = 5 then uses the # data that I have displayed "here are 5 rows Finally, if dataArray.getLength () = 17 then # is very flexible performance dataArray [5] .data_id, dataArray [9] .data_name dataArray [14] .data_desc if the main  

    This is not the end of the actual program, but I only take those features which I would like to recreate in Java.

    The best part about this is that I can ask the database once and close the connection, I will not need it. Or again ask the database for the entire duration of the program.

    I think in your case, an ArrayList is very easy Example

      public class sample {list & lt; Data & gt; Datas = new arreelist & lt; Data & gt; (); Datas.add (new data ("1", "2", "3")); Datas.add (new data ("4", "5", "6")); Datas.get (0); // You must first give data} class data {object ID, name, character; Data (object ID, object name, object dis) {this.id = id; This.name = name; This.desc = desc; By the way, I think that you have problems with Hashmap (which you say is overridden) because you do not override the same and hashed method because these Two methods are used to keep the object in the hashmap.  

    Hope this is your help: D


    Assume that your line The variable is referring to ResultSet, so you can do this. Public zero doFill {result row} {while (row.next ()) {datas.add (new data (line .getObject ("id"), line .get object ("name "), Line .get object (" desc "))); }}

    MobileFirst V6.3 override adapter deployment -

    I want to know that there is a way to avoid automatic adapter deployment after service discovery generated wizard execution. Can you help Thank you

    I have prepared a new adapter using the Service Discovery Wizard. It generates only the adapter - it does not deploy it.

    Perhaps you are referring to auto-deployment after making changes to your adapter files?
    If you are using MobileFest Platform Foundation 6.3, then you can disable it from Eclipse Preferences> Mobile Forever> Uncheck "Change Admirer Automatically On"

    html5 - Creating an anchor point on a div with an offset in JQuery -

    I'm trying to get my link to go to an anchor point on the other webpage, in this case a device A unique ID However, as there is a menu with a CSS positioning set (at the top of the divis), I have to offset my position where this is the 'top' effect I have tried the following code, but there is no luck Also welcome help

      & lt; A href = "contact-us.html # book" class = "book" & gt; Book A Place & lt; / A & gt;  
      $ ('a ^ [^ ^' 'book'] '). ('Click, function (e) {e.preventDefault (); var target = this.hash; var $ target = $ (target); $ (' html, body '), stop (). Animate ({' scrollTop ': $ Target.offset (). Top}, 900,' swing ', function () {window.location.hash = target;})}}  

    $ ('a [original ^ ". Book"]') a a element Attempts to select the href attribute starts with ".book". Your a element's href "contact-us" Starts with and does not contain ".book" in the .book though a class choice by itself Nakara, and attempts to select the element whose class attribute is equal to "book", therefore, I think what you want to do:

      $ ('A.book'). ('Click', function (e) {...})  

    After changing it, your In a element, there is no hash property from the href element of #book to get value Keeping this in mind that you will need to remove it separately If you want to be already at work /contact-us.html, you can change your code to href instead of just in #book :

      & lt; A href = "# book" category = "book" & gt; ... & lt; / A & gt;  

    Then drag the entire href :

      var target = this.href;  

    c# - Why my stringfied JSON changes are not being submitted to my Controller? -

    I have a model that I send in my view. Since this model has many complex objects, I use var model = & lt;% = Html.Raw (Json.Encode (model))% & gt; to display all the jQuery methods for all the codes. ; A global variable

    After editing my model (creating new item, updating existing items, and changing objects from another location), I am posting it to the controller using the following code :

    <("Update", "Editor")%> ', Type: "post", data type:' jason ', data: JSON.stringify ({aModel: model}), success: function (data) {}}) (function (result) {});} );

    Getting it into my controller:

      [HTTP post] Public Action Result Update (MyMoldEmodel) {ModelState.Clear () aModel. Execute (); See Return ("Path / in / View"); }  

    When I check the results of JSON.stringify ({aModel: model}), then I can see my changes. However, the object AModel does not receive this change

    I tried to clear the ModelState, I tried to avoid caching, I tried to copy the existing element from the model and Tried to change its values, instead of pushing into a Jason array, come a new one Instead of creating the system, but did not work any of these.

    My model is like the following:

      Public class MyModel {public dictionary & lt; String, list & gt; Items & gt; & Gt; Item {get; Set; } Public listing & lt; Side effects & gt; Properties (get; set;}}  

    Can the dictionary model binding cause problems? Suppose that this is a model byteing problem.

    Any thoughts?

    1 edit

    Based on the comments, I thought the problem was complex type items and ItemProperty . I tried to use parameterized constructors and public sets in the Id attribute, but this The problem is not to solve the problem.

    Here are the squares:

      public class items {public const string CONST = "value"; private sub-esteem ASBITM; public list & Lt; SubItem & gt; Sub-item {get; set;} public string id {get; private set;} public string name {get; set;} public string help {get; set;} public date time { Get; set;} public item (string AID) {id = ii} D;}} Public class subitem {public list> item type> properties = new list & lt; Item type & gt; (); Public string id {get; Private set; } Public string subtitles {get; Set; } Get Public Bowl Subtitle {Get; Set; } Public bool visible {get; Set; } Public MyEnumType type {get; Set; } Public sub-id (string AID) {id = an ID; }} Public class ItemProperty {public string id {get; Private set; } Public string title {get; Set; } Public string path {get; Set; } Public bool visible {get; Set; } Public MyAction CustomAction = New MyAction (); Public ID (String AID) {ID = an ID; }} Public class MyAction {public string ActionName {get; Set; }}  

    and the serial model while posting. The only thing changed from the original model is name property:

      "{" item ": {" ITEM1 ": [{" Sub Ets ": [" True, "other", "visible": true, "myname type": 0}], "help": "other", "subtitles": "other", "subtitles are inaccessible" "," Name ":" A name added to send to the controller "," id ":" ITEM1 "," time ":" / date (-62135578800000) / "}, ...   

    That's because you're posting a string. > JSON Post the actual object as meaningless. By default, jQuery will encode it and send it in a format that can be parsed by your action. As you are still managing it, you are just posting a string The modelbender is a MyModel example, but because MyModel is a class-type, string-tie is not on it, it fails.

      $. Ajax ({url: '& lt;% = Url.Action ("Update Data type: 'Jason', data: {aModel: model}, success: function (data) {}}) done (function (result) {});  

    android 5.0 lollipop - Start an activity with FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED. The previous activity disappears and slides in again -

    मैं डिवाइस स्क्रीन लॉक करता हूं, गतिविधि LockAct को प्रारंभ करें। लॉकआक्ट एक अन्य गतिविधि शुरू करता है जिसमें SurfaceView

    अगर मैं & lt; item name = "android: windowBackground" & gt; नहीं जोड़ता ; @ एंड्रॉइड: SurfaceView के साथ की गतिविधि के लिए रंग / पारदर्शी & lt; / item & gt; , न तो सतह की गई और सतह चंगित कहा जाएगा ।

    यदि मैं & amp;; item name = "android: windowBackground" & gt; @android: रंग / पारदर्शी & lt; / आइटम & gt; को SurfaceView < / कोड>, लॉकअक्ट गायब हो जाता है और दिखाए गए के रूप में एंड्रॉइड 5.0 केवल पर स्लाइड यह कुरूप दिखता है।

    LockAct गायब होकर और फिर से फिसलने से?

    मैंने पहले से ही कोशिश की है:

    LockAct के लिए गतिविधि विकल्प

      आशय आशय = नए आशय (getApplicationContext (), LockAct.class); शुरुआती गतिविधि (आशय, गतिविधिऑप्शन। मैककस्टमअनिमेशन (getApplicationContext (), 0, 0) .toBundle ());  

    एंड्रॉइड: विंडो लॉकआकेट के लिए एनीमेशन शैली

      & lt; शैली का नाम = "नोएनिम" अभिभावक = "@ शैली / ऐपथीम" & gt ; & Lt; आइटम का नाम = "android: windowAnimationStyle" & gt; @ null & lt; / item & gt; & Lt; / शैली & gt; & Lt; गतिविधि एंड्रॉइड: name = "com.admin.LockAct" एंड्रॉइड: थीम = "@ शैली / नोएनिम" / & gt;  

    android: windowEnterTransition और एंड्रॉइड: windowAxitTransition for LockAct

      & lt; style name = "NoAnim" parent = "@ style / AppTheme "& gt; & Lt; आइटम का नाम = "android: windowEnterTransition" & gt; @ null & lt; / item & gt; & Lt; आइटम का नाम = "android: windowExitTransition" & gt; @ null & lt; / item & gt; & Lt; / शैली & gt; & Lt; गतिविधि एंड्रॉइड: name = "com.admin.LockAct" एंड्रॉइड: थीम = "@ शैली / नोएनिम" / & gt;  

    मेरे नमूना एंड्रॉइड ऐप के साथ एक संग्रह है:

    डिवाइस स्क्रीन लॉक होने पर क्रियाएँ शुरू या सुचारू रूप से समाप्त नहीं की जाती हैं। मैंने देखा कि एंड्रॉइड 5.0 पर, लेकिन साइयनोजेमोड (एंड्रॉइड 4.3.1) के साथ मेरे सैमसंग गैलेक्सी एस 3 पर सब कुछ बहुत अच्छा दिखता है। इसलिए विभिन्न व्यवहार अलग-अलग डिवाइस और / या ओएस संस्करणों पर हो सकते हैं।

    एक सहकारी ने मुझे लिंक दिया, और मैं गतिविधियों के बजाय टुकड़ों का उपयोग करने जा रहा हूं।

    Groovy: is sum() more efficient that calculating sum using inject? -

    क्या कर रहा है [1, 3, 5] .sum () [1, 3, 5]। इंजेक्शन (0, {x, y - & gt; x + y} ?

    निम्न बेंचमार्क पर एक नज़र डालें:

      @ गड़ (समूह = 'org.gperfutils', मॉड्यूल = 'gbench', version = '0.4.3-groovy -2.4 ') def बी = बेंचमार्क {' सरल-योग '{[1, 3, 5] .sum ()}' इंजेक्शन-राशि '{[1, 3, 5]। इंजेक्शन (0, {x, y - & Gt; x + y}}}} b.prettyPrint ()  

    और आउटपुट:

      पर्यावरण ========== = * ग्रोइवी: 2.4.0 * जेवीएम: जावा हॉटस्पॉट (टीएम) 64-बिट सर्वर वीएम (25.5-बी 02, ओरेकल कॉर्पोरेशन) * जेआरई: 1.8.0_05 * कुल मेमोरी: 283.5 एमबी * अधिकतम मेमोरी: 3641 एमबी * ओएस: मैक ओएस एक्स (10.10.1, x86_64) विकल्प ======= * गर्म अप: ऑटो (- 60 सेकंड) * सीपीयू टाइम मापन: यूजर सिस्टम पर सीपीयू असली साधारण राशि 218 2 220 226 इंजेक्शन-राशि 270 2 272 276  

    आउटपुट बताता है कि यह लगभग समान है - sum लगभग हर प्रयास में थोड़ा तेज है लेकिन अंतर महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है साथ ही यह भी एक तरीका है कि कैसे sum कार्यान्वित किया जाता है इस सरल मामले में यह तेज हो सकता है लेकिन अधिक उन्नत परिदृश्यों में परिणाम उलटा हो सकता है।

    javascript - Angular watch element height in directive -

    मैं ऐसा कुछ करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं:


      & lt; div ng-controller = "MyController" मेनू & gt; & Lt; input ng- मॉडल = "myVar" / & gt; & Lt; div स्लिम्सकोल = "{'ऊँचाई': मेन्यूइट, 'हमेशा विवेक': सत्य}" & gt; & Lt; div id = "menucontent" मेनू-सामग्री & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt;  

    जब इनपुट फ़ील्ड में पाठ होता है, तो यह मेनू-सामग्री निर्देश पर फ़िल्टरिंग कर देगा। जैसे ही यह फिल्टर होता है, मेनू-सामग्री परिवर्तन की ऊंचाई।

    मेनू निर्देशक:

      angular.directive ('menu', function () {return function (scope, element) {var menuContentHeight = $ ("# menucontent") ऊँचाई ();}; गुंजाइश। $ Watch (scope.menuContentHeight, फ़ंक्शन (नयावाले, पुरानावर्त) {if (newValue! == OldValue) {console.log ('परिवर्तित!'); MenuContentHeight = newValue; समायोजित करेंइट ();}}, सच); फ़ंक्शन समायोजित करेंइट () {// ऊंचाई समायोजन प्रदर्शन}}}};  

    इसलिए, जो मैं करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं वह ऊंचाई परिवर्तन की निगरानी के लिए scope.watch का उपयोग करें और अपडेट करें। मेरा कोड काम करता है, लेकिन समस्या यह है कि वह तुरंत अपडेट नहीं होती है।

    ऊंचाई समायोजित होने के साथ ही मैं ऊंचाई समायोजन अपडेट कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं?

    $ scope.apply ()

      का उपयोग करें। $ Watch (scope.menuContentHeight, फ़ंक्शन (newValue, oldValue) ) {If (newValue! == oldValue) {console.log ('परिवर्तित!'); MenuContentHeight = newValue; समायोजित करेंइट (); $ scope.apply (); // कॉल डायजेस्ट चक्र}}, सच);  

    यह आपके लिए मदद कर सकता है ...

    ant - OfBiz Installation Failure -

    Apache OfBiz is not installed properly, and fails to compile in command prompt.

    C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.8.0_40 and "Path" to C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Java \ jre7 \ bin; After creating the system variable JAVA_HOME for C: \ Apache-ant-1.9.4 \ bin, I downloaded an offbeat of 13.07.01 for my C: \ folder and unzipped it there. At the command prompt, I have typed the following:

      c: \ user \ calories> cd c: \ apache-off-bibies-13.07.01c: apache-of-birz-13.07 .01 & gt; After that, I get this:  
      build fails C: \ apache-off-bizz- 13.07.01 \ Build Xml: 22 9: The following error occurred while executing this line: C: \ apache-ofbiz-13.07.01 \ build.xml: 248: The following error occurred while executing this line: C: \ Apache-ofbiz-13.07.01 \ Build.xml: 39: The following error occurred while executing this line: C: \ apache-ofbiz-13.07.01 \ build.xml: 91: compilation failed; See compiler error output for details  

    Please note that by the year I have dealt with DOS, so I do not know how to use error output.

    After that, I get a few dozen errors such as: [javac16] class file for org.ofbiz.widget. Contentwalker interface not found


      [Javac16] Warning: [options] bootstrap class path -source 1.6 is not set in combination with  

    Diverse I have tried 'run run' and 'load-demo' commands without any profit, I have followed the step-by-step tutorial But it is very likely that I missed anything please tell me what I can do to fix this Wk run. Thanks! Take a look at the following Apache Jira tickets for OFBiz where your problem has been addressed and fixed, please

    There are build errors due to missing fileset entries in build.xml for some applications (Parties, VertAiforts, Products, Orders, eBay, and Pauses), see:

    Related Tickets There is a fix available in:

    There was another bug in current release branches (14.12.01, 12.04.06, 13.07.02 checked) Week. Fix is ​​already committed to the branches.


    sql server - C# DataSet, Data Source and Stored Procedure -

    1. इसलिए मेरे पास यह कोड एक संग्रहीत कार्यविधि के अंदर है:

        * MyTable से चुनें जहां ईमेल = @ ईमेल  

      मान लें कि @email है nvarchar (50) और ईमेल तालिका में एक स्तंभ है

    2. मेरे पास एक डेटासेट है जिसकी उपरोक्त संग्रहित प्रक्रिया है।

    3. मेरे पास एक डेटाग्रीड दृश्य है जो डेटा स्रोत के रूप में डेटासेट के रूप में है जो संग्रहीत कार्यविधि का उपयोग करता है।

    मैं संग्रहीत में @email पर एक मान देना चाहता हूं प्रक्रिया। क्या यह संभव है?

    हां SqlCommand ऑब्जेक्ट 'कमांड' को मानते हुए, बस इसके पैरामीटर को जोड़ें। देखें

    <पूर्व> स्ट्रिंग ईमेल = "ईमेल"; स्ट्रिंग ईमेल = "somebody@hotmail.com"; कमांड। पैरामीटर। जोड़ें (नया एसक्यूएलपरैमीटर (ईमेल, ईमेल));

    बेशक, आपकी संग्रहीत कार्यप्रणाली को पैरामीटर की भी अपेक्षा की जानी चाहिए।

      निर्माण प्रक्रिया [dbo]। [Usp_YourStoredProc]   

    (@ ईमेल [nvarchar (50)] = नल, ...

    asp.net - Unable to publish project in VS2012 -

    I am using VS 2012 with CR13, Framework 4.5. But unable to publish the project.

    Error: - Error 4 Copy file aspnet_client \ system_web \ 2_0_50727 \ crystalreportviewers13 \ ActiveXControls \ PrintControl.cab to obj \ release \ aspnetCompileMerge \ Source \ aspnet_client \ system_web \ 2_0_50727 \ Crystalreportviewers13 \ ActiveXControls \ PrintControl .cab failed file 'aspnet_client \ system_web \ 2_0_50727 \ crystalreportviewers13 \ ActiveXControls \ PrintControl.cab'.

    Please help

    Shortcut to insert code fragment in PhpStorm -

    I want to shortcut to insert some code snippets, for example Ctrl + Shift + ] should include "$ this->" at the location where the cursor is.

    I know about live templates but they are not shortcuts, it works like code compliance, so I need to insert some text, and then I have to choose a template from the context menu It's good for big code pieces, like foreach loops, but it's like a shortcut for a very common and small code piece like '$ the->' id.

    As LazyOne suggested in the comment, such things can be easily done with macros: Assign a shortcut to macros, type codes, macros saved, macros created for macros.

    perl - Adding a prefix to a list of file names in a hash of arrays -

    array @lines is the key to this type of % hash

      Hg 00117 HG00119 NA 20828  

    And so on for many other samples I have shown just three below for example.

      Use strict; Use warnings; Use Data: Dump; Open (FILE, 'input.txt'); Chomp (my @ lines = (& lt; FILE & gt;)); Close (file); My% hash; $ Hash {$ _} = [Globe ("$ _ * .bum")] for @ lines; DD% hash;  

    This will let me print arrays of my green:

      ( "Hg 00117", [ "Hg 00ll7kmapkliminaa.biwakjibiar .exmember20120522 .bam_herc2_data.bam "," Hg200117.mpa.limeena.bew.GBR.Lovakawara201201123.bm_herc2_fase 1.bm "," hg00117.map.limeena.bewa.gb.law_cartage20120522.bm_hercr2_data. Bam "," Hg 00ll7kmap KilluminakmosaikkGBRkexomek20ll04llkbam_herc2_phaselkbam "]," HG00ll9 "[" HG00ll9kmappedkILLUMINAkbwakGBRkexomek20l20522kbam_herc2_datakbam " "Hg00ll9kmapdkillumina. Bvkgbrklo_kvrejk20l0ll23kbm_herk2_fselkbm", "Hg00ll9kmapdkilliminakbvkgbrklo_kvr ge.20120522.bam_herc2_data.bam "," Hg 00ll9kmapkiluminakmosaikkjibiar.aksdomber Kl04llkbam_herkr 2_fej 1. bam ",]," NA20828 ", [" NA20828.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.TSI. Aksomek20l2l2llkbm_herk2_detakbm "," N20828kmapdkilluminakbvktsiklo_kvrejk20l0ll23kbm_herk2_fselkbm "," N20828kmapdkilluminakbvktsiklo_kvrejk20l304l5kbm_herk2_detakbm "," NA20828.mapped.illumina.mosaik.TSI.exome.20110411.bam_herc2_phase1.bam ",],)  

    I want each element prefix arrays with input = , so they look like this

      ( "HG00117", [ "input = HG00117.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.GBR.exome.20120522.bam_herc2_data.bam" "input = Hg 00,117 .map.limeena.bv.g Br.law_carge20101123.bm_herka2_fage 1.bm "," INPUT = HG00117.map.limeen.e.b.va.GBR.love_cartage20120522.bm_hercr2_data.bm "," INPUT = HG00117.map.lumina mosaik.GBR.exome.20110411. bam_herc2_phase1.bam ",]," HG00119 ", [" input = HG00119.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.GBR.exome.20120522.bam_herc2_data.bam "" input = HG00119.mapped.ILLUMINA .bwa.GBR.low_coverage.20101123. bam_herc2_phase1.bam "" input = HG00119.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.GBR.low_coverage.20120522.bam_herc2_data.bam "" input = HG00119.mapped.illumina.mosaik.GBR.exome .20110411.bam_herc2_phase1.bam ",]," N20828 ", [" input = N20828kmapdkilluminakbvktsi.aksmek20l2l2 Llkbm_herk2_detakbm "," input = N20828kmapdkilliminakbvktsiklo_kvrejk20l0ll23kbm_herk2_fselkbm "," INPUT = NA20828.mapped.il Liminakbvktsiklo_kvrejk20l304l5kbm_herk2_detakbm "," Input = N20828kmapdkilluminakmosakktsi.aksomek20ll04llkbm_herk2_fselkbm "]  

    I tried regex and grep but anything seems to work, I feel that I'm confused with the scope of foreach I also change the name of Tried the function, but it does not work.

    Therefore, repeating each element - you really need two ends for the 'top level' One - hash value (which are array references)

    Then with each array reference, repeat between people who make a transformational application.

    foreach my $ array_ref (value% hash) {foreach my $ oldfilename (@ $ array_ref) {$ element = ~ s / ^ / INPUT = /; }}

    Or do you really want to change the filenames to disk ? If so, you can use it (I do not think that this is what you want)

      foreach my $ array_ref (values% hash) {foreach my $ oldfilename (@ $ Array_ref) {rename $ old Eiffel, 'INPUT =' $ Oldfilename}}  

    difftool - Git under Windows - Cannot launch external diff tool -

    I have a problem launching the meld tool to see diff in my .gitconfig I have:

    < Pre> [diff] tool = meld

    and 'meld' exists in the environment path (I can just run it typing 'meld' at the command prompt) How to read a lot To configure difftool and it looks like it should be enough but I am getting this error when git difftool is being typed:

      Error: git- Difftool - c Can not create the following: Any such file or directory external difference can not be killed, stop in Initial.txt  

    (initial.txt I'ts file changes which I want to differentiate

    Help, please

      error: can not generate ssh: such a file or directory fatal No: Unable to fork  

    As the starting point, you can see I'm sure something useful!

    I hope this can help you! -Joy

    Open XAML page from Form Visual C# -

    On pressing a button from the form, I will open a page author in .xaml

    Report of my code Do:

      Private zeros btn_graph_3d_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {this.Navigate (New Uri (<> <1 Window> X.> & gt; UriKind.Relative) ); }  

    I have an error in navigating that there is no fixed or method in the program Window 1 is my item. XML

    Any solution?

    Unless there is a xaml control to host your winform page, no one is xaml Page can not bring Xaml compiled during the construction phase and connected in the program it can not be seen standing alone.

    For a vinfoorm, the host should host a page in Host Control, which provides a suitable environment that has all pre-requisites that require an Xaml page.

    sql server - TSQL Collect data from multiple databases -

    Recently, SQL started learning and ran into the problem that I am unable to find the solution. I am trying to collect data from multiple databases and output it into a single table.

    The source selects the output data in two columns "ACACT" and "Source DB"

    The target table is "acAcct" and column for each database

    The thing that I came up with is:

      (1000) Set @command varchar announcement @command = 'if' '[?]' '(Not' '[guru]' ',' '[model]' '[msdb ] ',' '[Tempdb]' ') inserting into _utility.dbo.konta (acAcct,' '?' ') DISTINCT AC.acAcct,' '?' As AD.acName 'THE_AcctTransItem selects vDE_SetAccount as AC Left' AC.acAcct = AD.acAcct EXEC at SP_MSforeachdb @command  

    I get this error for each DB:

      Wrong syntax near the message 102, level 15, state 1, line 3 'db name'  

    I think the variable parse I'm missing out with:

      inserting in _utility.dbo.konta ('?' AcAcct, '')   

    ([STT] @ command = 'IF' '[?] "No (" [Master] "," [Model] "," [MSDB] "," [Tempdb] ] '') Merge _Utility Dobo.Conta AS Use as Target (Active AC ACACCT, AD.KNM [[]] to [?] ADB Byte Join [d] as DBHHA ATTRIT [?]. DCA.A.C.T.C.T.DACACACACACACCTT = ADAACACCTT) (Source: ACACT = Source. ACACTT) when the SET target was fixed in it. [?] = Source. [?] When the INSERT (ACACT, [?]) Values ​​were not found (source.acac, [?]); Original Kript is filled only the first column and misleading others.


    If the name of the source database If there is a column, then it should not be added in single quotes. Square brackets will be safe.

      @command varchar declaration (1000) set @command = 'if' '[?]' '(Not' '[guru]' ', [[model]], [' MSDB ], '' [Tempdi] '') _UTility.dbo.konta INSERT (ACACTT, [?]) Select AC ACACACct, AD.acName AS [?] To tHE_AcctTransItem as AC Left  
    Include vDE_SetAccount as AC.acAcct = AD.acAcct EXEC sp_MSforeachdb e @

    vb.net - How do I detect who runs my application? -

    I have created some applications that run from a shared folder within our company network. I just kept the .exe file. This job does not need to be upgraded until I upgrade the file. If a person runs an application, the file is locked.

    Will I know which user currently runs my application? Or better, can I turn it off?

    Bring project properties and go to the published tab.

    Set the URC path to the publication folder where you want your users to get the program from this program.

    Updates and Options

    Then run the published wizard.

    Now your users can go to that folder and run setup, the EXE program will be installed on local machines so that you can update it later.

    Roles - Parse.com Javascript -

    I currently have javascript which allows all users to log in from the _User table. I played a role in the role table called (Admin) and this role was assigned to a user. Will this be a statement?

    The user logs in successfully this way

      $ scope.logIn = function (form) {Parse.User.logIn (form.username, form.password, { Success: Function (user) {$ scope.currentUser = User; $ scope $ apply}; window.location.href = "test.html";},  

    It's easy to check whether a user is related to a role. The only difficult part is that the investigation involves a question, and therefore an asynchronous First of all, a normal operation The function of the mass role check is:

      function userHasRole (user, roleName) {var query = new Parse.Query (pars. Role); query.equalTo ("name", roleName) ; Query.equalTo ("those", user); return query.find () then (function (roles) {return roles.length> gt; 0}};}  

    This is a promise that will be completed with a boolean, so that you can call it like this:

      currentUser = Parse.User.current (); // Does the user " Admin "? UserHasRole (current user, "admin"). Then (function (isAdmin) is {console.log (isAdmin)? "User is administrator": "User is not administrator");});  

    In the Apply it to your code view:

      & lt; Form role = "form" name = "login form" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "form-group" & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; Email & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Input type = "email" class = "form-control" name = "email" ng-model = "user.username" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "form-group" & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; Password & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Input type = "password" class = "form-control" name = "password" ng-model = "user.password" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "form-group" & gt; & Lt; Button class = "BTN BTN-AR BTN-Primary" ng-click = "Pressed Login ()" & gt; Sign in & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt;  

    and in the controller:

      (function () {'strict use'; angular module ('myApp.controllers'). LogInController '; LogInController $ Inject = [' $ scope ']; Function LogInController ($ scope) {$ scope.user = {username: "", password: ""}; function userHasRole (user, roleName ) {// as really defined above // ​​my real application is user service function (), and it will be kept there better} $ scope.pressedLogIn = if ($ scope.loginForm. Valid) {Parse. User.logIn ($ scope .user.username, $ scope.user.password) then (function (user) {$ scope.user = user; returned userHasRole (user, "admin");}.) (Function (isAdmin) {warning (" User admin = "+ hasadmin);}, function (e) {warning (error message);})}}}}}}) ();  

    Is there a way to automate adding gallery application in azure active directory? -

    We are using SSO between applications hosted on blue using blue active directory for authentication and sales force. Are there. For this, we have configured Ezur Active Directory along with the steps given in cellphone. But now I need to automate these steps using the powers or graph API. Nothing has been provided in the Azar graph API documentation or Powerhall for Ezur Active Directory.

    I can help anyone in this regard if I really appreciate it.

    c# - How to get a comma between items in the View? -

    In my view, I want to separate guest id with a comma but I do not know how to Looks like 16 and 17 different guests from IDs are misleading.

    Enter image details here

    My model looks like this Is:

      public class guest {{key} public {}; Set; } // Reserved PR Intel 32? Reservation {Come; Set; }}  

    The view controller looks like this:

      Public Performance Index () {Return View (_reservationrepository.GetAllReservations ()); } Public IQueryable GetAllReservations () {Return db.Reservations.Include (r = & gt; r.spot). Include (r = & gt; r.User). (R = & gt; R.Greats); }  

    My view looks like this:

      @forach (various items in the model) {& lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; @html DisplayFor (Model Itam => Objects Grandes) & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; }  

    How do I separate guest IDs by a comma?

    If you have a collection of guest objects in your view (let's get it now < Code> Model.Guests ), you can include the ID in a delimited string:

      string.Join (",", Model.Guests.Select (G = & gt; g.GuestId))  

    Or, depending on the context of the visual model (if it is for viewing purposes and not really a business model) You can also put it on the model:

      public string over Iids {get {return string.join ( ",", please. Select (G = & gt; Jikgustaidi)); }}  

    and force the view of that property:

    @ Model.GuestIDs

    How to change permissoin of $Extend directory? Python? C++? -

    How to change permissoin of $Extend directory? Python? C++? -

    i want hide text file moving $extend directory (what directory?). run cmd administrator , run below code :

    c:\windows\system32>copy i:\tohide.txt i:\$extend access denied. 0 file(s) copied. c:\windows\system32>

    as see, couldn't , received access denied error. tried takeown destination directory ($extend) , alter acls below :

    c:\windows\system32>takeown /f i:\$extend success: file (or folder): "i:\$extend" owned user "abraham-vaio\abra ham". c:\windows\system32>cacls i:\$extend /g abraham:f sure (y/n)?y scheme cannot find file specified. c:\windows\system32>

    q1: why cacls couldn't see directory, while takeown could!?

    after that, utilize below python code :

    import win32api import win32con import win32security filename = "i:\\$extend" open (filename, "w").close () print "i am", win32api.getusernameex (win32con.namesamcompatible) sd = win32security.getfilesecurity (filename, win32security.owner_security_information) owner_sid = sd.getsecuritydescriptorowner () name, domain, type = win32security.lookupaccountsid (none, owner_sid) print "file owned %s\\%s" % (domain, name)

    and receive access denied 1 time again :

    >>> ================================ restart ================================ >>> traceback (most recent phone call last): file "c:\users\abraham\desktop\teste.py", line 6, in <module> open (filename, "w").close () ioerror: [errno 13] permission denied: 'i:\\$extend' >>>

    q2: python code equal takeown or alternative cacls?

    q3: why receive access denied,while run idle (and after python in command-line) administrator?

    last questions :

    q4: why can't open directory using windows explorer, while can open using winrar? windows restrict apis explorer available other softwares?

    by way, there way accomplish goal using python or c++ or ...? (hiding in $extend directory)

    in general, can access mft straight opening \.\physicaldrivex - underlying physical disk (x number of disk want open) - , parse disk directly, i.e. find partition offset master boot record, parse first ntfs sector , there find location of mft.

    there great open source sample of how parse mft in ntfsfastfind project, see here: http://home.comcast.net/~lang.dennis/console/ntfsfastfind/ntfsfastfind.html

    i recommend read ntfs internals here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc781134(v=ws.10).aspx http://ntfs.com/ntfs-mft.htm

    c++ python-2.7 ntfs access-denied cacls

    cuda - cuFFT output not correct -

    cuda - cuFFT output not correct -

    i have problem program:

    #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <cufft.h> #include <cucomplex.h> #define signal_size 1024 int main(int argc, char **argv) { cudaevent_t start, stop; cudaeventcreate(&start); cudaeventcreate(&stop); // allocate host memory signal cudoublecomplex *h_signal = (cudoublecomplex *) malloc(sizeof(cudoublecomplex) * signal_size); // initalize memory signal (unsigned int = 0; < signal_size; ++i) { if((double)i/signal_size>=0 && (double)i/signal_size<0.5) h_signal[i].x = (double)i/signal_size; else if((double)i/signal_size>=0.5 && (double)i/signal_size<1) h_signal[i].x = (double)i/signal_size-1; h_signal[i].y = 0; } // allocate device memory signal cudoublecomplex *d_signal; cudamalloc((void **) &d_signal, signal_size*sizeof(cudoublecomplex)); // re-create host memory device cudamemcpy(d_signal, h_signal, signal_size*sizeof(cudoublecomplex), cudamemcpyhosttodevice); cudaeventrecord(start, 0); cuffthandle plan; cufftplan1d(&plan, signal_size , cufft_c2c, 1); // fft computation cufftexecc2c(plan, (cufftcomplex *) d_signal, (cufftcomplex *) d_signal, cufft_forward); cufftexecc2c(plan, (cufftcomplex *) d_signal, (cufftcomplex *) d_signal, cufft_inverse); cudoublecomplex *h_signal_inv =(cudoublecomplex *) malloc(sizeof(cudoublecomplex) * signal_size); cudamemcpy(h_signal_inv, d_signal, sizeof(cudoublecomplex) * signal_size, cudamemcpydevicetohost); cudaeventrecord(stop, 0); cudaeventsynchronize(stop); float elapsedtime; cudaeventelapsedtime(&elapsedtime, start, stop); printf("elapsed time: %3.1f ms\n", elapsedtime); for(int i=0;i<signal_size;i++) printf("\n%f %f", h_signal[i].x, h_signal_inv[i].x); cufftdestroy(plan); free(h_signal); free(h_signal_inv); cudafree(d_signal); cudadevicereset(); homecoming 0; }

    i'd transform signal , come inverse, output wrong in first half.

    can help me find errors?

    thank much!

    you getting datatypes confused.

    cufftdoublecomplex not same cufftcomplex. when using cufftdoublecomplex, your transform type should z2z, not c2c.

    also, in order see info parity when doing forwards transform followed inverse transform using cufft, it's necessary split result signal size:

    cufft performs un-normalized ffts; is, performing forwards fft on input info set followed inverse fft on resulting set yields info equal input, scaled number of elements. scaling either transform reciprocal of size of info set left user perform seen fit.

    the next code has above issues addressed , should give improve results:

    #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <cufft.h> #include <cucomplex.h> #define signal_size 1024 int main(int argc, char **argv) { cudaevent_t start, stop; cudaeventcreate(&start); cudaeventcreate(&stop); // allocate host memory signal cudoublecomplex *h_signal = (cudoublecomplex *) malloc(sizeof(cudoublecomplex) * signal_size); // initalize memory signal (unsigned int = 0; < signal_size; ++i) { if((double)i/signal_size>=0 && (double)i/signal_size<0.5) h_signal[i].x = (double)i/signal_size; else if((double)i/signal_size>=0.5 && (double)i/signal_size<1) h_signal[i].x = (double)i/signal_size-1; h_signal[i].y = 0; } // allocate device memory signal cudoublecomplex *d_signal; cudamalloc((void **) &d_signal, signal_size*sizeof(cudoublecomplex)); // re-create host memory device cudamemcpy(d_signal, h_signal, signal_size*sizeof(cudoublecomplex), cudamemcpyhosttodevice); cudaeventrecord(start, 0); cuffthandle plan; cufftplan1d(&plan, signal_size , cufft_z2z, 1); // fft computation cufftexecz2z(plan, d_signal, d_signal, cufft_forward); cufftexecz2z(plan, d_signal, d_signal, cufft_inverse); cudoublecomplex *h_signal_inv =(cudoublecomplex *) malloc(sizeof(cudoublecomplex) * signal_size); cudamemcpy(h_signal_inv, d_signal, sizeof(cudoublecomplex) * signal_size, cudamemcpydevicetohost); cudaeventrecord(stop, 0); cudaeventsynchronize(stop); float elapsedtime; cudaeventelapsedtime(&elapsedtime, start, stop); printf("elapsed time: %3.1f ms\n", elapsedtime); for(int i=0;i<signal_size;i++) printf("\n%f %f", h_signal[i].x, h_signal_inv[i].x/signal_size); cufftdestroy(plan); free(h_signal); free(h_signal_inv); cudafree(d_signal); cudadevicereset(); homecoming 0; }

    cuda cufft

    java - ArrayAdapter is not updating -

    java - ArrayAdapter is not updating -

    i have started working on android app (i pretty new platform). trying write simple todo app larn how array adapters work.

    --so 1 time come in text in mytextview , press "enter", want text show in list view below. shown in image nil gets updated in list view. doing wrong here? please help.


    package com.niranjanbajgai.test; import android.app.activity; import android.os.bundle; import android.view.keyevent; import android.view.menu; import android.view.menuitem; import android.view.view; import android.widget.arrayadapter; import android.widget.edittext; import android.widget.listview; import java.util.arraylist; public class test extends activity { @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_test); //get reference ui widget. final listview mylistview = (listview) findviewbyid(r.id.mylistview); final edittext myedittext = (edittext) findviewbyid(r.id.myedittext); //create array list final arraylist<string> myarraylist = new arraylist<string>(); //create array adapter bind array list view final arrayadapter<string> myarrayadapter = new arrayadapter<string>( this, android.r.layout.simple_list_item_1, myarraylist); mylistview.setadapter(myarrayadapter); myedittext.setonkeylistener(new view.onkeylistener() { @override public boolean onkey(view view, int keycode, keyevent keyevent) { if(keyevent.getaction() == keyevent.action_down){ if(keycode == keyevent.keycode_enter){ myarraylist.add(0, myedittext.gettext().tostring()); myarrayadapter.notifydatasetchanged(); myedittext.settext(""); } homecoming true; } homecoming false; } }); } @override public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu) { // inflate menu; adds items action bar if present. getmenuinflater().inflate(r.menu.test, menu); homecoming true; } @override public boolean onoptionsitemselected(menuitem item) { // handle action bar item clicks here. action bar // automatically handle clicks on home/up button, long // specify parent activity in androidmanifest.xml. int id = item.getitemid(); if (id == r.id.action_settings) { homecoming true; } homecoming super.onoptionsitemselected(item); } }


    <linearlayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:orientation="vertical" tools:context=".test"> <edittext android:id="@+id/myedittext" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:hint="@string/additemhint"/> <listview android:id="@+id/mylistview" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"/> </linearlayout>

    you want validate content of edittext bottom right button of keyboard right?

    currently, button allows add together new line. think onkeylistener called when using hardware keyboard, that's why it's never called.

    to alter bottom right button, need alter imeoptions of edittext actiondone example.

    <edittext android:id="@+id/myedittext" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:hint="@string/additemhint" android:imeoptions="actiondone" />

    and can remove onkeylistener editoractionlistener :

    edittext.setoneditoractionlistener(new oneditoractionlistener() { @override public boolean oneditoraction(textview v, int actionid, keyevent event) { boolean handled = false; if (actionid == editorinfo.ime_action_done) { myarraylist.add(0, myedittext.gettext().tostring()); myarrayadapter.notifydatasetchanged(); myedittext.settext(""); handled = true; } homecoming handled; } });

    for more details on edittext , keyboard, can read documentation

    the rest of code looks , should work. replace height of listview match_parent (a listview should not wrapped).

    java android android-arrayadapter

    javascript - Does using a "Try Catch" when adding new code to delivered code create a safety margin? -

    javascript - Does using a "Try Catch" when adding new code to delivered code create a safety margin? -

    this more of conceptual question specifically, programming (currently) javascript file contains massive amount of delivered code (ie vendor supports delivered code , not our customizations).

    because essential delivered code always execute, method of encapsulating customized code try{} catch(e){} ensure if custom code fails, delivered code execute?

    i encapsulate every bit of custom code. if utilize delivered variable, assign custom var , 1 line assignment encapsulated in try{} catch(e){}.

    does method work? method overkill and/or how can improved?

    here do:

    //delivered code var global1 = true; var global2 = true; //my custom code try{ var custom_global3 = true; } catch(e){ console.error(e); } //more delivered code if(global1) dosomethingawesome(global2); //my custom code try{ makeitlessawesome(custom_global3); } catch(e){ console.error(e); }

    this grab run-time errors, not syntax errors @ parse time (or "early errors" in ecmascript terms). example,

    try { var foo = 1; } // oops.. } catch(e) { // never used }

    here, there's bracket mismatch, parser can't figure our try ends , catch begins. it's not possible try-catch grab parse error, because error beingness caused by malformed try-catch before code runs.

    another illustration of parse-time error invalid left-hand assignment, 4 = 5:

    try { 4=5; } catch(e) { /* never used */ }

    a perchance improve approach (depending on how code structured) place custom code in separate files or <script> tags. syntax error stop entire script file (or <script> section) running, if other code in totally different file/<script>, that's not problem.

    finally, awful solution place of custom code within of strings in eval statements, , place eval statements try-catch blocks:

    try { eval("4=5;") } catch(e) { console.log(e); // caught error... @ cost?? }

    eval bad, in terms of performance, because you've stopped parse , run exclusively new script, whereas normal code outside of eval parsed on first pass of parser else. avoid solution if @ possible. (eval bad in terms of security, that's issue if dynamically build code strings, var v = "alert('reallybad')"; eval("var foo = " + v);. don't dynamically build code strings!)

    javascript performance integration-testing robustness

    python - Unable to get proper timestamp ranges -

    python - Unable to get proper timestamp ranges -

    i hoping generate range of timestamps between:

    18:00 (est) on oct 6th, 2014

    and same time 400 seconds later interval size of 2.2 seconds.

    getting start , end dates:

    when following:

    start_time = datetime.datetime(year = 2014, month = 10, day = 6, hr = 18, tzinfo = pytz.timezone('us/eastern')) end_time = start_time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=400)

    something seems fail:

    start_time.isoformat() returns '2014-10-06t18:06:40-04:56' end_time.isoformat() returns '2014-10-06t18:06:40-04:56'

    note time-zone offset both timestamps above are: -04:56 (4 hours , 56 minutes) though est 5 hours behind utc. ?

    getting time range:

    moving forward, if seek range of timestamps between these 2 dates every 2.2 seconds (i.e. 2200 ms):

    ts = pd.date_range(start=start_time, end=end_time, freq='2200l')

    i get:

    > ts[0] timestamp('2014-10-06 18:56:00-0400', tz='us/eastern', offset='2200l')

    or in other words:

    > ts[0].isoformat() '2014-10-06t18:56:00-04:00'

    which not create sense (note time 18:56, though asking range between 18:00 , 18:06:40 (i.e. 400 seconds after 18:00)

    i got tired of dealing python's awkward datetime implementation (particularly respect timezones), , have started using crsmithdev.com/arrow. solution using lib:

    import arrow start_time = arrow.get(2014, 10, 6, tzinfo='us/eastern') end_time = start_time.replace(seconds=400) print start_time.isoformat() print end_time.isoformat() # alternate form start_time = arrow.get('2014-10-06t18:00:00.000-04:00') end_time = start_time.replace(seconds=400) print start_time.isoformat() print end_time.isoformat() # datetime arrow object start_time_dt = start_time.datetime

    python pandas

    python - py2exe or pyinstaller fail to include jaraco.util -

    python - py2exe or pyinstaller fail to include jaraco.util -

    i have little python script irc needs jaraco.util function. requirement release binary on windows i've tried py2exe , pyinstaller.

    i using winpython-64bit-

    i have experience py2exe previous projects, tried 'includes' alternative without success. error pretty much standard:

    importerror: no module named jaraco

    or jaraco.util etc. if seek include via setup.py py2exe build.

    'includes': [ 'jaraco.util', 'irc', 'configparser', ],

    normally should auto-detect dependencies if leave without include build exe fail execute similar error:

    traceback (most recent phone call last) file "irc\client.pyc", line 67, in <module> importerror: no module named jaraco.util.itertools

    in winpython site-packages have:

    jaraco jaraco.timing-1.0-py2.7-nspkg.pth jaraco.timing-1.0-py2.7.egg-info jaraco.util-10.6-py2.7-nspkg.pth jaraco.util-10.6-py2.7.egg-info

    i tried reinstall jaraco.util , re-create manually after build still not work.

    i've searched on-line solution @ to the lowest degree couple of hours no avail. i'm trying here maybe guys have run similar issues (or maybe i'm doing wrong...)

    thank you

    i think problem jaraco installed via easy_install jaraco.util, creating python eggs, aren't supported py2exe, detailed faq.

    try specifying flag --always-unzip alternative easy_install.

    python py2exe importerror pyinstaller

    email issue with spring and java mail api -

    email issue with spring and java mail api -

    my application running in websphere 6.1 in aix box, in there email notification module works fine till today. same application getting migrated tomcat based cloud platform running in linux server. emails getting sent out new linux based platform intended recipients, email looking weird no subject, no recipient email address, attachments not proper, etc.

    previously ant-based build , build project maven. , tried maintain same versions of spring , mail service api jars.

    what issue , doing wrong here? there no exceptions while sending email , hard identify issue. appreciate help , in advance.


    public synchronized void sendwithattachment(mailmessage mailmessage) throws mailexception, messagingexception { string methodname = "sendwithattachment"; logmanager.info(logconstants.notification, constants.entering_method + methodname, this.getclass()); try{ mailsender mailsender = (mailsender) mailsender; session session = mailsender.getsession(); mimemessagehelper message = new mimemessagehelper(new mimemessage(session), true, "utf-8"); message.setfrom(mailmessage.getfrom()); message.setto(mailmessage.getto()); message.setsubject(mailmessage.getsubject()); message.setsentdate(new date()); message.settext(mailmessage.gettext()); diskfileattacher[] diskfileattachments = mailmessage.getdiskfileattachments(); (int = 0; ((diskfileattachments != null) && < diskfileattachments.length); i++) { message.addattachment(diskfileattachments[i].getattachmentfilename(), new file(diskfileattachments[i].getfilepath())); } inmemoryfileattacher[] inmemoryfileattachments = mailmessage.getinmemoryfileattachments(); (int = 0; ((inmemoryfileattachments != null) && < inmemoryfileattachments.length); i++) { if(inmemoryfileattachments[i].getfileobj()!=null){ message.addattachment(inmemoryfileattachments[i].getfilename(), inmemoryfileattachments[i].getfileobj() ); }else{ message.addattachment(inmemoryfileattachments[i].getfilename(), inmemoryfileattachments[i]); } } list mimemessagelist = new arraylist(); mimemessagelist.add(message.getmimemessage()); mimemessage[] mimemessages = (mimemessage[]) mimemessagelist.toarray(new mimemessage[mimemessagelist.size()]); logmanager.info(logconstants.notification,"before mailsender.send called " + methodname, this.getclass()); mailsender.send(mimemessages); }catch(mailexception e){ logmanager.info(logconstants.notification, "some exception occured while sending emails...", this.getclass()); }

    check version of javamail you're using. if you're including javamail jar file in application, there may re-create of gnu version of javamail on linux scheme that's beingness used instead of yours. libgnumail-java package.

    spring email smtp javamail email-attachments