Saturday, 15 September 2012

html - Table - vertical numbering using PHP for cycle -

I have to do something in PHP for "cycle" which will generate a table with vertical counting cells. Here's the image:

Looking back again: < / P>

  & lt ;? Php $ col = 4; Number of columns you want $ line = 5; The number of the desired lines // resonates is "table"; \ n "; For {$ I = 1; $ i & lt; $ RA + 1; $ i ++} {resonant " \ n"; ($ C = 0; $ c & lt; $ col; $ c ++) {resonant "& lt; td> ($ I + ($ c * $ line)). "& Lt; / td> \ n"; } Echo "& lt; / tr & gt; \ n"; } Echo " \ n"? & Gt;  

jquery - Prevent click event to fire when clicked within element, including any and all of its children elements -

I have a script that opens a certain element and closes an overlay where there is a black background (such as When clicking on the video) and when the user clicks anywhere on the black, the overlay will be closed. However, if the user clicks on the inner container, or any element should be open.

If I click any child, the internal container stops in my script. How to stop it?

  docu = $ (document), quot = $ ('. Quot;), quot_over = $ ('. Quote_overlay '), quot_cont = $ ('. Quote_container '); (function) {quot_over.toggle (1, function) { (function) {var target = $ (; if (! (quot_cont)) {quot_over Hide (); docu.unbind ('click');}});});});  

I'm not sure why you are in this line:

< P> quot_over.toggle (1, function)

But before clicking, clicking on it immediately closes, so you have to remove it.

Second, you are only checking if the click is on quote_container , and is not checked whether it is on any children of quote_container .

Working JSFined:

php - Why am I not getting the dates I have chosen? -

I have a form that allows the user to input two dates but date 1970-01-01 . Any help?


  here & lt; Td> & Lt; Label = "date_1" & gt; Date as Date / MM / yyyy (date_1) & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Input name = "date_1" type = "text" class = "big" id = "date_1" value = "" size = "12" />  

Here's my PHP:

  $ first = $ _REQUEST ["date_1"]; $ Sec = $ _REQUEST ["date_2"]; $ F_date = Date ('Y-M-D', stratoum ($ first)); $ S_date = Date ('Y-M-D', Straighttoem ($ sec)); If (isset ($ _ GET ["submit"])) {echo $ f_date; Echo & lt; Br / & gt; '; Echo $ s_date;  


  echo date time :: createFromFormat ('D / m / y', $ date) - & gt; Format ('ym-d');  

Error reading value of Google sheets cell using python module gspread -

सेल खोलने तक मेरा कोड है:

  आयात करें gspread gc = gspread। लॉगिन (' ',' xxxxxxxxx ') sh = gc.open_by_url (' ') वर्कशीट = sh.sheet1  
< P> सबकुछ यहां तक ​​ठीक लगता है:

  val = worksheet.acell ('C4')  

जो इस त्रुटि को देता है:

  ट्रेसबैक (सबसे हाल का कॉल अंतिम): फ़ाइल "& lt; pyshell # 14" gt; लाइन 1, & lt; मॉड्यूल & gt; Val = worksheet.acell ('C4') फ़ाइल "सी: \ पायथन 34 \ lib \ site-packages \ gspread \", पंक्ति 307, acell return self.cell (* (self.get_int_addr (label)) में) फ़ाइल "C: \ Python34 \ lib \ site-packages \ gspread \", पंक्ति 323, सेल में self._cell_addr (पंक्ति, कॉल)) फ़ाइल "C: \ Python34 \ lib \ site-packages \ gspread \ client .pi ", लाइन 262, get_cells_cell_id_feed r = self.session.get (url) में फ़ाइल" C: \ Python34 \ lib \ site-packages \ gspread \ ", पंक्ति 79, वापसी प्राप्त करें self.request (' GET ', url, ** kwargs) फ़ाइल "C: \ Python34 \ lib \ site-packages \ gspread \", पंक्ति 71, में स्वयं। कनेक्शन [uri.scheme + uri.netloc] .request (विधि , Url, data, headers = request_headers) फ़ाइल "C: \ Python34 \ lib \ http \", पंक्ति 1088, अनुरोध self._send_request (विधि, url, body, headers) फ़ाइल "C: \ Python34 \ lib \ Http \ ", लाइन 1116, _send_request self.putrequest (method, url, ** skips) फ़ाइल में" C: \ Python34 \ lib \ http \ ", पंक्ति 9 64, पुटरेक्स्ट बढ़ाएं CannotSend अनुरोध (स्वयं .__ राज्य) http.client.CannotSendRequest: अनुरोध-भेजा गया  

सेल पढ़ने पर कोई भी युक्तियां?

javascript - How do I submit user-inputted data and reflect it in a vertical table? -

I am making a beginning and I am trying to write a simple program based on the previous invoice amount Calculates late fees on / payments. I have been stumped in the initial part of this project and basically where I am trying to start, the user is assuming the inverted and showing me in my table below, for some reason I can not understand this I am You can see what I have done so far:

This is the code I'm away from:

   & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" /> & Lt; Meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1" /> & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "style.css" & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Function addRow () {var table = document.getElementByID ("result"); Var line = document.createElement ("tr"); Var td1 = document.createElement ("td"); Var td2 = document.createElement ("td"); Var td3 = document.createElement ("td"); Td1.inner HTML = document.getElementByID ("Invoice Amount"). Values; Td2.innerHTML = document.getElementByID ("Previous Balance"). Values; Td3.innerHTML = document.getElementByID ("Payment Adjustment") value; Row.appendChild (TD1); Row.appendChild (TD2); Row.appendChild (td3); Table.children [0] .appendChild (line); } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Form & gt; Invoice amount: & lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "number" id = "invoice mount" & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Br> Last balance: & lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "number" id = "previous balance" & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Br> Payment / Adjustment: & lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "number" id = "payment adjustment" & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "submit" onclick = "addRow ()" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Table range = "1" id = "result" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Total Invoice Amount & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Data & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Previous balance & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Data & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Payment / Adjustment & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Data & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Late fees & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Data & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Balance (amount set) & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Data & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt;  

OK, there are two reasons.

First of all, the "Document.getElementByID" call should be "document. GetElementById" (lower-case D).

However, in order to actually stop submitting your application and reloading the page (and table in clearing data in your case), you can add a 'return false;' At the end of your addRow () function, it will look like this:

  function addRow () {var table = document.getElementById ("result"); Var line = document.createElement ("tr"); Var td1 = document.createElement ("td"); Var td2 = document.createElement ("td"); Var td3 = document.createElement ("td"); Td1.innerHTML = Document. GetElementById ("invoicemount"). Values; Td2.innerHTML = document.getElementById ("Previous Balance"). value; Td3.innerHTML = document.getElementById ("payment adjustment"). Values; Row.appendChild (TD1); Row.appendChild (TD2); Row.appendChild (td3); Table.children [0] .appendChild (line); return false; }  

Then your input tag will look like this:

  & lt; Input type = "submit" value = "submit" onclick = "return addRow ();" & gt;  

Hope that helps!

math - Reducing equations using R -

I got this small snippet to reduce a large system:

  # Set up Multiplier g1 = (s + 9) / (s) * (s + 6) * (s + 12) * (s + 14)) g2 = ((6) * (s + 9) * (s + 17)) / / ((S + 12) * (s + 32) * (s + 68)) h1 = 13 h2 = 1 / (s + 7) # System s1 = (g2) / (1 + (g2 ) * (H1)) S2 = (S1) * (G1) S3 = (S2) / (1 + (S2) * (H2)) # Now we have Unity Response G = S 3 Show (g)  

g should low operation should be done with the above action However, when I run the code The I get a bunch of errors:

  error: object 'not found' error: object 'not found error: object' not found error: object 'g2' not found Error: object 's1 'Not found error: object' s2 'not found error: object' 3 'not found error: error in evaluating argument' object 'in the method to select function' show ': Error: object' g 'was not found  

am I Although I am not correctly using equations?

Edit: As my intent should be s free variable

To evaluate your first line of code, one object must be s it is already defined.

It seems that your goal is to create a function that outputs an input s to g . make_g :

  make_g & lt; - Function (s) {# Multipliers to set up g1 = (9 + 9), / (S) * (S +6) * (S +12) * (S +14)) G2 = (( 6) * (S + 9) * (S + 17)) / ((S + 12) (S + 32) * (s + 68)) h1 = 13 h2 = 1 / (s + 7) # System s1 = (G2) / (1 + (g2) * (h1)) in s2 = (S1) * (g1) s3 = (s2) / (1 + (s2) * (h2)) now we have unity feedback = S3g}  

Now, you can call the function using whatever value for s :

  Make_g (s = 1)  

javascript - SOLVED - Not getting a response on MDN AJAX example -

I used to first interact with PHP using AJX (for the first time using Javascript for any significant degree) Tried and did not get any success, so I tried to start the basics using a Mozilla Developer Network example as a test:

Example -

This or So it does not work, though I stick it directly by copying it from the site Only one change (setting URL on my test page, running on XAMPP) When I click on the button to run the MDN script, the resulting output is a problem with the "request" warning.

I am using Fayrbg for test results, and it displays a "200 OK" code to the position if I do not script I understand correctly, is it an error message needed?

The code from the example (with the code being used with the Foundation framework, this case is in any way):

   Doctype html & gt; & Lt; Html class = "no-js" lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta charset = "UTF-8" /> & Lt; Meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1.0" /> & Lt; Title & gt; Foundation | Welcome & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css / foundation.css" /> & Lt; Script src = "js / vendor / modernizr.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Span id = "ajaxbutton" style = "cursor: indicator; text-decoration: underline" & gt; Request & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / vendor / jquery.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / foundation.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; (Function () {var httpRequest; document.getElementById ( "ajaxbutton"). Onclick = function () {makeRequest ( 'http: // localhost: 8000 / pages / test.html');}} function Mekandest (url) { If (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// Mozilla, Safari, ... httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest ();} if (window.ActiveXObject) {// IE {httpRequest = new ActiveXObject ( "Msxml2.XMLHTTP");} catch (e) {httpRequest = new ActiveXObject ( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP");} catch (e) {}}} if (! HttpRequest) {alert ( 'Hoist :( can not create an XMLHTTP instance'); return false; } httpRequest.onreadystatechange = alertContents; ( 'GET', url); httpRequest.send ();} function alerts the contents () {if (httpRequest.readyState === 4) {if (httpRequest.status == = 200) {Warning (ht tpRequest.responseText);} else had a problem with {alert ( 'request.');}}}}) (); & Lt; / script & gt; & Lt; / body & gt;  < / Pre> 

And here I have created the code for the test HTML page:

   doctype html> gt; & lt; html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta charset = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Untitled document & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; Test & lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt;  

Where am I going?

Edit - Referring to the basic PHP script I tried to use a modified version of the MDN script originally on it but could not get it working:

< Pre> & lt ;? Php required ('include /'); Requirement (MYSQL); $ U = Null; $ P = NULL; $ U = mysqli_real_escape_string ($ dbc, $ _GET ['username']); $ P = mysqli_real_escape_string ($ dbc, $ _GET ['password']); $ Q = "Select user from user where user name (user name = '$ U' and password = SHA1 ('$ p')) is active and"; $ R = mysqli_query ($ dbc, $ q) or trigger_error ("query: $ q \ n
MySQL error:". Mysqli_error ($ dbc)); If (@misschool_num_roose ($ r) == 1) {// a match was made $ A = 'true'; Print json_encode ($ a); } And {// no match was made $ A = 'false'; Print json_encode ($ a); }? & Gt; Second Editing - Thanks for the suggestion about console logs, this did what I needed to do to enable everyone and now it works fine.

android - My App won't be shown in the Google Analytics Live View -

Even after waiting for 10 minutes my app will not appear in Google Analytics Live View However, if I have any other app If the property ID is used, then it works. Has anyone experienced similar issues?

For the live view, you must install an APK signed with the same key. Then it will work with analytical.

Because for some time he is not working with the unsigned APK.

I hope this will work.

python - globals() vs locals() mutability -

पायथन में, ग्लोबल्स () वैश्विक प्रतीक तालिका का एक प्रतिनिधित्व देता है, जबकि स्थानीय () स्थानीय राज्य का एक प्रतिनिधित्व देता है जबकि दोनों एक शब्दकोश लौटते हैं, जबकि ग्लोबल्स () में परिवर्तन वैश्विक प्रतीक तालिका में होते हैं, जबकि स्थानीय लोगों () में कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता।

क्यों यह मामला है?

फ़ंक्शन स्थानीय लोगों को अत्यधिक अनुकूलित और संकलन समय पर निर्धारित किया जाता है, CPython नहीं बनाता है ज्ञात स्थानीय लोगों को रनटाइम पर गतिशील रूप से बदलने में सक्षम है।

फ़ंक्शन बाइटकोक को डीकोड करते समय आप इसे देख सकते हैं:

 > gt; & gt; आयात वि & gt; & gt; & gt; Def foo (): ... a = 'bar' ... एक + 'baz' वापस ... ... & gt; & gt; & gt; Dis.dis (foo) 2 0 LOAD_CONST 1 ('बार') 3 STORE_FAST 0 (ए) 3 6 LOAD_FAST 0 (ए) 9 LOAD_CONST 2 ('बाज़') 12 BINARY_ADD 13 रिटर्न_वॉल   <पी > और ओपरोड वैल्यू लोड और स्टोर करने के लिए  इंडेक्स  का उपयोग करते हैं, क्योंकि किसी फ़्रेम पर स्थानीय लोगों को एक सरणी के रूप में कार्यान्वित किया जाता है। सरणी पर पहुँच एक हैश तालिका (शब्दकोश), जैसे वैश्विक नामस्थान के लिए उपयोग किए जाने की तुलना में तेज़ है।  

स्थानीय () फ़ंक्शन, फ़ंक्शन में उपयोग किए जाने पर, तब एक शब्दकोष के रूप में इस सरणी के प्रतिबिंब देता है लोकल () शब्द बदलने से फिर से उस सरणी में वापस नहीं आ जाएगा।

पायथन 2 में, यदि आप exec का उपयोग करते हैं, तो कोड तो अनुकूलन (आंशिक रूप से) टूटा हुआ है; पायथन उस मामले में धीमा का उपयोग करता है:

  & gt; & gt; & gt; डीफ़ बार (कोड): ... निष्पाद कोड ... वापस एक + 'बाज़' ... ... & gt; & gt; & gt; Dis.dis (बार) 2 0 LOAD_FAST 0 (कोड) 3 LOAD_CONST 0 (कोई नहीं) 6 DUP_TOP 7 EXEC_STMT 3 8 LOAD_NAME 0 (ए) 11 LOAD_CONST 1 ('बाज़') 14 BINARY_ADD 15 रिटर्न_वॉल   

यह भी देखें कि exec () (Py3 में एक फ़ंक्शन) आपको स्थानीय नामों को अब सेट करने की अनुमति नहीं देता है:

स्थानीय लोगों को संशोधित करने के लिए कई परिणामों के बिना मक्खी पर काम संभव नहीं है: आम तौर पर, फ़ंक्शन स्थानीय लोगों को एक शब्दकोश में संग्रहीत नहीं किया जाता है, लेकिन एक सरणी, जिसका सूचकांक ज्ञात लोकेल से समय के संकलन पर निर्धारित होता है। यह कम से कम स्थानीय लोगों के साथ मिलकर चलाता है। पुराने एल्ड कथन ने इस पर खरा उतरा, क्योंकि कंपाइलर जानता था कि यदि कोई फ़ंक्शन बिना ग्लोब / लोकल एजीएल फ़ंक्शन में होता है, तो वह नाम स्थान "अनोपेटिज्ड" होगा, अर्थात स्थानीय एरे का उपयोग नहीं करना। Since exec ( ) अब एक सामान्य कार्य है, संकलक नहीं जानता कि "exec" क्या बाध्य हो सकता है, और इसलिए विशेष रूप से इसका इलाज नहीं कर सकता।

algorithmic trading - MT4 export script -

मेटाट्रेडर से csv फ़ाइल में निम्न MQL4 स्क्रिप्ट निर्यात डेटा । दुर्भाग्य से (मेरे लिए कम से कम), जेनरेट किए गए csv फ़ाइल में 0 से 1000 तक के डेटा का क्रम, 0 सबसे अतीत (अतीत से मौजूद) है। मैं चाहता हूं कि फ़ाइल को 1000 से 0 (पिछले से वर्तमान में) सॉर्ट किया जाए।

मैंने नीचे डेटा लिखने के लूप को बदल दिया है: के लिए (int bar = export_Bars; bar == 0 बार- ) परन्तु यह सिर्फ एक खाली csv फ़ाइल उत्पन्न करता है।

  #property script_show_inputs इनपुट स्ट्रिंग Export_FileName = "data \\ data.csv"; इनपुट इंक Export_Bars = 20000; इनपुट इंट स्टार्टहौर = 10; इनपुट इंट एंडहोअर = 1 9; शून्य ऑनस्टार्ट () {इंट फाइल = फाइल ओपन (निर्यात_फ़ाइलनाम, FILE_WRITE | FILE_CSV | FILE_ANSI, ','); अगर (फ़ाइल! = INVALID_HANDLE & amp; amp; (घंटा ()> gt; = प्रारंभ करें) & amp; amp; घंटे () & lt; EndHour) {// डेटा स्ट्रिंग row = "" का शीर्षक लिखें; (इंट आई = 0; आई & lt; = 5; i ++) के लिए (यदि (स्ट्रिंग लेज़न (पंक्ति)) पंक्ति + = ","; पंक्ति + = "ओपन" + i + ", उच्च" + i + ", कम" + i + ", बंद करें" + i; } FileWrite (फ़ाइल, पंक्ति); // इतिहास की सभी आवश्यक जानकारी कॉपी करें Mql दर दरों [], दर; Int count = Export_Bars + 5; यदि (प्रतिलिपि (प्रतीक (), अवधि (), 1, गणना, दर) & lt; count) {प्रिंट ("त्रुटि! आवश्यक जानकारी निर्यात करने के लिए पर्याप्त इतिहास आकार नहीं।"); वापसी; } ArraySetAsSeries (दर, सत्य); // के लिए डेटा लिखें (इंट बार = 0; बार & lt; Export_Bars; बार ++) {row = ""; डबल ज़लेवल = 0; के लिए (int y = 0; y और lt; = 5; y ++) {यदि (स्ट्रिंगलैन (पंक्ति)) पंक्ति + = ","; दर = दरें [बार + y]; यदि (y == 0) zlevel =; // मूल्य गणना पंक्ति का स्तर + = सामान्यीकृत दोहरा (दर। ओपन-एक्लेवल, अंक ()) + "," + सामान्यीकृत दोहरा (दर हाइ-ज़लेले, अंकों ()) + "," + सामान्यीकृत दोहरा (दर। कम -ज़ेलेवल , अंक ()) + "," + सामान्यीकृत डबल (दर। क्लोज़-ज़लेवल, अंक ()); } FileWrite (फ़ाइल, पंक्ति); } फाइल क्लोज़ (फ़ाइल); प्रिंट ("डेटा का निर्यात सफलतापूर्वक समाप्त हो गया है।"); } और प्रिंट ("त्रुटि! डेटा निर्यात के लिए फ़ाइल बनाने में विफल।", GetLastError ()); }  

अतः वर्तमान क्रम में डेटा को निर्यात करने के क्रम में स्क्रिप्ट पर क्या बदलाव किए जा रहे हैं मेरे प्रश्न?

एक टाइम रिवर्स-इटरेटर स्टेपिंग के लिए लूप कन्स्ट्रक्टर को बदलें:

 < कोड> के लिए (इंट बार = निर्यात_Bars - 1; // .LOOP-INIT (एस) बार & gt; = 0; // .LOOP-RUN-PRE-CONDITION बार - // .लिप-आरयूएन-पोस्ट-अपडेट ( S)) {...} // .LOOP-RUN-BODY  

c++ - Access QList<T> from qml -

I want to access QML from QML. Here is a sample code

  class A; Class B: Public QObject {... Q_INVOKABLE QQmlListProperty & lt; A & gt; Read (); ... Private: QList & lt; A * & gt; Lst; }  

I am using reference property to access the object of qml in class B. Any sample code I can access in qml will be useful

You will see the Q_DECLARE_METATYPE (A *) will need to be able to wrap it in a QVariant for use in QML

but to just reference it and pass it to QML is.

If you have to code as a CML, it must inherit QObject and execute properties, slots and such.

How can you implement QQmlListProperty here:

In addition to this, if QObject is too heavy for you and in them If you have a lot, you always get a QObject non- QObject to be used as a controller, but is still registered as a MetaType type.

  class A {public: int a; }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE (A *) Class AROCO: Public QObject {Q_OBJECT Public Slot: QVariant aVar} {return aVar.value & lt; A * & gt; () - & gt; A; } Zero set A (QVariant aVar, int v) {aVar.value & lt; A * & gt; () - & gt; A = v; }};  

In this way you do not have the limitations of size overhead and QObject for every object in the list, and instead using a controller to access the data Although, in your case, you can use B to act as both container and controller proxy for low performance.

jquery - cells function on handsontable -

This is my first question, I decided to write because I'm getting mad with it.

I am working on the jQuery handset and am trying to set the color of the specific column. The problem with this is that this column does not have the same index, because the data is loaded from the database. Well, I suppose that when I start the Handscentable, I can do it with a cell function

  cell: function (line, cola, prop) {var CellProperties = {}; If (Prop === "Matsyueview") {cellProperties.renderer = totalresenderer; // uses straightforward function} Return cell receptors; }  

The question is. If I have a column defined with the data: can "matsvalue" refer to it with prop parameter?

The renderer is working on this if I do this,

  cells: function (row, col, prop) {var cellProperties = {}; If (line === 5) {cellProperties.renderer = totalresenderer; // uses straightforward function} Return cell receptors; }  

Row number 5 takes the renderer

I get the database by pushing the column into a JS object and pushing it into handy columns.

  var col2 = new object (); = "matsvalue"; Col2.title = "matte value"; Col2.width = "200"; Col2.readOnly = "true"; Col2.renderer = Presenter to Total;  

This takes the data and title, but the width is read-only and the renderer option is not working.

Look at the documentation because you have almost it, instead of cells, you have columns Should be used because you want to add color to the whole column, in that case, you can give each column a renderer so that you can check on the creation of this column object only once.

I think what you should do is note that on the green renderer where "top level" heading "matsvalue" appears, so if it is provided in some other place, then it Always sets the green renderer in the column with the title "matsvalue".

ruby on rails - Rspec & Factory Girl: No route matches -

On a difficult journey to learn TDD with Exxpe, I did an error while testing the process of creating a controller for nested object Seen Comments are related to a post . I have not found any luck to find answers on stack overflow. Even I have so far away.



  is required 'rails_helper' 'Shoulda-matchers' RSPC comment comments comment moderator, type => : Controllers first describe the 'create #GET': each @ post = factorial.Scent (post) Posted: Make, Comment: Attribute_for ((Comment, Post_ID: @ Post) In the end it 'makes a comment' Expecting (for comments) AEC (1) end and end  

failed. Failures: 1) Comments Controller # Gate Creates a Comment Failure / Error: Post: Create, Comment: Attributes_for (: Comment, Post_ID: Post) Action Controller :: URL Generation Error: No root matches {: action = & gt; "Create" ,: comment => {: Name = & gt; "MyStrin" :: Body = & gt; "MyText" ,: post_id = & gt; "1"} ,: Controller = & gt; "Comments"} # ./spec/controllers/comments_controller_spec.rb:9:in 'Block (Level 3) & lt; Top (required) & gt; '


class commentsControler & lt; ApplicationController def can create @post = (param [: id]) @ comment = @ post (comment_prim) redirect @post and private df comment on param params.quare (comment). Permit (: name, body) End of End


  Route 'Post # Index' resource: Post resources are: Comments end  

rake routes

  ☹ rake routes prefix verb URI pattern controller # # Index Post_Mentts Received / Post /: Post_ID / Comment (.: Format) Comments # Index Post / Post / Post: / Post_ID / Comments (. Format:) Comments # Create new_post_comment GET /posts/.post_id/comments/new((.:format) Comments # New Edit_ Post_tamet Received / Post / Postpost_id / comments /: id / edit (.: Format) Comments # Edit post_comment GET / posts /.post_id/comments/:id(.:format) Comments # Show patch / posts / post :_it_id / comtem :((.format) Comments # Update / Post / Post: post_id / comments /: id (.: Format) Comments # Update Delit / Posts / Posts / Added / Comments /: Id (.: Format) Comments # Delete Posts Posts Obtain (.: Format) Post # Index Post / Post (. Format:) Post # Create News Post GET /posts/new(.:format) Post # New edit_post GET /posts/:id/edit(.:format ) Post # Edit Post / Post / :(((.:format) Post # Show Patch / Post /: ID (.: Format) Post # Update PUT /posts/:id(.:format) Post # Update Delay / Post / :( (.: Format) Post # Delete  

The problem is that You are sending parameters like this:

 : comment = & gt; {: Name = & gt; "MyString" ,: body = & gt; "MyText" ,: post_id = & gt; "1"}  

should be:

 : comment = & gt; {: Name = & gt; "MyString",: body = & gt; "MyText"} ,: post_id = & gt; "1"  

This route will be searched correctly.


  Posted: Create, comment: attributes_for (: comment, post_ id: @ post)  

To: @ post = post.find (params [: post_id])

string - Python Challenge level 17 in Python 3 -

I have just started playing. If it is quite complex, the essential coding is not very difficult, which makes very useful modules very interesting.

My question is about level 17. As was required in level 4, while collecting cookies, which I did, I can not compress the BZ2-decompress string that I get.

I tried Googling, and found a good blog with the solution in Python 2. Specifically, while analyzing one of the 17 for the level 17, I realized that I actually get the compressed string (from the cookies) and it gets dealt properly in Python 2:

  bz2.decompress (urllib.unquote_plus (compressed))  

However, in bz2.decompress Python 3 requires a byte array instead of a string But the clear Pyrens 3 equivalent of the above line:

  bz2.decompress (urllib.parse.unquote_plus (message) .encode ("utf8"))  

OSError: Valid data stream fails . I tried all the above and some forms, but to no avail.

Even my (non-working) solution is up to now:

  #! / Usr / Bin / env python3 "" "Python Challenge # 17: It is similar to # 4 and it actually uses its solution. The cookie of the page says, "You should + follow + + + busiasing ...", then we use the word "busing" from # 4 and read cookies Follow the series. "" "Import urllib.request, Import Urlib.parse import again bz2 nothing =" 12345 "last_cookie = no message =" "while correct: shi Title = dict () if last_cookie: headings ["cookie"] = last_cokai r = urllib.request.reequest ("http: / Urlib.request.urlopen (r) with U: last_cookie = u.getheader (" Set-Cookie ") With /" + nothing, headers = headers = m = re-match (r "info = (. *?);", Last) if I : Message + = Mg. Freeze (1) text = u.rad (). Decode ("UTF 8") print ("{}> gt>> {}}. Format (nothing, text)) m = (r" \ d + $ ", text) Effort: Except print (e) print ("cookies message:", message) print ("decoded:", bez 2.decpress (none) = str (int ( (0)) except the exception. Urllib.parse.unquote_plus (message) .encode ("utf8")))  

So, my question is: How does a Python 3 solution look for the above problem and why My job is not as expected?

I know very well that some parts of it can be done more thoroughly. I was going for a quick and dirty solution, so my interest is only that it works ( And why not I did it up).

You need to use here. It does not support space mapping to + , but it has worked almost exclusively with str.replace () :

  Urllib.parse.unquote_to_bytes (message.replace ('+', '% 20'))  

This then decompresses well then you can decode the e uncompressed string as ASCII In:

  print ("decoded:", bz2.decompress (urllib.parse.unquote_to_bytes (message.replace ('+', '% 20')).) Decoded (' ASCI '))  

I do not remove the demo using a different message Am ready for:

  & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import bz2 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import urllib.parse & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Other _ Message = 'BJ-91Ai% 26Sy% 80% F4C% E8% 00% 00% 02% 13% 80% 40% 00% 04% 00% 22% E3% 8C% 00 +% 00% 22% 004% d% 40% D04% 0C% B7% 3B% E6h% B1AIM% 3D% 5E.% E4% 8 AP% A1% 21% 01% E8% 87% D0 '& gt; & Gt; & Gt; BZ2.decompress (urllib.parse.unquote_to_bytes (another_message.replace ('+', '% 20')). Decode ('ascii') 'This Message Not'  
< / Html>

ios7 - XCode 6.1, Autolayout & Size Classes- issues on iOS 7 and not on iOS 8 -

I have encountered a strange problem. First of all, it happened on an app when I set several width to equal width and similar pioneering \ trailing obstacles. Everything worked fine on iOS 8.x but on iOS 7.x I noticed that the sequential blockage of the last scene disappeared.

It was not a big deal, but now I have a big problem. I am working on a new application and a special feature is chatting with the user. I have set up two possible table cells (incoming messages and outgoing messages). There is a UITextView to keep the text in each cell (this link and phone number need to be identified) The textview size depends on the content text And depending on the size of the size of "bubble". Again, works perfectly on iOS 8.x !!! sweet! And then ... iOS 7.x fails to do it! Without a visible reason, texts are being reduced, the words are disappearing and there is no place to break the line. I do not have any implementation that adjusts the size of the text view ... it's all autolayout based.

How can I fix this I have searched for an answer, but I do not even know how to describe it. help? to anyone?


One day was there :) Thanks for the reply ...

An image of the obstacles I have established is .. ..


Hidden = "false">

  - (CGFloat) height {CGRect rect = [self.body BoundingRectWithSize: CGSizeMake (210.0, CGFLOAT_MAX) Options: NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin Features: @ {NSFontAttributeName: [UIFont fontWith Name: @ "OpenSanus" Size: 15.0]} Reference: Zero]; Return rect.size.height + kCellHeightDelta; }  

I do not want to use someone else's library, no matter how good it is. What is my client's desire for what he wants and will spend more time in it for this, what is right for this project, what is missing me without copying any other implementation, but I am truly grateful . In OS7, cell layout requires a handful of hands to get the cell.

heightForRowAtIndexPath .

Size class is not defined in size class as prototype cells created with additional dequeueCellWithIdentifier .

The following discussion is a clear solution to the mechanism of links and issues to deal with size sections and manual cell height calculations.

ios - Why does Selector exist in swift -

Why did Apple choose to continue using the selector type, fully enabled of Swift Instead of doing this:

  UILongPressGestureRecognizer (target: auto, verb: "showSomething:")  

Anyone can do this:

  UILAnotherGetter Detector (Show Some)  

And if you have a representative:

  UILongPressGestureRecognizer (Delegate.showSomething)  

Does Apple Have More of Swift? In sorrow implementation of a string to indicate the function instead of using the capabilities have decided to choose?

This is a legacy compatibility

The API, which you use as an example As it was, it was written in Objective-C, and even then. It is entirely possible to take advantage of the ability of Apple Swift to create a more accessible API, but they need to be rewritten by default in Swift, which is for the vast array of existing frameworks, Amp; Coco Touch will have to make huge amounts of time and effort.

It is possible that the apple can add the features of C-C, which improves the compatibility between languages ​​by availing the benefits of new swift facilities, while restricting its requirement to rewrite the framework, for example, In Xcode 6.3 Beta, they added the concept of "futility" for objective-c (see release notes), which influences the purpose-API API used in Swift code . Where Swift can improve the existing API, another example is with the default parameter ... maybe this purpose-c API can be described in some way?

I have non-objective-C (original swift) frameworks released by Apple in the future, but so far we are a little far away.

java - How should I set this Bitmap in ListView? -

I have images in my local database that I want to populate in the list view.

This is what I am doing:

  ... bitmap [i] = MySQLiteHelper.getImage (picture [i]); // It fetches a bitmap image from the database ...  

Here, I am converting my bitmap into a drawable.

  d [i] = new bitmapdraw (getResources (), bitmap [i]);  

Then I am using Hashmap method to set it as a list list using Drawable.

  hm.put ("img", string valueOf (d [i])); // put () accepts java.lang.String as input.  

But the image is not displayed in the list view. I am capable of displaying all the text, but not the image.

I get the following error in my log cassette:

  Bitmap Factory: Unable to decode the stream: android .graphics.drawable.BitmapDrawable @ 3ab28e36: Open failed: ENOENT (no such file or directory) Hull URI has failed on bad bitmap:  

What am I doing wrong here? I think that when bitmap is converted to drawable, then there is a temporary value in the drauble and can not (enter) it? Are people wrong, any help please?


My Hashmap Code:

List & Lt; Hashmap & lt; String, string & gt; & Gt; ALIIT = New Arrestist & lt; Hashmap & lt; String, string & gt; & Gt; (); For (Int i = 0; I

getImage () method:

Image (bitmap) is stored in database as Blob. I received it as a byte now, I am converting it back into bitmap using the method below.

Bitmap to publicmatic bitmap getImage (byte [] image) from // byte array {return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray (image, 0, image.length); }

My logger: after using Base64 bitmap to string Code>

Enter image details here

(Note: consider using the new instead of ListView for better performance)

Whatever you are trying to do is either converting string to bitmapdable (in case MySQLiteHelper.getImage () a String as a path pointing to an image, usually you will not store binary data in a database) or BitmapDrawable to a string Can change in In both cases there really is no point in it

The way it is usually done: Applying a supportive class and then parameterizing your ListView's adapter with your examples. There are really many examples around the web, use a database, or

xml - VBA DOM Find Specific Nodes With Attributes -

I have a large XML file that I am trying to use the DOM. What I'm trying to do is pull information from only one node if its parent has a specific "id" attribute

For example, if I only use books for "id = adventure" Want to pull TITLE or AUTHOR - How do I use DOM?

  & lt ;? XML version = "1.0"? & Gt; & Lt; List & gt; & Lt; Book ID = "Adventure" & gt; & Lt; Author & gt; Gagardella, Matthew & lt; / Author & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; XML Developer's Guide & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; 44.95 & lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; / Book & gt; & Lt; Book ID = "Adventure" & gt; & Lt; Author & gt; Raals, Kim & lt; / Author & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Midnight rain & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; 5.95 & lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; / Book & gt; & Lt; Book ID = "Adventure" & gt; & Lt; Author & gt; Boyle, John & lt; / Author & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Mist & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; 15.95 & lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; / Book & gt; & Lt; Book ID = "Mystery" & gt; & Lt; Author & gt; Raals, Kim & lt; / Author & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Some mystery book & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; 9.95 & lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; / Book & gt; & Lt; / List & gt;  

Use this code now:

  Sub MySub () Dim mainWorkBook Workbook Dim XCMFILE version dim booktype string dim BOOKTITLE as version dim title string As dim as dim IXMLDOMNode set as integral as I set mainWorkBook = ActiveWorkbook XCMFILE = CreateObject ("Microsoft.XMLDOM") XCMFILE.Load (XCMFileName) 'load XCM file I = 0 in each XCMFILE.SelectNodes (for "/ list / book") booktype = n.Attributes.getNamedItem ("ID"). Search for ID properties within text 'node then bookID = "bold" then set BOOKTITLE = = XCMFILE.SelectNodes ("/ list / book / title / text ()") Title = BOOKTITLE (i) .NodeValue mainWorkBook.Sheets ("Sheet1") range ("B" in & amp; I + 3) .Value = BookTitle'prints in B column values ​​i = i + 1 endif Next End Sub  

I know how to increase the nodes that fit my specification / range properly No

Thanks for any suggestions and hints - I appreciate it

You do not need to increase anything simply selecting an XPath query that is only interested in nodes Type 'n' id 'attribute value "adventure" for each n ("/ list / book [@id =" "adventure" "]" in XCMFILE.SelectNodes:

 Is a book node next to  

Java Anonymous object and Garbage collection part -1 -

  सार्वजनिक शून्य समारोह () {नया छात्र ()। SetName ("john"); } सार्वजनिक शून्य समारोह () {छात्र छात्र = नया छात्र (); student.setName ( "जॉन"); }  

क्या दोनों सीएनपी के लिए जीसी अलग तरीके से व्यवहार करते हैं?

मेरा मतलब है कि किस मामले में (सीएएसई -1 / सीएएसई -2) अधिक जीसी में कुशल है समय की शर्तें?

पहले मामले में आप नव निर्मित ऑब्जेक्ट को निर्दिष्ट नहीं करते हैं सेटनाम (स्ट्रिंग नाम) पद्धति रिटर्न।

दूसरे मामले में जैसे ही कोड के लिए (और इस तरह कचरा संग्रह के लिए उम्मीदवार बन जाता है) हो, इसलिए यह एक चर में है, लोकल वैरिएबल छात्र विद्यार्थी वस्तु को कचरा एकत्रित करने से रोक देगा, जब तक यह गुंजाइश नहीं होता है। दूसरे शब्दों में, दूसरे स्निपेट में छात्र ऑब्जेक्ट setName (स्ट्रिंग नाम) रिटर्न के बाद एक जीवित ऑब्जेक्ट बने रहेंगे और केवल विधि के बाद ही कूड़ा संग्रहण के लिए उम्मीदवार बन जाएगा function ()

अद्यतन करें:

कचरा संग्रह के लिए आवश्यक समय के मामले में दोनों ही मामले समान हैं, क्योंकि उनमें से सभी एक कचरा वस्तु है।

python - Signal when an item is added or removed to a QListWidget -

I dynamically add and remove objects on a QListWidget based on user selections in the application. Is there a signal that is emitted when items are added or QListWidget is removed? What I see in the documentation does not mention anything for adding or removing the rest of the signals when it is interacted with individual objects.

How can I be informed if an item is added to my QListWidget?

A very simple example: PyQt4.QtGui import from * Import Sys app = QApplication (sys.argv) to listWidget = I in category for QListWidget (): Item = QListWidgetItem ("item% i"% i) listWidget.addItem (item) # ^^^ What do I want to do to control the addItem event?

You have to capture the contained object object in the widget :

  model = ListWidget.model ()  

has a identification of rows that you can connect to .

Creating a namespace dictionary from pyxb binding? -

क्या एक पैक्सब बाइंडिंग क्लास से नेमस्पेसेस का एक शब्दकोश बनाने का कोई तरीका है?

एक शब्दकोश मैपिंग क्या है?

सभी नामस्थानों का सेट जिसे पीएक्सएबी (जिसे बाइंडिंग के सेट मॉड्यूल जिन्हें आयात किया गया है) से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है pyxb.namespace.Namespace.AvailableNamespaces () । तत्व उदाहरण हैं।

Multiple layouts on rails 4 -

I have an application layout and I'm trying to create other layouts just like a dashboard, I doubt how to create a controller And it requires JS. Would the controller just like the application? And when I add the layout, the console asks me to add it to the pre-compilation of CSS and JS. Does that mean that CSS and JS will be pre-loaded in my application?

Such a base controller

  Classroom Basant Controller & lt; App / View / Layout /my_application.html ARB   

Then your other controllers whom you would like to my_application.html If you want to use ARB as a layout, you can get the right of the BaseController

such as

  Class Home Controller & lt; BaseControler ** Here are some ways ** end  

Good luck!

Interact with very large Tiff (or rset) images in MATLAB -

I have some very large tiff images that I am trying to use in the MATLAB GUI application. If I try to load images using imshow, I get an out-of-memory error. (Yes, I know that the catalog is not the best choice for GUI, or not to load large images, but in this case there is a good reason to use MATLAB).

I use a low resolution data set (rset file)) and imtool to see the image, but this is not useful because I want that a user to draw that image from X-ray To be removed, click on it to be able to interact. Imshow does not seem to be compatible with rset files directly, do I have a way to load a rosed'd image in a dumb / zoommable shape, or can I achieve the target in some other way?

I saw the code for the item, but it seems that rset files to read undocumented classes and I can not repeat my behavior.

You can use the low level to avoid the OOM problem, to the fullness or parts of the TIFF image File the MATLAB I / O function to read.

  fileName = 'LargeTiff.tif'; Info = imfinfo (fileName)% set the number of frames nFramesStr = regexp (info.ImageDescription, 'images = (\ d *)', 'token'); NFrames = str2double (nFramesStr {1} {1}); Use low-level file I / O function to read% file fp = fopen (fileName, 'rb'); The "strip offsets" field provides offset to the first bar Fseek (FP, info.StripOffsets, 'bof'); Assume that the image format is 16-bit per pixel and large-endian% also believe that images are stored in one after another% For example, read the first 100 frame frame nan = 100; Imdata = cell (1, frame new); For Cnt = 1: Framemom IMData {cnt} = fread (fp, [info.Width info.Height], 'uint16', 0, 'IEEE-B'); End fclose (FP);  

php - Angularjs parse error after upgrade to v1.3.6 -

I have upgraded version v1.3.6 to my variant v1.2.15 and this is one of the codes on my ecommerce Piece broken site (Wordpress, Woocommerce, Cart page)

I'm getting a parse error on this:

  {{initarray. & Lt ;? Php echo $ cart_item_key; ? & Gt ;. Mount}}  

Before this it will display the amount of a certain item in the car, which is incremental. Although updating angularjs in v1.3.6, this code can not be parsed now.

The results page looks like this:


The error I 'syntax error : token '0.775 9 6 9 58 "column of expression is an unexpected token 10 [initarray.77596958a3b31761962c8b2393cfcfb2.amount] [775 9 is triggered by 6958a3b31761962c8b2393cfcfb2.amount].

I have not written code, so I'm unfamiliar with the array syntax to use this programmer, this new version should not be great because NG does not like it.

Any guidance is appreciated, ty.

Change it to:

  {{initray [' & Lt ;? Php alo $ cart_item_key; ? & Gt; ']. Amount}} or  

Edit: the single quotes around the PP echo has been added and it works.

maxFileSize in blueimp file upload plugin? -

I took this plugin completely out of the box with a file limit of 2 MB, applied with an error response server side. It works great.

Then I was told to limit the file size to 5mb.

I tried everything that tried to do everything I could not get the plugin to do with anything more than 4.2MB

No errors, it Nothing does more than 4.2MB file.

The code currently sits in:

  $ ('#fileupload'). Fileupload ({type: "post", add: function (e, data) {if (files & lt; 5) {var errs = []; var acceptFileTypes = / (\. | \ /) (Gif | jpe? G | Png) $ / iFriveFileSize = 5242880; // valid file $ .EEEE (data.files, function (index, file) {if (file.type.length & amp; amp; amp ;; Amp;; acceptFileTypes test (file.type)) {errs.push ('Selected file' '+ +' "is not unnecessary. Invalid file type. ');} If (this [' size ']> gt ; MaxFileSize) {errs .push ('Selected file' '+ +' "is too large, '+ parseInt (file.size / 1024/1024) +' m .. file '+ parseInt (maxFileSize / 1024 / 1024) + 'M.');}}); // Output Errors Submit data (errslength & gt; 0) {Warning ('An error occurred.' + Errs.join (""));} Other {data.context = $ (' & lt; p; Attachments ($ ('. CurrUploadDiv ul')); data.submit (); removeFileUploadLabel (); Files ++; if (Files & gt; 0) {$ ( '.fileName') .html (files + 'select upload 5.')} {$ ('.fileName') .html ('Choose a file.'); }} //data.submit (); // Return; } And {$ ('.fileName'). Html ('Maximum number of selected files.'); }; }, Success: function (e, data) {// To upload multiple files, to-check replies. }, Done: function (e, data) {data.context.text (data ["_ response"] ["result"] ["message"]); }, Error: function (e, data) {console.log (e); }});  

I have needed .js files in the proper order (as indicated by the previous answer about MaxFileSize ...)

What do I miss is?

This deliberately designed by me is afraid, the following plugin has the FAQ: -

What is the maximum file size limit?

It is possible to upload files to 4 GB with the jQuery File Upload plugin. Using chunked file uploads (with a small part of 4 GB), the potential file size is unlimited. The 4GB restriction is due to some browser limitations, which can be fixed in future updates of those browsers.

So you need to upload your file into sections. You can set Chuck size using the MaxChunkSize option like this: -

  $ ('# fileupload'). Fileupload ({maxChunkSize: 10000000/10 MB});  

Keep in mind that it will not work on all browsers (I'm looking at the old version of IE!)

See the link below for help with this .

angularjs - use filter in angular directive to change collection in ng-options -

Start of a selection To set up the 10 most used languages, Have the following instructions and set a custom CSS class:

  app.directive ('sortTopLocales', function ($ timeout)) {// Selected from angled (get an array of ng-options For Var) NG_OPTIONS_REGEXP = / ^ (*.?) \ S * (: \ s + as + s + (*).)? (+: ([\ $ \ W] [\ $ \ W] *) | (? \ (\ \ \ \ \) For \ + s + (: (+: \ s + group \ s + \ s + + (*)) * ([\ $ \ W] [\ $ \ w] *) *, \ s * ([\ $ \ w] [\ $ \ w] *) \))) \ s + S * (*) (:?? \ S + track \ s + by + s (*.?)) $$ /; Var Top 10 Language = ['n', 'zhu', 's', 'ja', 'pt', 'd', 'r', 'fr', 'ru', 'ko']; Var top10languagesReversed = top10languages.reverse (); Var cssClass = 'top10'; Refund {Restrict: 'A', Link: Function (Scope, Element, ethers) {If (ethers.nogopations) {var match = attrs.ngOptions match (NG_OPTIONS_REGEXP); Scope $ WatchCollection (match [7], function (locales) {var already severed = element.find ('option.' + CssClass) Length; if (angular Unified (locale) has already been removed) {return; } Var top10Index = 0; $ Timeout (function () {element.find ('option.' + CssClass) .removeClass (cssClass); // Reset CSS class angular.forEach (reverse in top 10 languages, function (locale) {var index = locales.indexOf (Locale); if (index! == -1) {locales.splice (index, 1); // removes it from the array locus. The horoscope (//) sets it to array option option = Element.find (option [value = '+ top 10 index +']) option; adlas (css class); top 10 index ++;}}); console.log (scope. Avel (match [7]) [ 0], Locale [0]); // without filter = & gt; 'N', 'A Filters with no '// =>' A ',' N '}); }); }}}; });  

It works as expected without filters, but it does not happen when I use a filter in ng-options :


ng-option = "Locale for locale in locale" // match [7] = 'locale'

not working Is doing:

ng-option = "locale for locale in locale | orderBy" // match [7] = 'locale |

The changed array has a different output and $ watchCollection expression.

  scope $ Eval (match [7]) [0] // 'A' locale [0] // 'n'  

When I use filters within the directive code and in HTML If not, the array is not updated.

So basically my question is: How do I change an array with filter in $ watchCollection to use it in NG-Options?

php - Unable to load the requested class: Session Codeigniter 3 -

In the Codeigniter, the session library is trying to load it seems that this is clearly correct but does not work . Here is a part of the config file:

  $ config ['sess_driver'] = 'database'; $ Config ['sess_cookie_name'] = 'ci_session'; $ Config ['sess_expiration'] = 7200; $ Config ['sess_save_path'] = null; $ Config ['sess_match_ip'] = Wrong; $ Config ['sess_time_to_update'] = 300;  

Additionally, the encryption key variable has already been set. Apart from this, the CI3 documentation can not give me a way to solve this problem.

I have tried:

  1. set 'sess_save_path' variable '
  2. Check folders permissions
  3. < Li> Check that the table 'ci_sessions' exists
  4. Use the Autoloader class
  5. Capital S

This is a bit weird, But config says:

  / * | -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- | Auto Load Library | -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- | These are the classes located in the system / www folder i or in your application / www folder. | Prototype: | | $ Autoload ['www'] = array ('database', 'email', 'session'); | | You can also specify an optional library name to specify in the controller: | | $ Autoload ['www'] = array ('user_agent' = & gt; 'u'); * /  

And here is the code for an auto-loader:

  // Load www if (isset ($ autoload ['www']) & Amp; amp; count ($ autoload ['www']) & gt; {// Load database driver if (in_array ('database', $ autoload ['www'])) {$ this- & Gt; Database (); $ Autoload ['www'] = Array_Diff ($ autoload ['www'], array ('database')); } // Load all the other www foreach ($ autoload ['www'] as $ item) {$ this- & gt; Library ($ item); }}  

Here is a list of what you should try:

  1. Ensure that you load the session library in autload.php: $ autoload ['library'] = array ('session');

  2. Make sure your encryption key is set to cofing.php: $ config ['encryption_key'] = 'nothing'

  3. Make sure your database table is named ci_sessions and your sess_save_path is set to that name: $ config ['Sess_save_path'] = "ci_sessions"

  4. If you are on Unix / Linux, be sure to load your library with capital letters: $ Autoload ['library'] = array ('session');

  5. If nothing does not work, check that you

Download and install the correct CI3 files.

git - How deep does one split up a big project in different repositories? -

I recently transferred Git to a Subvision repository. all went well. I used the git viewer to create different repositories of each module of the software. But now the developers tell me that they often work, which makes changes in some of the main apps and modules, which makes two commits, where it would have been understood to do it in a committed way. It tells me that the modules are not really different from the main app. I would mean a bigger store. On the other hand, our main product is open source and some modules, and we sync those treasures to Zithub and Sourceforge. But there are also some closed source modules, which should not really go out. So they want to put to in a separate repo in our internal gelatelab.

They ask me to make two large (SVN-style) repositories: source for one open source and one stop. On the other hand (QA and release management) I feel as if it is related to different parts and you can not change anything at one place without making any other changes. But I am not a full time developer and I have not opened this special code base in depth.

Another argument: the software exists in Java and C # flavors. The Java version was created from SVN in separate Jenkins jobs, one for each module (so divided GIT repo made a correct understanding from a CI point), while the C # version is a large team job (a large, Svn-style repo).

I know that normal GIT practice is to divide things, but how deep is you to divide?

It depends on how many independent modules one "very" depends on how many of them go together often In our team, we had 4 different Java modules (which went independently), a C # code base, a library of Pearl modules, a suite of DB artifacts and shell scripts.

Our codebase is around 4 -5 years, which leads to a lot of codes, commits and unused branches. Although git is fast and there is a lot of engineering for large repo, after time it is unhealthy to be so furious in VCS (GIT / SVN) due to any reason, and if we have an independent repro, then merge It is easy to do and whenever a developer spoils the repository (sometimes it happens) without affecting the other repo, it is still reset-hard.

In addition to this, we had the same reliance between our C # and Java API layer, where many times where the repo was needed to be rebuilt, but we calculated that the number of individual commitments in the API or C # layer There was more than coordinated commissions, so to run in many repos, It also helps that all of our modules are not tightly coupled and in-house versions are intelligent in the system that helps them in maintaining a micro-service type architecture.

You can set technology related build / test / CI stacks no matter how many repo / single reps you have, so you should not have to decide what to do

linux - Blocking threads in Python -

I have some Python code'm debug which is blocking problem I have some idea to me whether there but I do not know the python thread mechanism well to find out.

Here is the code:

  class executed: def Execute_many (commands): with_processes = Zip (command, Seldkprocess_cycle) (about Def) in order, process with_processes: send_command_to_process (process command) writing_thread = threading.Thread (target = writing) process _, with_processes to writing_thread.start (): yield receive_result_from_process (process) thread.join ()  

and elsewhere:

  results executor.execute_many (orders) for less important things = [make_foo (result)]  

< Code> process_cycle Executor Dawar subprocess.Popen objects. send_command_to_process and receive_result_from_process interact with these processes by pipes

The issue is debugging from time to time that this code is stored:. All popen processes and writing_thread are blocked at Flushing after writing to the pipe.

I did not expect it to happen, because (even though the buffers are full) execute_many generator will yield Receive_result_from_process (procedure) and processes One of the unblocked (which does not happen - inserting execute_many inside the loop).

So I came up with a hypothesis, that if writing_thread is blocked by a full pipe buffer, the main thread is also blocked (they are in the same process).

Is this possible? If so, a Python feature, or Linux feature?


If there is two threads in a Python process and one of them is blocked on flush after writing a full pipe buffer, can it block other threads?

If so, is it a Python feature, or Linux feature?

If a thread is blocked, then can continue execution to ensure other threads.

c++ - how to detemine if a line segment is inside of a polygon? -

We have a line segment L defined by two points from polygon And a polygon p define with 4 or more digits, I need an algorithm that is L inside p ?

Edit: The line segment should be completely inside the polygon, if only partially it will be defined as outside

For example, the picture below: < / P>

Click to view image

Some other examples:

Click to view image

step 1 : Does it cross any side of L? If yes, LP is not in it. If not, see Step 2

Step 2 : Where is the middle of L? If the MP is inside, LP is inside.

In the case of bus:

Editing, more clarification : Two cases: at least one edge of LP Crosses. Then L at least partially drink.

  • LP does not cross any edge. Then El is either outside or inside and as the whole l is outside or inside, it is enough to test the position of any point of L (except the two ends of L). And if a point is outside or out of a polygon, then there is a classic problem (which has a dedicated Wikipedia page).

  • How does php's mail() function handles sending email? -

    I was just wondering how PHP's mail () function manages to send email Because we do not provide any SMTP server, e-mail usernames and passwords and it still sends emails.

    How is this possible?

    The PHP mail () function sends mail to the server. Any server capable of sending mail is connected to the node internet.

    It is highly recommended that you go through a SMTP server, as the spam filter does not like the mail sent from the most unknown IP address.

    html - How to select only element inside the div through css -

    In my application, I need to remove the data that is inside the div element and the paragraph element that is the div element The child is also there.

    The snippet looks like

      & lt; Div class = "hrt" & gt; This is Div text & lt; P & gt; This paragraph text is & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;  

    Through the CSS selector, I want to withdraw the Div text: In the above case, I would like my solution: This is dev text

    You can not target text nodes with CSS You should wrap them with an element (period or whatever).

    If you can not modify your HTML content, then you will need some JS.

    Leave a comment if you need help getting it done with JS.

    java - Marking non-flat containers with responseContainer Swagger annotation attribute -

    के साथ swagger-annotations_2.9.1 मैं निम्नलिखित का उपयोग कर रहा था

      @ पैथ ("/ {triggerId} / शर्तें") @ उत्पाद (एपीपीएलआईसीएशन_जेएसओएन) @ एपीओऑपरेशन (मान = "सभी स्थितियों आईडी के साथ एक विशिष्ट ट्रिगर प्राप्त करें।", ResponseClass = "संग्रह & lt; मानचित्र & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; & gt; ", नोट्स =" यह यूआई के लिए एक सहायक है जो विशिष्ट प्रकार के साथ स्थितियों के सभी आईडी को प्राप्त करता है। यह {conditionId: \ "value \", className: \ "value \"} "का संग्रह देता है) सार्वजनिक शून्य getTriggerConditions (@Suspended Final AsyncResponse प्रतिक्रिया, ...)  

    हालांकि, 2.10 में responseClass विशेषता अब और नहीं है और मुझे लगता है इसके बजाय प्रतिसादसंवादकर्ता और प्रतिक्रिया का उपयोग किया जाना चाहिए लेकिन मैं गैर-फ्लैट कंटेनरों (मैप्स के समूह की सूची आदि) को कैसे चिह्नित कर सकता हूं

    असल में, मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि सरल मानचित्र & lt; फ़ू, बार & gt; केवल प्रतिसादसंवादकर्ता और प्रतिक्रिया

      प्रतिक्रियाकैंटइनेर = "मानचित्र", प्रतिक्रिया = फू। क्लास,  

    और बार के बारे में क्या? वर्ग ?

    2.9.1 और 2.10 Swagger-core के नहीं संस्करण, लेकिन स्कला के संस्करण जो कोड को संकलित करने के लिए उपयोग किए जाते हैं (चूंकि स्ैगर-कोर के पुराने संस्करण स्काला से लिखे गए थे)।

    None इन संस्करणों के रूप में कंटेनरों के रूप में नक्शे का समर्थन करते हैं, क्योंकि उस समय सभी पर स्वैगर विनिर्देश द्वारा समर्थित नहीं था।

    यदि आप किसी मानचित्र को वापस करने के रूप में एक ऑपरेशन दस्तावेज़ करना चाहते हैं, तो आपको 1.5.X संस्करणों में अपग्रेड करना होगा। यह टिप्पणी लिखने के समय वर्तमान संस्करण 1.5.0-एम 2 है।

    How to change libx264 profile when using ffmpeg backend of OpenCV -

    OpenCV 3.0.0 for writing a video with

    I VideoWriter vw ("out.avi", VideoWriter) I am using beta. :: four cc ('h', '2', '6', '4'), 24, frame. Size ());

    This PhamPackage calls backend (avcodec version) 56.26.100), which calls 2 GBX 264 (Build 142). However, apparently it is not possible to specify a libx264 profile from OpenCV, and the default bitrate for my application is very low.


    Meanwhile, I got the answer myself: the default CRF is defined as 23 in the line 1232 of module / video / src / cap_ffmpeg_impl.hpp (on OpenCV 3.0.0 Beta):

      Av_opt_set (c-> gt; priv_data, "crf", "23", 0);  

    Change the number to the value of your choice. For this it is necessary to reconstruct OpenCV and it is a global setting, as long as the video audio module does not implement the codec option properly.

    Parsing an xml file using Regex in python -

    I have an XML file, as is the text file: -

    / P>

    : -

      Sorting and simulation between the Sanjivan Saxena parallel integer CRCW model. 607-619 1996 33 Eta Info  

    How can I take action on using regex? Please << p>

    A xml or html Using the HTML parser, such as beautiful soup or lxml module, but use the following pattern as an option:

      & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; S = "" "& lt; Xml version =" 1.0 "encoding =" ISO-8859-1 "? & Gt; ... & lt ;! DOCTYPE dblp system" dblp.dtd "& gt; ... & Lt; dblp & gt; .. & lt; article mdate = "2011-01-11" key = "journal / acta / saxena 9 6" & gt; ... & lt; author & gt; Sanjeev Saxena & lt; / Author & gt; ... & lt; title & gt; parallel integer sorting and simulation between CRCW model. & Lt; / title & gt; ... & lt; page & gt; 607-619 & lt; / Pages & gt; ... & lt; year & gt; 1996 & lt; / year & gt; ... & lt; volume & gt; 33 & lt; / volume & gt; ... & lt; Journal & Gt; Acta Info. & Lt; / Journal & gt; ... & lt; Number & gt; 7 & lt; / Numbers & gt; ... & lt; url & gt; D Ji / journals / Acta / Acta 33.html # Saxena 96 & lt; / url & gt; ... and & lt; ee & gt; http: //< / ee & gt; ... & lt; / article & gt; ... & lt; article mdate = "2011-01-11" key = "journals / acta / Simon 83" & gt; ... & lt; author & gt; Hans-Uchich Simon  ... ...  matches in trees and trees and nets. & Lt; / Heading & gt; ... & lt; Page & gt; 227-248 & lt; / Page & gt; ... & lt; Year & gt; 1983 & lt; / Year & gt; ... & lt; Quantity & gt; 20 & lt; / Volume> ... & lt; Journal & gt; Eta Info & Lt; / Journal & gt; ... & lt; Url & gt; DB / Journal / Acta / Acta 20.html # Simon 83 & lt; / Url & gt; ... & lt; Ee & gt; Http: //< / Ee & gt; ... & lt; / Article & gt; ">" Gt;> Import re>>> l = ['Authors', 'Page', 'Year', 'Quantity', 'Journal'] & gt; & gt; & gt; ; Pat = r '|'. (('& Lt; {} & gt; (. *) & Lt;}};} in format i (i, i) i))> gt; & gt; Gt; [I No. Saxena ',' 607-619 ',' 1996 ',' 33 ',' Acta Info ',' Hans-Alich Simon ',' 227-248 ',' 1983 ' '20', 'Acta Info']. </code> </pre> <p> And if you want to get the word from the input, you should follow the additional commands: </p> <pre> <code> Enter name = raw_input ('Separate with name'): Enter the name: ') l = names.split () </code> </pre> </div> </html> <br /> 
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            <br /><html> <p> <div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> <p> The code I wrote to send data to an API using the POST method in JSON but answer me invalid Anybody can tell me what is wrong with the code </p> <pre> <code> $ post = array ("operatorCode" => "9", "scheduleCode" => "84W92XC8LOBAF3KZP4", " = "Gtc: mediawiki-xid =" gtc: mediawiki-xid = "gtc: mediawiki-xid =" 191,933 "" droppingPointCode "= & gt; = "Gtc: ("Seat number" = & gt; "40", "name" = & gt; "** ***", "age" =>, "20", " Ing "= & gt;" I ")); $ Data_string = json_encode ($ post); Echo $ data_string; $ Ch = url_init ('http: // API user name = *****?'); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); Curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array ('data' = & gt; $ data_string)); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $ Result = curl_xac ($ CH); $ Result = json_decode ($ result); Var_dump ($ result); Echo '& lt; Pre & gt; '; Print_r ($ result); </code> </pre> <p> Response API </p> <pre> <code> stdClass Object ([code] = & gt; 0 [errorCode] = & gt; ER30 [errorDesc] = & gt; Invalid data [message] = & gt; failure) </code> </pre> <p> Sample URL: </p> <pre> <code> from http: // & lt; Server name & gt; /bookbustickets/rest/json/2.0/tempbooking? User name = **** and password = ****** </code> </pre> <p> Sample input data: </p> <pre> <code> data = {"operatorCode": "2586 "", "Schedule.code": "7Q52586C3YG8KJ350F2F5V264", "travelDa to": "2015-03-10", "fromStationCode": "76", "toStationCode": "75", "boardingPointCode": "284,936", "droppingPointCode" "0000", "email": "Test@gmailkcom", "mobile": "+ 9 876 543 210", "Traveler": [{ "seatNumber": "3", "No 9 I": "Test" "Age": 20, "Gender": "Male"}, {"seatNumber": "4", "Name": "Test", "Age": 20, "G Anderson": "Male"}}} < / code> </pre> </div> <p> <div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> <p> Well the problem is that the <code> "Traveler" </code> object Series of Try to change your code for </p> should be <pre> <code> $ passenger1 = new stud class (); $ Passenger 1- & gt; Seat number = "40"; $ Passenger 1- & gt; Name = "*****"; $ Passenger1- & gt; Age = "20"; $ Passenger 1- & gt; Gender = "male"; $ Passenger2 = new stud class (); $ Passenger 2- & gt; Seat number = "41"; $ Passenger2- & gt; Name = "*****"; $ Passenger2- & gt; Age = "21"; $ Passenger 2- & gt; Gender = "female"; $ Post = array ("operatorCode" = & gt; "9", "scheduleCode" => "84W92XC8LOBAF3KZP4", "travelDate" => "2015-03-20", "fromStationCode" => 84 "," toStationCode "= & gt;" 76 "," boardingPointCode "= & gt;" 191,933 "" droppingPointCode "= & gt;" 0000 "," email "= & gt;" ******* ** "," Mobile "= & gt;" ******* "," Traveler "=> Array ($ passenger 1, $ passenger 2)); </code> </pre> <p> This will result in the following </p> <pre> <code> {"operatorCode": "9", "scheduleCode": "84W92XC8LOBAF3KZP4", "travelDate": "2015 - 03-20 "," fromStationCode ":" 84 "," toStationCode ":" 76 "," boardingPointCode ":" 191,933 "" droppingPointCode ":" 0000 "," Email ":" ******* ** "," "Mobile": "*******", "traveler": [{"seat number": "40", "name": "*****", "age": "20" , "Gender": "male"}, {"seatNumber": "41", "name": "*****", "age": "21", "gender": "woman"}}} < / code> </pre> <p> In addition, I note that you are sure to use why you </p> <pre> <code> curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "post"); </code> </pre> <p> is not </p> <pre> <code> curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); </code> </pre> <p> Be a better choice? </p> </div> </html> <br /> 
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            <br /><br /><p>php - curl fails to correctly send headers -  <p>    <p>my initial project of checking whether apple id exists or not, have proceeded doing in php navigating , pretending register  business relationship fields blank except  business relationship field, , if got error meant  business relationship existed, otherwise if got other errors not "account exists" error  homecoming false. have encountered few problems on way. first need preserve headers/cookies on way (which did) still not work, , apparently answers "1". code can found here : pastebin. please follow link ,  seek solve problem, need done.  give thanks much whoever got time read post.</p>  <p>edit code:</p>   <code><?php require("simplehtmldom_1_5/simple_html_dom.php");  $input = get_data(''); $html = new simple_html_dom(); $html->load($input);  //echo $input; $table = array(); foreach($html->find('input') $inn) {         $val = "";          seek         {                 $val = $inn->getattribute('value');             }          grab (exception $e)         {                 $val = "";         }         //echo $inn->getattribute('name') . $val . "\n";         if($inn->getattribute('name') != "" && $inn->getattribute('name') != "")         {                 $table[$inn->getattribute("name")] = $val;         }         if($inn->getattribute('name') == "")         {                 $table[$inn->getattribute("name")] = "";         } } $nix = http_build_query($table); //set url, number of post vars, post   info $ch = curl_init(); $hs = get_headers("", 0); $headers = $hs; curl_setopt($ch,curlopt_url, ""); curl_setopt($ch,curlopt_post, count($nix)); curl_setopt($ch,curlopt_httpheader, $headers); curl_setopt($ch,curlopt_postfields, $nix);  //execute post $result = curl_exec($ch); echo $result; //close connection curl_close($ch);    /* gets   info url */ function get_data($url) {         $ch = curl_init();         $timeout = 5000;         curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_url, $url);         curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_returntransfer, 1);         curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_connecttimeout, $timeout);         $data = curl_exec($ch);         curl_close($ch);          homecoming $data; } ?> </code>      <p>  <p>one of problems right here: <code>get_headers("", 0);</code></p>  <p>this  homecoming like:</p>   <code>[0] => http/1.1 200 ok [1] => date: sat, 29 may 2004 12:28:13 gmt [2] => server: apache/1.3.27 (unix)  (red-hat/linux) [3] => last-modified: wed, 08 jan 2003 23:11:55 gmt [4] => etag: "3f80f-1b6-3e1cb03b" [5] => accept-ranges: bytes [6] => content-length: 438 [7] => connection: close [8] => content-type: text/html </code>   <p>what curl supposed that? not in format acceptable <code>curlopt_httpheader</code> , neither headers server expect client request.</p>  <p>i suppose trying stablish cookie session. recommend without  utilize of <code>get_headers()</code> or putting finger in headers @ all.</p>  <p>enable curl's cookie  back  upwards setting options <code>curlopt_cookiejar</code> , <code>curlopt_cookiefile</code>,  create  phone call <code></code> initialize cookies, , rest.</p>  <p>example:</p>   <code>$cookies = tmpfile();  $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, [     curlopt_url => "",     curlopt_cookiejar => $cookies,     curlopt_cookiefile => $cookies,     curlopt_returntransfer => true,     curlopt_header => true ]); curl_exec();  curl_setopt_array($curl, [     curlopt_post => true,     curlopt_postfields => $nix ]); $result = curl_exec($ch);  $hsize = curl_getinfo($curl, curlinfo_header_size); $headers = explode("\r\n", substr($result, 0, $hsize)); $result = substr($result, $hsize); </code>      <p> php curl <br /> 
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            <br /><br /><p>language design - "Least Astonishment" in Python: The Mutable Default Argument -  <p>    <p>anyone tinkering python long  plenty has been bitten (or torn pieces)  next issue:</p>   <code>def foo(a=[]):     a.append(5)      homecoming </code>   <p>python novices expect function  homecoming list 1 element: <code>[5]</code>. result instead different, , astonishing (for novice):</p>   <code>>>> foo() [5] >>> foo() [5, 5] >>> foo() [5, 5, 5] >>> foo() [5, 5, 5, 5] >>> foo() </code>   <p>a manager of mine  1 time had first encounter feature, , called "a dramatic design flaw" of language. replied behavior had underlying explanation, , indeed puzzling , unexpected if don't understand internals. however, not able  reply (to myself)  next question: reason binding default argument @ function definition, , not @ function execution?  uncertainty experienced behavior has practical  utilize (who used static variables in c, without breeding bugs?)</p>  <p>edit: </p>  <p>baczek made interesting example. of comments , utaal's in particular, elaborated further:</p>   <code>>>> def a(): ...     print "a executed" ...      homecoming [] ...  >>>             >>> def b(x=a()): ...     x.append(5) ...     print x ...  executed >>> b() [5] >>> b() [5, 5] </code>   <p>to me, seems design decision relative  set scope of parameters:  within function or "together" it?</p>  <p>doing binding  within function mean <code>x</code> bound specified default when function called, not defined,  nowadays deep flaw: <code>def</code> line "hybrid" in sense part of binding (of function object) happen @ definition, , part (assignment of default parameters) @ function invocation time.</p>  <p>the actual behavior more consistent: of line gets evaluated when line executed, meaning @ function definition.</p>     <p>  <p>actually, not design flaw, , not because of internals, or performance. comes fact functions in python first-class objects, , not piece of code.</p>  <p>as think way, makes sense: function object  beingness evaluated on definition; default parameters kind of "member data" ,  hence state may  alter 1  phone call other - in other object.</p>  <p>in case, effbot has nice explanation of reasons behavior in default parameter values in python. found clear, , suggest reading  improve knowledge of how function objects work.</p>     <p> python language-design least-astonishment <br /> 
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            <br /><br /><p>font awesome - New icons (4.2) do not display -  <p>    <p>i've tried using several of icons , @ first noticed while displayed others did not, despite thing different icon name. tried lots of icons , noticed icons listed released since 4.2 dont appear. older ones show no problem. </p>  <p>any  thought whats going on?!</p>     <p>  <p>this happened me when using font awesome 4.2. using codekit compile number of less source files single stylesheet. reason, 4.2 icons weren't showing up. strange.</p>  <p>then realized browser pulling in older  re-create of fontawesome had installed locally on system. changing <code>@import</code> statement pull in minified css worked. hmmm...</p>  <p>turned out needed tell codekit generate relative urls, otherwise web fonts had wrong path causing them not load. here's how can  alter setting in codekit:</p>  <p><code>[select project] > settings > languages > less > [x] generate relative urls</code></p>  <p>i'm not sure if you're using codekit well, suspect you're trying compile source in way , running similar problem.</p>     <p> icons font-awesome <br /> 
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            <br /><br /><p>python - Keep getting ValueError when running while loop -  <p>    <p>my code gives me error "valueerror: need more 1 value unpack" when running infinite while loop getting questions untill user types no break out of it. clue 1 more value refering ?</p>   <code>from random import shuffle questions = [ ("which organization develops 802 family of standards wired , wireless lans ,     mans?", "ieee"), ("what type of delivery uses   info link layer addresses?", "local delivery"),     ("what organization developed osi reference model used in networking?", "iso"),     ("which message delivery  alternative used when devices need receive same message simultaneously?", "broadcast"),     ("which type of network design combines voice, video, ,   info on same communication channel?", "converged"),     ("during routine inspection, technician discovered software installed on computer secretly collecting   info websites visited users of computer. type of threat affecting computer?", "spyware"),     ("which device acts gateway allow hosts send traffic remote ip networks?", "local router"),     ("what network administrator  utilize modify configuration on cisco router?", "ios"),     ("to save time, ios commands may partially entered , completed typing key or key combination?", "tab"),     ("an administrator measured transfer of usable   info across 100 mb/s physical channel on given period of time , obtained 60 mb/s. kind of measurement did administrator obtain?", "goodput"), ] shuffle (questions) numright = 0 numquest = 0 wrong = [] print ("welcome computer networking quiz, based on cisco material.") while true:     questions, rightanswer in questions:          reply = input(questions + " ")         if answer.lower() == rightanswer:             print("congratulations, right answer!")             numright += 1             numquest += 1                     answer2 = input("would continue? type yes or no: ")                     if answer2.lower() == "no":                 break         else:             print("that wrong  reply friend!")             numquest += 1             answer2 = input("would continue? type yes or no: ")             if answer2.lower() == "no":                 break = numright b = numquest def stats(a,b):      homecoming a/b*100 if stats(a,b) >= 60.0:     print("you got", stats(a,b), "percent right. pass!") else:     print("you got", stats(a,b), "percent right. fail!") </code>      <p>  <p>your problem simple: "break"  phone call  within loop "breaking" loop on for, not on while. in order solve it, need  maintain variable "break_while", initialized false ,  utilize  status while. when user answers "no" set variable true , while stop:</p>   <code> while (not break_while):        ***        if answer2.lower() == "no":           break_while = true           break </code>   <p>edit: taking closer @ code, must carefull usage of 2 different variables same name, namely "questions" </p>   <code>for questions, rightanswer in questions:     *** </code>   <p>you getting error because after usage of break, while still active , sentence  beingness called again, value of variable "questions" changed particular question, not tuple , valueerror  beingness raised.   alter name of first "questions" "question" in order avoid such conflict.</p>     <p> python python-3.x <br /> 
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            <br /><br /><p>css - Interpolation in @import path with Stylus -  <p>    <p>although i've read variables , interpolation parts of stylus docs can't seem work.</p>   <code>dirs = {     vendor: '../../../public/vendor/' } @import '{dirs.vendor + "normalize-css/normalize.css"}' </code>   <p>gives:</p>   <code>failed locate @import file {dirs.vendor + "normalize-css/normalize.css"} </code>   <p>is possible in stylus? if so, doing wrong?</p>     <p>  <p>yep, possible. stylus doesn't have string interpolation should  utilize concatenation:</p>   <code>dirs = {     vendor: '../../../public/vendor/' } @import dirs.vendor + "normalize-css/normalize.css" </code>      <p> css stylus <br /> 
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            <br /><br /><p>java - Insert 8 million rows file inside a mysql db -  <p>    <p>i have file containing search engine query log having  next columns: id, timestamp, session, user, document, query, activity.</p>  <p>a query can  nowadays several times  within file, created 2 tables in mysql db:</p>  <p>query:</p>   <code>+------------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | field            | type         | null | key | default |          | +------------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | id               | int(11)      | no   | pri | null    | auto_increment | | query            | varchar(256) | yes  |     | null    |                | | interaction_freq | int(11)      | yes  |     | null    |                | +------------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ </code>   <p>interaction:</p>   <code>+----------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | field          | type         | null | key | default |          | +----------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | id             | int(11)      | no   | pri | null    | auto_increment | | interaction_id | int(11)      | yes  |     | null    |                | |   info           | timestamp    | yes  |     | null    |                | | session        | varchar(256) | yes  |     | null    |                | | user           | int(11)      | yes  |     | null    |                | | document       | int(11)      | yes  |     | null    |                | | query_id       | int(11)      | no   | mul | null    |                | | activity       | int(11)      | yes  |     | null    |                | +----------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ </code>   <p>the first table saves each single query , in  sec 1 have  info each row having particular query, referenced query_id. in first table interaction_freq (number of rows in interaction table having query) saved well.</p>  <p>my file contains on 8 millions rows , 1.5 1000000 of unique queries expect, @ end, first table have 1.5 1000000 rows , 8 1000000 rows  sec one.</p>  <p>the problem insertion phase slow. process inserts first 150.000 unique queries after struggles processing others. i'm using cluster consisting of 8 8-core intel xeon nodes (32gb ram) , 18-ish avante quad core xeon 2.4/2.66ghz (8gb ram).</p>  <p>at  origin first table had "query" field unique thought problem. removed unique constraints checking uniqueness  within java  programme inserting rows. didn't solve problem. tried  maintain process running on 48 hours , didn't reach 200.000 rows in first table.</p>  <p>i guess there problem can't figure out...</p>  <p>i'm planning  utilize xml files possible workaround having  info  within mysql db can come in handy...</p>     <p><p> java mysql database <br /> 
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            <br /><br /><p>Passing PHP variable directly to Javascript, bypassing AJAX, how? -  <p>    <p>i have  next javascript verifies , passes 'artwork' file php script on server, has redundant verification of own (one can never safe) , writes file /uploads.</p>  <p>i need dump <code>$basename</code> php variable in final state javascript write hidden input (<code>id="artwork_filename"</code>).</p>  <p>i can echo $basename 'success' handler, feels inelegant have capture <code>$basename</code> , strip out of result - want elegant solution, preferably passing <code>$basename</code>  straight variable on javascript.</p>  <p>javascript:</p>  <p>      class="snippet-code-js lang-js prettyprint-override"><code>	<script>  	  function _(el) {  	     homecoming document.getelementbyid(el);  	  }  	  function uploadfile() {  	    var file = _("file").files[0];  		if (file == null) {  		  _("status").innerhtml = "<span style=" + '"color: black;">' + "please select file before clicking upload</span>";  		}  		//alert(" | "+file.size+" | "+file.type);  		if (file.type==="application/zip"   		|| file.type==="application/x-zip"   		|| file.type==="application/x-zip-compressed") {  		  if (file.size < 52428800) {  			var formdata = new formdata();  			formdata.append("file", file);  			var ajax = new xmlhttprequest();  			ajax.upload.addeventlistener("progress", progresshandler, false);  			ajax.addeventlistener("load", completehandler, false);  			ajax.addeventlistener("abort", aborthandler, false);"post", "upload_artwork.php");  			ajax.send(formdata);  		} else {  			//alert("file big! max upload size 50mb. upload bigger file, please contact instructions");  			_("status").innerhtml = "<span style=" + '"color: red;">' + "file big! max upload size 50mb</span>";  			exit();  		  }  		} else {  		  _("status").innerhtml = "<span style=" + '"color: red;">' + "upload stopped! did 'zip' file?</span>";  		  exit();  		}  	  }  	  function progresshandler(event) {  	    //_("loaded_n_total").innerhtml = "uploaded: "+event.loaded+" bytes of ";  		var percent = (event.loaded / * 100;  		_("progress_bar").value = math.round(percent);  		_("status").innerhtml = math.round(percent)+"% uploaded... please wait";  	  }  	  function completehandler(event) {  		_("status").innerhtml =;  		_("progress_bar").value = 0;  	  }  	  function errorhandler(event) {  		_("status").innerhtml = "<span style=" + '"color: red;">' + "upload failed! notify site administrator</span>";  	  }  	  function aborthandler(event) {  		_("status").innerhtml = "<span style=" + '"color: red;">' + "upload aborted! please  seek again</span>";  	  }  	</script></code>     class="snippet-code-html lang-html prettyprint-override"><code><input id="artwork_filename" type="hidden" name="custom" value="" /></code>       </p>  <p>php:</p>    class="lang-php prettyprint-override"><code><?php $allowedexts = array("zip", "rar"/*, "ai", "eps", "psd", "bmp", "jpg", "png", "tiff"*/);  if (@$_files['file'] == null) {   echo "<span style=" . '"color: red;">' . "please  take file before clicking upload</span>";   exit(); } else {   $filename = $_files["file"]["name"];   $filetmploc = $_files["file"]["tmp_name"];   $filetype = $_files["file"]["type"];   $filesize = $_files["file"]["size"];   $fileerrormsg = $_files["file"]["error"];   $temp = explode(".", $_files["file"]["name"]);   $name = pathinfo($_files["file"]["name"], pathinfo_filename);   $extension = pathinfo($_files['file']['name'], pathinfo_extension);   $i = ''; }  //check max file size breach //or not: stop on js side prevent long file upload  //and alerting user file big!  //(also prevents sidestepping ugly php error kickout if file big.  if ((($_files["file"]["type"] == "application/zip") || ($_files["file"]["type"] == "application/x-zip") || ($_files["file"]["type"] == "application/x-zip-compressed") //|| ($_files["file"]["type"] == "application/x-rar-compressed") /*|| ($_files["file"]["type"] == "application/postscript") || ($_files["file"]["type"] == "image/vnd.adobe.photoshop") || ($_files["file"]["type"] == "image/bmp") || ($_files["file"]["type"] == "image/jpg") || ($_files["file"]["type"] == "image/png") || ($_files["file"]["type"] == "image/tiff")*/) && ($_files["file"]["size"] < 52428800) && in_array($extension, $allowedexts)) {   if ($_files["file"]["error"] > 0) {     echo "upload error! please notify site administrator";   } else {       if (file_exists("upload/" . $name . $i . '.' . $extension)) {         while(file_exists("upload/" . $name . $i . '.' . $extension)) {           $i++;         }         $basename = $name . $i . '.' . $extension;         if(move_uploaded_file($_files["file"]["tmp_name"],         "upload/" . $basename)) {           echo "<span style=" . '"color: green;">' . "artwork uploaded</span>";         } else {             echo "<span style=" . '"color: red;">' . "upload error! please contact site administrator ,  study issue</span>";         }       } else {       if(move_uploaded_file($filetmploc, "upload/$filename")) {           echo "<span style=" . '"color: green;">' . "artwork uploaded</span>";         } else {             echo "<span style=" . '"color: red;">' . "upload error! please contact site administrator ,  study issue</span>";         }       }     } } else {   error_reporting(e_error ^ e_parse);   echo "<span style=" . '"color: red;">' . "upload stopped! did 'zip' file?</span>"; }  ?> </code>        <p>  <p>in opinion,  utilize ajax, , seperate concerns better.  allow php handle updload ,  homecoming   info on has happened.  allow javasctipt perform ajax request , update dom appropriate when request complete, using   info returned.  allow  css handle styling. want have  alter javascript , php if want  alter styling of message container?</p>  <p>my php little rusty ,  utilize jquery ajax  next may need "massaging" right should on way.</p>  <p>php</p>   <code><?php $allowedexts = array("zip", "rar");  if (@$_files['file'] == null) {   $dataout["success"] = false;   $dataout["message"] = 'please  take file before clicking upload';   $dataout["basename"] = '';   exit(); } else {   $filename = $_files["file"]["name"];   $filetmploc = $_files["file"]["tmp_name"];   $filetype = $_files["file"]["type"];   $filesize = $_files["file"]["size"];   $fileerrormsg = $_files["file"]["error"];   $temp = explode(".", $_files["file"]["name"]);   $name = pathinfo($_files["file"]["name"], pathinfo_filename);   $extension = pathinfo($_files['file']['name'], pathinfo_extension);   $i = '';   $dataout["success"] = false;   $dataout["message"] = '';   $dataout["basename"] = '';    }  //check fucking max file size breach //or not: stop on js side prevent long file upload  //and alerting user file big!  //(also prevents sidestepping ugly php error kickout if file big.  if ((($_files["file"]["type"] == "application/zip") || ($_files["file"]["type"] == "application/x-zip") || ($_files["file"]["type"] == "application/x-zip-compressed") ) && ($_files["file"]["size"] < 52428800) && in_array($extension, $allowedexts)) {   if ($_files["file"]["error"] > 0) {     echo "upload error! please notify site administrator";   } else {       if (file_exists("upload/" . $name . $i . '.' . $extension)) {         while(file_exists("upload/" . $name . $i . '.' . $extension)) {           $i++;         }         $basename = $name . $i . '.' . $extension;         $dataout["basename"] = $basename;         if(move_uploaded_file($_files["file"]["tmp_name"],         "upload/" . $basename)) {           $dataout["success"] = true;           $dataout["message"] = "artwork uploaded";         } else {             $dataout["success"] = false;             $dataout["message"] = "upload error! please contact site administrator ,  study issue";         }       } else {       if(move_uploaded_file($filetmploc, "upload/$filename")) {           $dataout["success"] = true;           $dataout["message"] = "artwork uploaded";         } else {           $dataout["success"] = false;           $dataout["message"] = "upload error! please contact site administrator ,  study issue";         }       }     } } else {   error_reporting(e_error ^ e_parse);   $dataout["success"] = false;   $dataout["message"] = "upload stopped! did 'zip' file?"; }  echo json_encode($dataout);  ?> </code>   <p>      class="snippet-code-js lang-js prettyprint-override"><code><script>  	  function _(el) {  	     homecoming document.getelementbyid(el);  	  }          function setstats(status, message){            if(status === null){              _("status").classname = "info";            }else if(status){              _("status").classname = "success";            }else{              _("status").classname = "error";            }                     _("status").innerhtml = message;          }    	  function uploadfile() {  	    var file = _("file").files[0];  		if (file == null) {            setstatus(null, "please select file before clicking upload");  		}    		//alert(" | "+file.size+" | "+file.type);  		if (file.type==="application/zip"   		|| file.type==="application/x-zip"   		|| file.type==="application/x-zip-compressed") {  		  if (file.size < 52428800) {  			var formdata = new formdata();  			formdata.append("file", file);  			var ajax = new xmlhttprequest();              ajax.responsetype = "json";  			ajax.upload.addeventlistener("progress", progresshandler, false);  			ajax.addeventlistener("load", completehandler, false);  			ajax.addeventlistener("abort", aborthandler, false);"post", "upload_artwork.php");  			ajax.send(formdata);  		} else {  			//alert("file big! max upload size 50mb. upload bigger file, please contact instructions");              setstatus(false,"file big! max upload size 50mb");  			exit();  		  }  		} else {            setstatus(false, "upload stopped! did 'zip' file?");  		  exit();  		}  	  }  	  function progresshandler(event) {  	    //_("loaded_n_total").innerhtml = "uploaded: "+event.loaded+" bytes of ";  		var percent = (event.loaded / * 100;  		_("progress_bar").value = math.round(percent);  		_("status").innerhtml = math.round(percent)+"% uploaded... please wait";  	  }  	  function completehandler(event) {          var jdata = json.parse(;          document.getelementbyid("artwork_filename").value = jdata["basename"];          setstatus(jdata["success"], jdata["message"] );  		_("progress_bar").value = 0;  	  }    	  function errorhandler(event) {          setstatus(false,"upload failed! notify site administrator");  	  }    	  function aborthandler(event) {  		setstatus(flase,"upload aborted! please  seek again");  	  }  	</script></code>     class="snippet-code-css lang-css prettyprint-override"><code>.info {color:#000;}  .error {color:#f00;}  .success {color:#0f0;}</code>     class="snippet-code-html lang-html prettyprint-override"><code><input id="artwork_filename" type="hidden" name="custom" value="" /></code>       </p>  <p>there other improvements make, should starting point.</p>     <p> javascript php ajax variables <br /> 
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