Saturday, 15 September 2012

ios7 - XCode 6.1, Autolayout & Size Classes- issues on iOS 7 and not on iOS 8 -

I have encountered a strange problem. First of all, it happened on an app when I set several width to equal width and similar pioneering \ trailing obstacles. Everything worked fine on iOS 8.x but on iOS 7.x I noticed that the sequential blockage of the last scene disappeared.

It was not a big deal, but now I have a big problem. I am working on a new application and a special feature is chatting with the user. I have set up two possible table cells (incoming messages and outgoing messages). There is a UITextView to keep the text in each cell (this link and phone number need to be identified) The textview size depends on the content text And depending on the size of the size of "bubble". Again, works perfectly on iOS 8.x !!! sweet! And then ... iOS 7.x fails to do it! Without a visible reason, texts are being reduced, the words are disappearing and there is no place to break the line. I do not have any implementation that adjusts the size of the text view ... it's all autolayout based.

How can I fix this I have searched for an answer, but I do not even know how to describe it. help? to anyone?


One day was there :) Thanks for the reply ...

An image of the obstacles I have established is .. ..


Hidden = "false">

  - (CGFloat) height {CGRect rect = [self.body BoundingRectWithSize: CGSizeMake (210.0, CGFLOAT_MAX) Options: NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin Features: @ {NSFontAttributeName: [UIFont fontWith Name: @ "OpenSanus" Size: 15.0]} Reference: Zero]; Return rect.size.height + kCellHeightDelta; }  

I do not want to use someone else's library, no matter how good it is. What is my client's desire for what he wants and will spend more time in it for this, what is right for this project, what is missing me without copying any other implementation, but I am truly grateful . In OS7, cell layout requires a handful of hands to get the cell.

heightForRowAtIndexPath .

Size class is not defined in size class as prototype cells created with additional dequeueCellWithIdentifier .

The following discussion is a clear solution to the mechanism of links and issues to deal with size sections and manual cell height calculations.

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