I'm having some trouble using the Lync2013 client SDK. This is a small thing, but it works just in my head should do.
I am creating an application that shows some caller data using extensibility wands. On application startup, I register the application etc. and on an approved call, the program starts calling. It works fine in almost all cases, however, as I can now tell when it does not work, then there is a specific scenario: when a new incoming AR calls is present, when it is activated (inhaled Or does not matter) Incoming call
(So the caller tells me, I accept and while on the phone, the caller B. tells me. Then the function BeginOpenExtensibilityWindow does nothing Is)
if Out of one is outbound, there is no problem, but when both are within, then start the call OpenAnsignability window passes without doing EndOpenExtensibilityWindow does not raise any errors, it just passes
Detect I could try the following for the problem.
Retrieving ConversationWindow has no caching: Every I need it, I call Automation.GetConversationWindow (conversation)
BeginOpenExtensibilityWindow Delayed call:. Start a background thread, wait for 5 seconds after connected and then call it
BeginOpenExtensibilityWindow before closeExtensibilityWindow Calling
Call to window, therefore:
Internal ConversationWindow ConversationWindow {{get _window = _automation.GetConversationWindow (_conversation); DebugA.Add (String.Format ("ConvId: {0}, WinHandle: {1}", _conversation.Properties [Microsoft.Lync.Model.Conversation.ConversationProperty.Id], _window.Handle); Return_windows; }}
With the debug being a stable list,
Absolutely, sigh ..., the conversation was empty all the time (the root cause of the problem ??) _conversation.GetHashCode (), then the contents of the debug was:
ConvId: 21950498, WinHandle: 1902160
... some of that ...
< P> ConvId: 13391695, WinHandle: 1902160... some of that ...
Clearly automation is refunding the same handle for different conversations! Again, it is only on two incoming calls, IM's work is fine and there is no mixed-up reference.
This seems like a bug to me ... but IM is not an expert ....
Any help, much appreciated! Forgot to mention
, it was a bug and Microsoft said it: September 8, 2015 for Lync 2013 Security update (KB3085500) (Skype for business)
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