Thursday, 15 May 2014

gcc - C static library cannot link with librt -

I have to create a static library (this is not the option to create a dynamic one), and I have a function that is stable library Something like this:


  # that uses  timer_create  from  time.h  Include & lt; Time.h> Int do_something (zero);  


  int do_something (zero) {timer_t timer; Straight sigevent sevp; Sevp.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL; Sevp.sigev_signo = SIGRTMIN; Sevp.sigev_value.sival_ptr = NULL; Int rate = timer_credit (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, & amp; sewep, and timer); Timer_delete (clock); Return 0; }  

The code is actually null and it is necessary to link against the libel to clarify my progelom, which is as follows:

When I compile the sombab I am C:

  GCC-CoAmailib.O Amelib CR-LRT  

and create a static library:

  AR RCS somelib.a somelib.o  

The following error is found when linking:

  gcc -o someexec someexec.c -lrt ./somelib.a  


  somelib.c :( text + 0x30): Undefined context for 'timer_create' somelib.c :( .text + 0x44): Undefined reference to `timer_destroy ' 

This is a minimal example of my problem. I'm not sure if this can be fixed at all, because I understand that static liability will have to know the place of the Libre at the time of its creation and since it is dynamic, it is a static library version yet still Libraries do not use much time, so I want to know that there is no way to do something like that.

Compiler Edition: GCC 4.8.1 No other flag set.

GCC-CoOmail Somelib.c -lrt

This is the only compilation, -lrt is irrelevant here.


Orders to order / library cases. Try ending

-lrt , then it should work.

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