I'm trying to use a SQLite database with your Windows Store app I
Below is a data class, which starts when the app starts:
Public Class DataLayer {SQLiteConnection m_dbConnection; Public DataLayer () {createDatabase (); } Create Public Zero Database () {SQLiteConnection.CreateFile ("QTabs.sqlite"); M_dbConnection = New SQLiteConnection ("Data Source = QTabs.sqlite; version = 3";); M_dbConnection.Open (); Stringbilder creatTables = new stringbilder (); // Create the SQL tables creatTables.Append ( "create table Sinktaim (Sinktaim_aidi primary key Otinintr, sync time DATETIME);); SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand (creatTables.ToString (), m_dbConnection); command.ExecuteNonQuery (); m_dbConnection .close ();}}
What I am trying to do is build a database and fill it.
But I am getting this error :
"Error 1 type 'System.Data common.DebConnect' is such a key Is defined in the assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to 'system.data, version =, culture = neutral, public keycon = B77A5C 561934E 90'. C: \ Users \ tunnelld \ Documents \ Visual Studio 2013 \ Projects \ QTabs 0.1 sqlite retry \ qtabs \ DataLayer.cs 14 25 QTabs "
I'm using the system. Data:
using System.Data; using System.Data.SQLite;
What's going on here? How do I fix it?
< P> Edit: I do not see any context to add.
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