I'm trying to compile a C ++ application on a r3.xlarge
EC2 instance I am I have installed G ++ with the command with the command yum install gcc-c ++
. However, I still is to get a bunch of error: The Scope
and error: not running when declared in this scope "Stey ' Was
. I think it has to do something with C ++ 11, but I am quite new to C ++, so I'm not quite sure how to start it. Here are my Makefile
if it does not make any difference:
CC = g ++ ifeq ($ (shell sw_vers 2 & gt; / dev / null | grep Mac | awk '{print $$ 2} "), Mac) CFLAGS = G -DGL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES -I./include/ I / usr / X11 / include -DOSX LDFLAGS = -framework glut -framework Open \ l "/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Libraries" \ -lGL -lGLU -lm -lstdc ++ rest CFLAGS = G -DGL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES -Iglut-3.7.6- bin LDFLAGS = -lglut -lGLU FLAGS + = -O3 FLAGS + = -std = c ++11 FLAGS + = -D_DEBUG G-wall all-endif: Visual View: scene.o $ (cc) $ (cflgs) -o scene scene.o lodepng.o $ (LDFLAGS) scene.o: Scene.cpp $ (CC) $ (CFLAGS) -c Scene.cpp -o scene.o lodepng.o: lodepng .cpp lodepng.h $ (cc) $ (CFLAGS) -c lodepng Cpp -o lodepng.o clean: $ (rm) * .o view
Any ideas? Thank you.
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