Is it possible to select a sheet based on values in the cell, for example
Col_1 Col_2 Col_3 gor 100 jan mack 60 jan john john 40 mar ---- & gt; This data is being checked on ..... then on the people who have less than 50 hours and if they have 50 hours then I will have to go to that letter. And they must be marked to represent them. Here John is less than 50 hours, I get the name of the journal from here which is the march here. I have to meet that journal and have to mark them. My question is whether it is possible to choose or get the name of a sheet based on value in a cell.
If your cell value is a date string, you can use it to enter string format You can use Format
for. For example, if you have "3/15/15" in your room, you can change it to sheet name "March-15" using the code given below:
String with a slow date 'This value is your active sheet worksheets (1). Simply 'extit' to set, just set a date cell (1, 1). Value = "3/15/15" 'Date' to get date name from cell and format Date = output output:
img src = "https: // i / G06OW.png "alt =" Enter image details here "> Note that you may need to adjust to your date format, as I I am working in US-English format, but to formulate the concept that the value in the cell is what you want.
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