I have developed an Android application since 2012. Since now I have used the free web service API V3 for geocoding without any API key, so that we have a limit of 2,500 requests per IP, not for a key:
Everyone has worked fine for this period when sometimes some soffers of my users error 403 - this web server is prohibited during the call.
Has Google changed something for the use of its web servers?
Eventually, I can use the GeoCoder class of the Android Framework.
But I still have another webservice which I call:
Can this webservice suffer from a 403 error? So far, I do not know if I get a 403 error in the Geocode, then I will not say the instructions as a webservice.
Here's a little There is information that you may want to see ... you can get more information about it.
> Web service requests can also receive HTTP 403 (Prohibited) error In most cases, this is due to an invalid URL signature. To verify it, remove the client and signature parameter and try again:
If the response is HTTP 200 (OK), then there was a signature problem. This usage is not related to the limitations; See Troubleshooting issues in the web service chapter of the Google Docs API for documentation documentation. If the response is still an HTTP 403 (prohibited) error, the signature was not necessarily a problem, it may be related to the limitations of use instead, it mainly means that your access to the web service has been blocked on this basis. It has been said that the limitations of usage in your application are increasing or otherwise the web service has been misused. If you have to face this problem, please contact Google Enterprise Support. Requests for all web services require a URL signature. Requests will be rejected with an HTTP 403 (Prohibited) error, which will include the client parameter, but the signature parameter will not be lost, or vice versa.
You can limit the use limitations of the Google Maps API web services beyond this limit:
per day Too many requests sending requests are being sent very fast, that means sending too many requests requests per second for a long time or otherwise misusing web services. More than other usage limits, e.g. Per request points in height API
The above problems can be known by the combination of two methods:
Reduce usage, web services By optimizing applications to use more efficiently, increasing the limitations of usage through purchase of additional allowances for your Google Maps API for work licenses, when possible.
This is a good link that can help just as well.
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