Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Const Array working in php 5.6? -

Const Array working in php 5.6? -

in php manual, stated in user contributed notes const array allowed. checked other posts here in stackoverflow , said same. tested next code:

<?php class constants{ const test = array("a"=>"apple","b"=>"ball","c"=>"car"); } echo constants::test["b"]; echo constants::test["c"]; echo constants::test["a"]; ?>


ball auto apple

the above code works. doesn't work if utilize define('test',array("a"=>"apple","b"=>"ball","c"=>"car") outside of class. new undocumented alter or happening in setup?

my setup php 5.6.1(32-bit thread safe) , apache 2.4.10 (32-bit) on windows 7 x64. downloaded them respective sites directly. didn't utilize wamp stacks.

also note using netbeans 8.0.1 ide hints , shows error. know how remove it?

syntax error unexpected: [ after: identifier 'test' expected: instanceof, as, =>, }, ',', or, xor, &&, ?, ;, ||, &&, |, ^, &, ==, !=, ===, !==, <=, >=, <, >, <<, >>, +, -, *, /, %, '.', ], (, ), : ----

apparently if utilize const outside of class, error in netbeans ide won't show up.

const test = array("a"=>"apple","b"=>"ball","c"=>"car"); echo test["b"]; echo test["c"]; echo test["a"];

this should work!

php arrays syntax const constants

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