Tuesday, 15 February 2011

objective c - SecurityAgentPlugin not working anymore on Yosemite (SFAuthorizationPluginView) -

objective c - SecurityAgentPlugin not working anymore on Yosemite (SFAuthorizationPluginView) -

we have developed authorization plug-in uses sfauthorizationpluginview nowadays ui user. illustration based on "old" nameandpassword example provided apple.

we using authorization plug-in unlock session (we have updated "system.login.screensaver" authorization in authorizationdb) using custom view. worked until lastly update yosemite. since yosemite, sfauthorizationpluginview not closing anymore after user logged session. update illustration forcefulness closing window, doing like:

// confirm have authorized user [self callbacks]->setresult ([self engineref], kauthorizationresultallow); // close window nsview* v = [self viewfortype:sfviewtypecredentials]; nswindow* w = [v window]; [w close];

now sfauthorizationpluginview closed 1 time user logged in (after have authorized user), remains active in background , user has no focus in session (the user cannot select or write in text edit example). have manually kill securityagent in order focus again. (note scheme seems automatically kill securityagent after 30 seconds).

we have found fixed 2014 version of apple's nameandpassword auth plugin sample @ next page, face same issue on yosemite: a fixed 2014 version of apple's nameandpassword auth plugin sample

this code working fine until yosemite release.

anyone experimenting similar issue? thought or advice prepare issue?

instead of close window should overwrite diddeactivate method , add together call:

[self diddeactivate];

in sfauthorizationpluginview class after set result allow.

apple updated documentation, re-read it, there guidelines save me lot of time , effort 1 year ago.

objective-c osx security osx-yosemite sfauthorizationpluginview

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