Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Android circular array generation issue -

Android circular array generation issue -

i have tried write method generate array using base of operations pattern in way: method uses base of operations pattern , x value, , must create result array of size x loading base in circular way

if have

string base[] = "a", "b", "c"

if x=4 result should be

res[] = "a", "b", "c"

if x=11

"a", "b", "c", "a", "b", "c", "a", "b", "c", "a", "b"

and on

my code this

public static string[] circ(context c, int size){ string[] base of operations = {c.getresources().getstring(r.string.channela), c.getresources().getstring(r.string.channelb), c.getresources().getstring(r.string.channelc)}; string res[]; if(size>base.length){ int deltasize=size-base.length; int listsize=base.length+deltasize; res=new string[listsize]; for(int i=0; i<listsize; i++){ if(i<base.length){ res[i]=base[i]; } else{ res[i]=base[i-base.length]; } } } else{ res=base; } homecoming res; }

but doesn't work , cannot find wrong. suggestion?

you should utilize modulo operation, makes code easier:

public static string[] circ(context c, int size){ string[] base of operations = /.../ string res[]; (int = 0; < size; i++) { res[i] = base[i % base.length]; } homecoming res; }

android arrays

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