I am developing a complex hierarchy of an app widgets and layouts, but in essence that there is a formula One formula is in the form of the upper widget and in the form of QScrollArea
tabular widget (via QVBoxLayout
That can be QScrollArea
represents a catalog (grid layout actually) QPushButton
too many buttons s (or not).
I want my app to fit the following issues:
- (both form and list) consume horizontal space all available, (the horizontal position and < Code> SpaceItem s) to refine its contents to fill the content margin.
- Both will save as vertical space as possible, "lines" closer to each other.
I have resolved to use part of my problem setSizeConstraint (QLayout :: SetFixedSize)
to form, which raises it, But also horizontally, due to which both the list and the form are different width, which does not look very well.
How can I get it? I mean, how something like might have to be incremented horizontally to fill the widget but should be standing as much as possible
Add a spacer as the last item in the layout:
gridLayout-> addItem (new QSpacerItem (10, 10, QSizePolicy :: expanding, QSizePolicy :: detail), the last, 0);
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