Sunday, 15 April 2012 mvc - Creating custom URL routing that separates admin section from other sections of a website - mvc - Creating custom URL routing that separates admin section from other sections of a website -

i'd create custom url routing has constant path @ mvc 5 project. illustration i'd have "www.mysite/admin/controller/action/" admin constant.also have routes apart this.

after i'd define policy while entered admin/controller/action/ in browser, directed admin panel, else if admin/ not exist in url, directed regular page. goal, i've written codes in _viewstart.cshtml needs reforms.

public static void registerroutes(routecollection routes) { routes.ignoreroute("{resource}.axd/{*pathinfo}"); routes.maproute( name: "tag", url: "tags/{tag}/{page}/{id}", defaults: new { controller = "article", action = "index", tag = (string)null, id = urlparameter.optional, page = @"/d" } ); routes.maproute( name: "tags", url: "tags/", defaults: new { controller = "tag", action = "index" } ); routes.maproute( name: "default", url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}", defaults: new { controller = "home", action = "index", id = urlparameter.optional } ); routes.maproute( null, "page{page}", new { controller = "article", action = "index" }, new { page = @"/d" } ); }


@{ if (httpcontext.current.user.isinrole("administrator")) { // ??? need codes directing /admin part layout = "~/views/shared/_adminlayout.cshtml"; } else { layout = "~/views/shared/_layout.cshtml"; } }

you utilize admin area in mvc application, , have it's own routing. take @ link here help using areas. route may this...

public override void registerarea(arearegistrationcontext context) { context.maproute( "admin_default", "admin/{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { action = "index", id = urlparameter.optional } ); } url routes

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