Friday, 15 June 2012

php - How to show data stored in Liferay database in another website? -

php - How to show data stored in Liferay database in another website? -

i'm developing wordpress website in have show data/information stored within liferay database. new liferay, don't know best practices access info stored liferay's db , show them website.

i want know if there guides or documentation can explain me how can access data, in same way access mysql db php. took @ official liferay documentation, describes accesses through usage of php portlets.

is there way connect database , info query, or have perform sort of "middleware" translation info in liferay website?

my cms contains info formatted in xml, have translation xml php-style variables? also, need create sort of correspondence xml objects php variables?

i can think of 3 ways can info liferay display in website:

directly through liferay database, if have access.

but info straight database tables of liferay should have fair amount of understanding each table for. liferay db schema have been helpful think liferay likes providing puzzles users ;-). still tables , columns not complex understand if can give time. or post specific query , reply if know it.

another recommended way of accessing liferay's info through liferay web-services, assets, users, organizations , sites available services. can build web-service clients , consume data.

another way through sharing of portlets. user-guide help understand this. can straight embed portlets in site can embed video player youtube in site youtube's embed script.

hope have understood require , hope helps.

php mysql xml liferay portlet

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