I have two tables: users
and estate
A user can be "linked" to many assets, and for many users a property can be "linked". To handle many of these many relationships, I have created a "connectable" wealth in which the primary key is actually a combined one, in which two foreign key userId
and estateId
It was okay till I wanted to add additional fields to this table.
I have read that when there are additional fields for such a table, the relationships are no longer "too many", but the relationship between two "one"
My problem is that the theory still does not consider this table (table joining) and when I run the php app / console principle: mapping: Import AppBundle yml
How can I get a command line tool to handle those relationships correctly and generate this new unit (yml schema file)? Additional questions: How do I earn tool to create a repository class for each unit before running php app / console doctrine (inside yml schema files): generated: institutions MyBundle
Thank you!
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