I'm getting. This same exact code worked a month ago, I think there has been some change in Xamarin because they have recently added the "module" line in the storyboard properties / widgets
The above code produces this error based on the storyboard screenshot below:
The Foundation. Monotouch Exception: Objective-Exception was thrown. Name: NSInvalidArgumentException Reason: The viewer in the storyboard () does not have a view controller with 'customview controller'
My XM Studio Studio 5.8 is the creation of 443 and Xamarin is iOS and Xcode 6.2 (6776)
--------------- Update --------- ------
So I am opening a storyboard file in a text editor and Xeramin Design Checking the code generated by the male. The controller had created a storyboard identifier months ago, but today is not a storyboard provider in the controller created, although I have explicitly set it in the Examiner Designer .... It looks problematic
& Lt; Navigation Controller Defines Presentation Reference = "Yes" ID = "123" View Member IDIID = "View Controller" Storyboard Identifier = "RedVivannagement Controller" Restore Identifier = "RadViNavigation Controller" & gt; & Lt; Navigation Bar = "Navbar" contentMode = "scaleToFill" id = "126" & gt; & Lt; Autoresizing mask key = "autoresizingmask" widthSizable = "YES" flexibleMaxYY = "yes" /> & Lt; / NavigationBar & gt; & Lt; Connection & gt; & Lt; Segue destination = "125" type = "relation" relationship = "root view controller" id = "124" /> & Lt; / Connection & gt; & Lt; / NavigationController & gt;
A new unchangeable code is generated today:
& lt; Navigation Controller Defines Presentation = "Yes" id = "164" View MemberID = "ViewController" Restore Identifier = "JZCustom" & gt; & Lt; Navigation Bar Key = "Navbar" contentMode = "scaleToFill" id = "167" & gt; & Lt; Autoresizing mask key = "autoresizingmask" widthSizable = "YES" flexibleMaxYY = "yes" /> & Lt; / NavigationBar & gt; & Lt; Connection & gt; & Lt; Segue destination = "166" type = "relationship" relationship = "root view controller" id = "165" /> & Lt; / Connection & gt; & Lt; / NavigationController & gt;
So when you manually open the storyboard file in a text editor and add a storyboard identifier, the storyboard opens successfully without exception. Looks like a bug?
The only solution for me was to open xCode and add a storyboard there was enough that this bug is on the stable channel Reached, which I'm working on ...
Note: I did not get the correct runtime result by editing the Storyboard XML manually ...
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