Monday, 15 July 2013

linux - Developing iOS Meteor app on DigitalOcean -

I need to develop an app mentioned in the reverse with iOS, I'll put my project in a digitaloass droplet if IOS If I need support, how can I run an iOS-supported app from a Linux-based digital audio droplet?

You will create the first meteor app and it will be mounted on the digital ocean. I would recommend MUP for the deployment process. It is super straight forward and easy.

Then you will create a meteor app for iOS

  Meteor add -Platform IOS  

For more information about the creation of iOS, follow this MDG wiki page ...

Actually, if you run in a simulator If you want to, you can use the following command:

Meteor Runs iOS --MobileServer http: //

If you want to create an iOS distribution, you can use the following command:

  create a meteorite  

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