I'm trying to connect espresso with the project
Here's the error I get < / P>
_MyProject: unspecified & gt; Com.android.support.test.espresso: espresso-core: 2.0_ _ & gt; Searched in the following places:
C: / user / usernames / AppData / org.hamcrest: hamcrest-library: 1.1._
local / Android / SDK / Extra / Android / M2 Spaspotry / ORG / Hamcaster / HammerCast-Library / 1.1 / Hamsters-Library-1.1.jpg _
and find another library that is compiled Espresso is essential for
The real espresso library is here, but Gradeley is here Can not see
c: \ user \ user name \ apeda \ local \ android \ sdk \ extras \ android \ m2repository \ com \ android \ support \ test \ espresso
The build.gradle file consists of:
buildscript {repositories {jcenter () // This is the default repo meinstantal ()} dependency {classpath 'com.android.tools.build : Gradle: 1.0.0 '}} Apply the plugin:' com.android.application 'dependency {compile' com.android.support:appcompat- v7: 22.0.0 'compiled fileTree (includes:' * .jar ' , Dir: 'libs') File Tree provided (included) Are: '* .jar', dir: 'ext_libs') compile project (': third_party: facebook ') androidTestCompile' com.android.support.test.espresso: espresso-core: 2.0 'androidTestCompile' com.android.support. What am i doing wrong
"text"> add:
repository {mavenCentral (); }
At the top level, your build.gradle
(i.e., your android
and dependencies
off) .
For example, in it JUnit4 (although not espresso), I have:
buildscript {repositories {mavenCentral ()} dependency {classpath 'com.android. Tools .build: gradle: 1.0.0 '}} Apply the plugin:' com.android.application 'repositories {mavenCentral () // required for testing-support- lib dependency} dependency {androidTestCompile' com.android.support .test: testing -support-lib: 0.1 '} Android {compileSdkVersion 19 buildToolsVersion "21.1.2" Default Config {testApplicationId "com.commonsware.android.gradle.hello.test" testInstrumentationRunner "android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner "} Packaging Options {exclude 'LICENSE.txt' // Any Uch Is not currently required to make ...}}
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