ruby - How to print numbers in hex with leading zero -
is there improve method display number in hex leading 0
? tried:
2.to_s(16) #=> "2"
where expect "02"
. tried print format:
"%02x" %
which works 2
, but
"%02x" % 256 #=> "100"
where want "0100"
. came this:
class integer def to_hex_string ("%0x" % self).size % 2 == 0 ? "%0x" % self : "%0#{("%0x" % self).size+1}x" % self end end
it works:
2.to_hex_string #=> "02" 256.to_hex_string #=> "0100"
it works class bignumber
, looks unusual such easy request needs trick this. improve idea?
you making way complicated. if want print integer in hexadecimal leading zero,
class integer def to_hex_string "0#{to_s(16)}" end end 2.to_hex_string # => 02 256.to_hex_string # => 0100
ruby hex hexdump leading-zero
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