Thursday, 15 January 2015

angularjs - When to use spy vs $httpBackend in jasmine -

I have to test the Jasmine code specific / argument I'm writing for I want to test that my 'Foo' object has been triggered, so call foo.getList () method GET / foo Do and return results

I can check it in two ways: I could add foo.getList () to .spy Alternatively, I can use the $ HttpBackend.whenGET ("/ foo") and set my desired result there.

Is one supposed to be?

I think the HTTPBackend would be a better option, because it tests 'subsequent' in the logic flow. If I have used a detective , then I can not prove, for example, that I was not purely disturbed and was trying to solve a different URL.

However, I am looking at the inherited tests and they all use detective , and since I believe this code is better written by me (They can not be more novice then I bronze) I wonder if there is an advantage for using detective on $ httpBackend .

As you are testing foo.getList () , < Code> httpBackend . Once you test the function which only use foo.getList () , use a detective. This is the simplest solution to avoid duplication of exams.

Note that you are writing unit tests, each unit should be independent on other units.

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