I have written a simple opencv test video filters for VLC I had built without errors, but VLC Launch I have:
core libvlc Warning: modules can not be loaded `/vlc_build/vlc/modules/.libs/libnormalization_cpp_plugin.so '(/ vlc_build / vlc) / modules /. Lbs / libnormalization_capie_plugin SO: undefined symbol: _ZTVN2cv11_InputArrayE)
I Opansivi 3.0.0-beta and VLC Media Player 3.0.0-Jiaiti Vetiniari (Revision 2.2. 0-git-2564-gc8549fb)
The main function for changing the frame-by-frame video is:
<>> static image_T * filterNormalizeEqui (Filter_T * P_Filters, Picture_T * P_pic) {IplImage * p_img; Int i_planes = 0; CvPoint pt1, pt2; Filter_sys_t * p_sys = p_filter- & gt; P_sys; Mat frame; frame_hist_aamric; Of vector & lt; Mat & gt; Channel; // the picture_t IgnImage without partitioning error p_img = cvCreateImageHeader (cvSize (p_pic- & gt; p [0] .i_pitch, p_pic- & gt; p [0] .i_visible_lines), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); Kwsetdta (P_yng, P_pic- & gt; p [0] Kp_piksels, P_pic- & gt; p [0] Ki_pic); Frame = severomate (P_img); CvtColor (frame, Frem_hist_ameriyl, COLOR_BGR2YCrCb); IplImage * z_img = new IplImage (frame_hist_edit); CvGetRawData (z_img, (uchar **) and p_pic- & gt; p [0] .p_pixels, NULL, NULL); Return p_pic; }
I think, this fails on the cvtColor () function call and it is possible for incorrect vlc-image (p_pic) for opencv (mat frame) processing. I did not find any suitable solutions on the web. The mistake was found in the wrong linking OpenCiv Libs during VLC build.
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