Tuesday, 15 September 2015

java 8 - Setting up Tomcat on DIY OpenShift app for use with Java8 -

I'm trying to set up a DIY application on OpenShift which uses Java 8 and Tomc. I was going to make a mint until I found it on OpenSoft.

I wanted to use Tomcat 8 to avoid any problem with Java 8, but at that time I went back to using Tomcat 7. As I have not created it without ant, I tried to install, which gave me the following error:

  Fatal: Any git repository (or mounting to any parent) Point to / var / lib / openshift) file system limit restriction (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).  

Is there another way to create Tomcat 8, or is there any DIY app using the Tomcat 7? Or any other way of using Java 8 with Tomsk on OpenSoft?

This works once for me (), right now I try to use it again But Tomcat's URL has broken. I'm looking for a new one.



EDIT More stuff. Use the openshift blog post that you use to configure server.xml, so that your Tomcat will use the correct port.

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