Friday, 15 April 2011

c# - Can not get value when selection is changed in combobox wpf -

I choose such Datgrid'm trying to update is changed in wpf from Knboboks

  private void cmbBatchNo_SelectionChanged (object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) {try {string select CmdString = "or scholarship Where course =" + Simbiandarjiradu. Text + "and Bac_nau =" "+ N Simbiabac. Text + "; SQL Command cmd = new SQL Command (CMD string, SC); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter (cmd); Detatabl dt = new Detatabl (" employee "); SdakFill (DT); StdAttendencekItemsSource = dt.DefaultView;} catch (exception ex) {Sndeshbaks. Show (ex.Message, "error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);}}  

If I combo box items name'm trying to find a message box to show it is showing empty box

or cmbUndrGradu.SelectedItem.ToString () .

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