I have a hash (string) and range (number) table in DynamoDB I using Ruby SDK v2.0.30 I'm trying to run the query, but I'm getting the following error:
aws-sdk-core-2.0.30 / lib / seahorse / client / plugins / Raise_response_errors.rb: 15: In `call ': One or more parameter values were invalid: Status parameter type does not match schema type (ASS :: Dynomodi :: errors :: validation exception)
Here is my code:
Mani 'A VS-SDK', '~ & gt; 2 'Required' AAS-SDK 'Dyyamodb = AOS :: Dynamo DD :: Client. Anuu (region: "U-west -1 'credentials: Credits) resp = dynamodb.query (table_name:" TEST_TABLE ", Kunji_kodisn: {' id '= & gt; {comparison_operator:' EQ ', attribute_value_list: [{' S '= & gt;' test123 '}]}})
I am new to Ruby and I have tried to look online and on AWS docs but nothing can be found Any help would be appreciated.
Your error is how you formatted your query expression In the value of the hash key, v2 AWS SDK ( aws-sdk
gem) for Ruby accepts all attribute value as the ruby values.
Li> set (numeric / string)
You do not need to provide typed gesture for A1 Required with SDK.
ddb = aws :: DynamoDB :: Client.new ddb.query ({table_name: 'TEST_TABLE', key_codition: {'ID' = & gt; {Comparison_operattor : 'EQ', attribute_value_list: ['test-123']}}})
its ala No, not directly related to your question, but you can find the following blog series useful: aws-sdk
is working with Dynamo DB from Gem:
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