Text after "
I have a problem deleting the columns of my base.
When I php script, nothing happens. . If anyone can help me
My database tournaments; Tournaments in the table * / INSERT INTO Tournaments (nomTournament, nbPlayersMax, nbPlayersAct, dateStart, kindTournament_id, avancement, code, membre_mail) Prices ('MyTournamentFootball', '8', '0' , NOW (), '2', '0', '6148', 'aa@gmail.com'); INSERT INTO Tournament (nomTournament, nbPlayersMax, nbPlayersAct, dateStart, kindTournament_id, Avancement, Code, membre_mail) Prices ('MyTournamentFootball2', '4', '0', NOW (), '1', '0', '5691' 'Aa@gmail.com');
And now to delete my php code:
& lt; Php session_start (); Include ('config.php'); $ NomTournament = 'My Towerboard Football 2'; $ Code = '5691'; // Quantify application data $ query = $ handler- & gt; Prepare ("Remove from tournament WHERE nomotournament =: nom training and code =: code;"); // Force the parameters $ query- & gt; Baidam Parm (': nomTournament', $ nomTournament, PDO :: PARAM_STR); $ Query-> BindParam (': code', $ code, PDO :: PARAM_INT); // execute queue queue $ query- & gt; carry about (); ? & Gt;
I know the code is simple but it does not work, so if you can help me.
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