Monday, 15 August 2011

casting - Make Matlab issue a warning when converting a double to a uint8 and vice versa? -

Normally in Matlab colors, RGB intensity values ​​are displayed with three element vectors, precision UIT 8 (range 0 - 255) or double

imshow make it easy to use both in a program.

This is an analogy, but when specifying the color value from a matrix, it is easy to start a bug type, for the second (because the value is quietly converted, but the new category will not increase again) . Just spend many hours searching these bugs, I would like to make sure that it never re-starts.

How can matlab show a warning when a type conversion occurs?

Ideally this will happen only when the conversion between double and uint8 . It should also be difficult to disable (i.e. when the workspace is not reset when loading, or when the matlub crashes).

A possible solution is to define your uint8 function uint8 is inserted and warns that some values ​​have been truncated.

You should put this function in that folder where it shifts the biltin uint8 funciton. For example, your User Folder is a good option, because it usually appears first in path . Or, as noted by Sam Roberts, if you want to call this function convert from double to uint8 (But not in any other way to uint8 ), by entering it, a folder named @ double in your path.

  function y = uint8 (x) y = builtin ('uint8', x); If any (x (:)> 255) ||  

Warning ('Metap: Cost Transaction', 'Cost Charted During Conversion to UIT 8') Any (X (:) <0) Warning You can call it Warning (can be turned on or off with 'on', 'MATLAB: CastTransconization') and Warning ('Closed', 'MATLAB: CastTruncation') (for suggestions Thanks to Citizen Einsen).

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