Monday, 15 August 2011

video - FFMPEG Concat Dropping Frames -

I am using FFMPEG to do the following two things:

  • An MP 4 Create a set of images
  • Compile MP3 to make long video (MP3)

To create mp4s from images, I use the following command I do:

  ffmpeg -r 5 -i 'img% 03d.jpg' output.mp4  

As far as I know, this 5fps Creates a video with the framerate of

But when I try to compile MP4s, it seems that the frames are being dropped within each MP4.

To create compiled footage, I create a text file that points to all MP3s that should be included in the compilation, such as

  file 'set1 / Output.mp4 'file' set2 / output.mp4 'file' set3 / output.mp4 'file' set4 / output.mp4 'file' set5 / output.mp4 'file' set6 / output.mp4 'file' set7 / output. Mp4 '/ code>  

Then I run the following command:

  ffmpeg -f concat -i input.txt -codec copy compilation.mp4  

The resultant video leaves 2-3 frames with each output video

How do I ensure that the compiled video does not leave any frame?

(For reference, I have used the following tutorial :)

I was able to find work-charts using the following tutorial:

Instead of compiling MP3, I can point out all the image properties that are last The video file should be compiled in

I created a text file that looks like this:

  file 'set1 / img% 03d.jpg' file 'set2 / img% 03d.jpg' file ' Set3 / img% 03d.jpg 'file' set4 / img% 03d.jpg 'file' set5 /img%03d.jpg 'file' set6 / img% 03d.jpg 'file' set7 / img% 03d.jpg ' 

where naming conventions in each set folder are images with img001 jpg, img002.jpg, etc.

Then I can compile all the images in the final video using the following images:

  ffmpeg -f concat -r 5 -i Input.txt compilation.mp4  

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