I am trying to add GIRAPH 1.1.0 to HADOOP 2.6.0
To edit .xml in any way to properly package GIRAPH, I run the command mvn-phadop_yarn -Dhadoop.version = 2.6.0 package
, I edit the default pom.xml file in line (12 9 2):
<> pre & lt; ID & gt; Hadoop_2 & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Module & gt; & Lt; Module & gt; Giraph-accumulo & lt; / Module & gt; & Lt; Module & gt; Giraph-hbase & lt; / Module & gt; & Lt; Module & gt; Giraph-hcatalog & lt; / Module & gt; & Lt; Module & gt; Giraph-hive & lt; / Module & gt; & Lt; Module & gt; Giraph-gora & lt; / Module & gt; & Lt; Module & gt; Giraph-rexster & lt; / Module & gt; & Lt; Module & gt; Giraph-district & lt; / Module & gt; & Lt; / Module & gt; & Lt; Properties & gt; & Lt; Hadoop.version & gt; 2.6.0 & LT; /hadoop.version>
But when I place an order to run it
[INFO] Apache Giraffes guardian .............. ............... Success [4.183] [INFO] Apache Giff Core ........................ ........ Failure [5.364] [INFO] Apache Thief Examples ............................ SKIPPED [INFO] Apache arrest distribution ........................ SKIPPED [INFO] ------------------ ------------------------------------------------- - --- [INFO] Build Failure [INFO] -------------------------------------- ----------------------------- [INFO] Total Time: 9.911s [INFO] Finished: Mon March 16 19 : 05: 38 EET 2015 [INFO] Last Memory: 55m / 1020m [INFO] ------------------------------ ---------------- -------------------------- [ERROR] Failed to execute the target organization .apache.maven.plugins: maven-compiler-plugin: 3.0: Compile project on Giraffe core (default-compilation): compilation failure: compilation failure: [error] / usr / local / giraph / giraph / giraph-core / target / munged / main / org / apache / giraph / com / netty / SaslNetty Client.java:[8468] The symbol can not be found [ERROR] Symbol: Variable SASL_PROPS [ERROR] Location: class org.apache.hadoop.security.SaslRpcServer [ERROR] / usr / local / giraph / giraph / giraph -core / target / mouth / main / organization / apache / giraf / com / netty / sensationality AVERA: Java: [105,62] Icons can not be found [Error] Icons: Variable SASL_PROPS [Error] Location: Class org.apache.hadoop.security.SaslRpcServer [Error] - & gt; [Help 1] [Error] [Error] To see the complete stack traces of errors, re-run Maven with the -i switch [ERROR] To enable full debug logging, Maven, using the X switch, Run. [Error] [Error] For more information about errors and possible solutions, please read the following article: [Error] [Help1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureException [ERROR] [Error] After fixing the problems, you get the command [ERROR] MVN & lt; Goals and gt; With Build can resume build. -rf: giraph-core
My question is how should it be modified pom.xml to work with hasoop 2.6.0?
You are changing the hasoop version of the wrong profile with the "-P" parameter , You are choosing it wrong.
To make the Giraffe with a hoopop_2 profile, you should use -Phadoop_yarn
instead of -Fedopop_2
, like this:
mvn-phadoop_2 -Dhadoop.version = 2.6.0 package
However, if you use Phadoop_2 profile, you will not do SASL_PROPS < To be able to resolve the error related to the / code> variable, therefore, you should use the
profile (but instead) to avoid it.
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