The last few days I used to update Unidata using sample code as a base without success Is trying for I can read the database successfully and see raw data in Visual Studio. The error reported back is outside the error limit. The program is trying to update the unit value of a purchase order
Error:. {"Error received index on the socket was outside range of array.POD."} [IBMU2.UODOTNET.UniFileException]: {"Error received index on socket was outside range of array.POD."} Data: {} System. Collections.ListDictionaryInternal HELPLINK: Null HRESULT: - + 2146232832 InnerException: Null message:. "Error received on the socket was outside the UniFile class" StackTrace: ": array.POD" source "limit on IBMU2.UODOTNET.UniFile.Write () \ r \ n IBMU2.UODOTNET.UniFile.Write (string aRecordID, UniDynArray ARecordData) at \ ReadXlsToUnix \ ReadXlsToUnix \ Form1.cs \ Users \ xxx \ Documents \ Visual Studio 2013 \ Projects: Line 330 "TargetSite: {Write Zero ()}
Test code is failing:
Private zero testUpdate (string PO_LINE_SHIP, string price) {UniFile pod = null; UniSession uniSession = Null; // connection string uniSession = UniObjects.OpenSession ("unixMachine", "user id", Properties.Settings.Default.PWD, "train", "UDCs"); // Open file pod = unions. CretUnophile ("POD"); Read the data pod. Read (PO_LINE_SHIP); // locking strategy pod.UniFileLockStrategy = 1; Pod.UniFileReleaseStrategy = 1; If (pod. Record id == "") {pod.UnlockRecord (); } // current pointer to user pod.record Replest (4, replace with string) uniSession.Iconv (value, "MD4");); Try {Pod.Write (pod.RecordID, pod.Record); // Record ID and record both correctly hover / instant window // pod Write () fails with the same message} Catch (exception mistake) {MessageBox.Show ("Error" + mistake); } Pod.Close (); UniObjects.CloseSession (uniSession); }}
HP UX running at 11.31 unidata 7.2 and using UODOTNET.dll Any help is greatly appreciated. It is a record version of writing and they have also tried to write the functionality with the same error.
Rajan - Thanks to updates and links I have tried to read / update my Unidata Tables by using U2 Toolkit although I can read / update a file in the same account . Does this mean that for example, some VOC, DICT is missing?
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