Sunday, 15 February 2015

excel - Calculation in SSAS Cube not working for zero data values -

excel - Calculation in SSAS Cube not working for zero data values -

i working ssas 2008 r2 cube , interrogating info through excel 2010. in cube have calculation conditionally format data. logic if measure contains specific value fact beingness viewed, fact should colored red, follows:

calculate; scope ( [measures].[data value] ); if([fact base].[confidentiality status].[confidential]) fore_color(this) = 255 end if; end scope;

when have [data value] of 0 (zero) fore_color doesn't render reddish in excel. if alter info value other zero, , reprocess cube renders red. there i'm missing, or there improve mdx script work values of zero?

effectively have following:

if([fact base].[confidentiality status].[confidential] = 1) fore_color(this) = 255 end if;

(... wouldn't expect 0 render red?)

does next mean info 0 red?:

if([fact base].[confidentiality status].[confidential] = 0) fore_color(this) = 255 end if;

excel ssas mdx olap

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