Wednesday, 15 April 2015

excel - reference is not valid VBA hyperlink creation -

I am trying to create a hyperlink that references the previously used variable. The link is linked to a job number, which the user can click to verify the job information before printing a worksheet. I am using variables and I am unsure if this problem is causing or if the whole thing is unfathomable

This is my first time that some attempts should be made with these lines, so the prospects are endless Maybe.

Here's a piece of code, in which I'm having trouble. The error I receive is "invalid process call or logic"

  with POSheet .hyperlinks.Add anchor: = range ("J11"), _ address:. = "", _ SubAddress: = shtJob.Name, _ Screen Tip: = "Job Sheet", _TextToDisplay: = "Job Information"  
More code if necessary

I post Finish with can

Try below You need to set the subaddress property for the hyperlink to the current workbook. Note that the string "Sheet1 A1!" If you want a hyperlink to go to sheet 1 cell A1, then

  should look like with the POSheet .Hyperlinks.Add anchor:. =. Range ("J11"), _ Address: = "", _ Subeder: = Shtozob. Name & amp; "! A1", _ Screen Tip: = "Job Sheet", _ TextToDisplay: = "Job Info"  

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