Wednesday, 15 April 2015

ios - uia action failed because: Timed out running command uia.tapOffset -


I am facing some random errors when my Calabash test is running and trying to touch the element

UIA operation failed because: the timeout order started running uia.tapOffset ('{: x 187.5, y 131.5}')

I have a trial going on < Strong> Yosemite , Xcode 6.2 and iOS Simulator (iPhone 6 iOS 8.1)

version of Kailash 0.13 .0 . .

Do anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it?


when I say "randomly" means that sometimes the test pass passes and sometimes fails with this error Once I've just checked and after entering some text in the text field, it is always failing when trying to tap on the tabs tab. So my guess is that the keyboard is still there when it is trying to touch the tab button

For your information, this is the method that is created for me to enter text

  def type_text (accessibilityLabel, text) query = "text field accessibilityLabel: '# {accessibilityLabel}' 'until safe_query (query) return first [" text "] = text wait_for_ui_animation_to_end safe_touch (query) map (Query,: setText, '') map (query, settext, text) done  

and these are safe_touch and safe_q Uery Methods I use

<> def safe_query (query) wait_for pre (: timeout = & gt; 60, timeout_message = & gt ;, "expired # {query} Try_time_industry => true_type (query): query_exists (query) end query tax (query) end def safe_touch (query) wait_for (: timeout => 60, timeout_message = & gt ;, "time End {query} # Trying to touch ": screenshot_on_error = & gt; true) tax element_exists (query) end touch (query) end

update 2

Here is an example of the scenario Too-sometimes fails

enter image details here

Screenshots of the screen are here if the test fails

It does not seem like when trying to tap the tabbar item ...

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