Friday, 15 April 2011

Checking for Answering Machine with Twilio -

Checking for Answering Machine with Twilio -

ok, have given on project thought i'd inquire before did. building app phone call 20+ numbers , if failed, send me email.

i got email working mandrill , calls working twilio. problem need observe if phone call makes answering machine. not ring normal number though. says "please hold while transfer call". plays music until picks or answering machine picks up.

from scouring of twilio rest api docs couldn't find allow me differentiate between first automatic message , end voicemail. there i'm missing or workaround think of?

using api laravel 5 though uncertainty relevant.

the suggestion have implement whisper functionality. saw in twilio openvbx project, here link

in nutshell, when dialling agent, require if agent going take call, need more reply incoming call. required illustration press button, part makes great, there time delay can stipulate, , if agent not illustration press 1 in time, can drop call. great workaround dealing answering services or voicemail on mobile devices.

the source code openvbx resides here

you want @ server side implementation of dial applet. see working implementation of have outlined. , can take @ twiml controller whisper implemented.

i hope helps.


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