Friday, 15 April 2011

object - java method boolean returning false when its suppose to be true -

object - java method boolean returning false when its suppose to be true -

i making method in 1 class. have doubled checked , , should work accordingly. when run object in main method using method false homecoming though suppose true.

the print statements don't print can't check whether values beingness passed in , tried making if statement homecoming true , still returns false! doing head in logically correct.

is there rule don't know boolean method automatically homecoming false if somethings wrong?

public boolean addpartsdetails (string newdescription, double newcost) { system.out.println("is description empty?: " + newdescription); system.out.println("is cost negative?: " + newcost); if (newdescription.isempty() | newcost < 0) { homecoming false; } else { this.partscost += cost; string newpart = string.format("\t - %s (%.2f) \n", description, cost); this.partslist = this.partslist.concat(newpart); homecoming true; } }

in main method:

boolean addbool = tempobj.addpartsdetails(partdes, partcost); if(addbool) { system.out.println("\npart details recorded sucessfullyfor vehicle \"" + tempobj.getregnum() + "\""); } else { system.out.println("\nerror - invalid part details supplied!"); }

i believe want utilize || instead of | here:

if (newdescription.isempty() | newcost < 0) {

change to

if (newdescription.isempty() || newcost < 0) {

| used bitwise or operation while || used conditional or

java object methods boolean

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