Sunday, 15 May 2011

A difficult homework with Python and I'm new -

A difficult homework with Python and I'm new -

the statement says:

write using instruction, while, function, mentre(name of function), calculate next values:

the sum of first n numbers integers: 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n

the sum of first n odd numbers: 1+3+5+..+(2n−1)

the sum of numbers come in user until come in 999 (not included in sum 999).

the number of times number can divided 2 (with integer division) before reaching 1.

i seek while if , or reply error :(. await response , give thanks much taking time solve problem!

x = input("number: ") x = int(x) y = 0 z = 0 while y < x + 1: z = z + y y += 1 print (z)

this first one. can build here.


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