I created an app that uses a Jason API I removed the active record from my app because the data in the API Can theoretically change and I can not erase the database every time.
Right now I have a method called self.all for each class loop through the json making rabbi object that i then call that function in different functions to work with finding data and sums and percentages I do It all works well, but seems a bit slow. I was thinking that somewhere I should have saved myself. For each column that works with the data for each column, I should call new objects instead of calling them.
... The response was provided above using HTTParty. Def self.all puppies = [] if response.success? Feedback ['puppies']. Each do Puppy Account & lt; & Lt; Glitch ['name' as puppy. All dff SUM (Pilby) # Exchanges money for money = Money.New (0, 'USD') puppies.each do | Puppy | Zodiac = puppy End of End End DEF self.prices (puppies) Prices = puppies.map {| Puppy | Puppy.price} End Diffself.names (puppies) name = puppies.map {| Puppy At the end of puppy.name} .... There are many ways in which the argument of puppy.l. in the controller ....
Should I use caching? Should I be brought back to active records? Or am I correcting that how? Should I store the puppy everywhere instead of calling the method every time?
Do I feel that whenever you call any class system, every time you Are you making a request with HTTParty? Can you imagine that for the response a class variable is creating a class variable named expires_at and then you can do some basic caching.
@@ expires_at = time.zone Now @@ http_response def make_http_call updated_http_response @@ expires_at.past? HTTP repair request for http: // upgrade_http_response # @ http_response = # HTTParty response @@ expires_at = 30.minutes.from_now End # and in your code, @@ response # changes in either response.success response? @@response.success to do?
All this is in memory and if you restart your server, then you lose everything if you want more robust caching, probably the better thing to do
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