I want to be able to swipe transition right gestures between the two states of a UIView with a swipe left. Basically I want to start increasing the height of the scene because the user starts swiping to the left and becomes "shrinking" when it swipe. I can easily animate with CAN Animation between the two states, but what I want is ideal that it is the signal to control the transition rather than giving it "duration". So essentially mapping the extension / shrinkage of the boundary height of the signal ... I am doing a terrible thing to explain to myself, but Apple is all this time. Here's how it appears in your custom UIView moment:
class CustomUIView: UIView {@IBOutlet bridesmaid swipeView: UIView! Var must have Except Expand Animation: Boole = True; Var needs extract shank animation: Bool = true; Required init (coder aDecoder in: NSCoder) {super.init (Coder: aDecoder) NSBundle.mainBundle () loadNibNamed ( "CustomUIView", the owner himself, option: zero). SwipeView.backgroundColor = UIColor.grayColor () self.addSubview (Self.swipeView) func performAnimation (Transansform: CATransform3D, toTransform: CATransform3D, duration: CFTimeInterval) {var animation: CABasicAnimation = CABasicAnimation (keyPath: "transform") animation. = self var transformView = conversion animation .fromValue = NSValue (CATransform3D: fromTransform) animation.toValue = NSValue (CATransform3D: toTransform) animation.duration = term self.swipeView.layer.addAnimation (animation, forKey: zero) self.swipeView.layer .transform = toTransform} expandView () {function if shouldExecuteExpandAnimation {performAnimation (CATransform3DIdentity, toTransform: CATransform3DMakeScale (1, 4, 1), duration: 0.1) executeShrinkAnimation = true; } ExxuteExpandAnimation = false; } Func shrinkView () {ifxexuteShrinkAnimation {executeAnimation (CATransform3DMakeScale (1, 4, 1), toTransform: CATransform3DMakeScale (1, 1, 1), duration: 0.1) shouldxecuteExpandAnimation = true} Chahiaakseksrenkanimeshn = false; } Func manageViewWithGesture {switch gestureRecognizer} {switch gestureResourceDescriptions {Case} UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection.Right: expandView () Case UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection.Left: shrinkView () Default: break}}}
Thursday, 15 March 2012
ios - How to control the transition between 2 UIView states using a swipe gesture? -
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As Aaron says, you can not get intermediate value with a swipe. If nothing happens, then it seems to be a fire, you have to use the pan gesture identifier or your own custom gesture identifier. For this, it is possible that you will be able to interpret the translation values that you get from a standard pan-echchure identifier.
Then you can use those values to change the animation from start to finish manually. I have a project on Gitbab which makes you different from ending the animation using the slider using the slider.
You can customize that approach to running an animation, because the user leaves a pan gesture.
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