Wednesday, 15 August 2012

compilation - Unable to compile Firefox OS -

Sorry about the ambiguity of the question in the title, but I'm having problems compiling Firefox OS and I do not know where the current address (

I know that there is a Bugzilla but I'm not sure whether the bug I'm experiencing is a bug or not)

Actually, I use the source from the latest Firefox OS I am trying to compile. I am trying to create a system that has the language en-GB , en-US and tr ( en-GB supports with) as the default) exported 4.6 VARIANT = user # GAIA l10n GAIA_DEFAULT_LOCALE = "N -

  export = export cc = gcc -4.6 export CXX = G ++: My  .userconfig  thus -GB "export LOCALE_BASEDIR =" $ PWD / places "export LOCALES_FILE =" $ PWD / places / Languages_somekjson "export GAIA_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS =" N, TR " # Ipakli l10n export Ll0NBASEDIR = $ PWD / lizard-like export MOZ_CHROME_MULTILOCALE = "N -GB TR" export PATH = "$ PATH: $ PWD / comparison sites / scripts" export PYTHONPATH = "$ PWD / comparison sites / lib" The content of  "English (GB)", "N-US": "English (US)", "Try" ":" Türkçe "}   

compare_locales , and are included in lizard sites clones and locations repository 'N' or 'N-US' is not a repository).

Now, I'm not 100% sure that the error is where I have tried to do a Google search for any suspicious lines, but nothing has come.

I posted a full output as one. As far as I can tell it is the first time to compile Firefox or mobile phone OS:

  2015-03-16 16:43:12: 125: Information: Could not load symbols for: | 2015-03-16 16:43:12: Info: 0x2ab95ac94aa0  

There is no module (again a lot of 'no module ...' errors After)


  system js: error file: ///opt/src/B2G/gaia/b2g_sdk/34.0a1-2014-08-12-04 -02 -01 / B2G / components / nsHandlerService.js: 120 - NS_ERROR_FAILURE: component failure code returned: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIProperties.get]  

this error is a fair period of time It is not a duplicate code, but I can not tell whether it is harmless or if it stops the build Used to be.

There are a few lines about missing translations, but I think they are just harmless. I have tried to cut them as little as possible (by adding missing translations) but the problem persists.

Oh, and if someone says I was walking with my phone, and it appears on ADB devices . I have also tried to remove the outside and backup-inari directories.

System specs, PC:

  • Debian Sides, mostly up-to-date, but with the older version of creating Build new version from build 3.8)
  • GCC 4.6 and 4.9 Export CC = GCC-4.6 set .userconfig
  • G + 4.6 and 4.9 Export> CSGE = G ++ - 4.6 set .userconfig


  • The original ZTE open . It originally came with FFOS 1.0, but since then I have been upgraded to 1.1.

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