Wednesday, 15 August 2012

ios - Share User Object between App and App Extension in iOS8 -

I am using and authenticating the user on the app.

In detail, while I want to use the logged-in user to run ways to call different ending points. The only option for sharing data between the app and its extension is NSUserDefaults as I look at different threads, but NSUserDefaults can not save NSObjects of user logs.

How can I use the logged in user?

I am logging in to the user like this ..

  [[PocketAPI shared API] Login with handler: ^ (PocketAPI * API, NSER * error) (If (Error! = Zero) {ns log (@ "user login in");}}];}  

and I want to use it in detail:

  [[PocketAPI sharedAPI] saveURL: url handler: ^ (Pocket API * API, NS URL * URL, NSER * error) {if (error) {NSLog (@ "There was an error saving the URL:% @", [ Error description]);} other {NSLog (@ "URL was saved successfully");}}];  

How to dynamically save [PocketAPI sharedAPI] to use any method How can I share the same example of the object?

Save better user credentials in the keychain For this, it is more secure and you can also reach in detail.

  1. You can use the kSecAttrAccessGroup The bunch can share.
  2. Other options will be to share the shared data or sqlite file in shared data. I have made a sample description that will explain the sharing of data between apps and extensions.

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