I am using and authenticating the user on the app.
In detail, while I want to use the logged-in user to run ways to call different ending points. The only option for sharing data between the app and its extension is NSUserDefaults as I look at different threads, but NSUserDefaults can not save NSObjects of user logs.
How can I use the logged in user?
I am logging in to the user like this ..
[[PocketAPI shared API] Login with handler: ^ (PocketAPI * API, NSER * error) (If (Error! = Zero) {ns log (@ "user login in");}}];}
and I want to use it in detail:
[[PocketAPI sharedAPI] saveURL: url handler: ^ (Pocket API * API, NS URL * URL, NSER * error) {if (error) {NSLog (@ "There was an error saving the URL:% @", [ Error description]);} other {NSLog (@ "URL was saved successfully");}}];
How to dynamically save [PocketAPI sharedAPI] to use any method How can I share the same example of the object?
Save better user credentials in the keychain For this, it is more secure and you can also reach in detail.
- You can use the kSecAttrAccessGroup The bunch can share.
- Other options will be to share the shared data or sqlite file in shared data. I have made a sample description that will explain the sharing of data between apps and extensions.
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