OK, so I have a 2x text with a different ID. I was trying to remove the pasted email in Texaria I am then shown in another Textera. I know my junkie work for removing e-mail from a text in a page and sorting, but I can not seem to work with Textera.
My code for texterrage is as follows:
& lt; Textarea id = "email-extractor" class = "email-extractor-textray" & gt; & Lt; / Textarea & gt; & Lt; Textarea id = "email-extracted" class = "email-extractor-textray" & gt; & Lt; / Textarea & gt;
My code is as follows:
& lt; Script & gt; Remove function (text) {return text. Match (/ ([a-zA-Z0-9 ._-] + @ [a-zA-Z0-9 ._-] + \. [A-zA-Z0-9 ._-] +) / gi) ; } Performance Duplicate (ARR) {var i; Var len = arr.length; Var Out = []; Var obj = {}; For {I = 0; i
Your code only works It seems that you were not adding text other text Field correctly:
Demo :
$ ('# email-extractor') keyboard (work (index) {Var email = Quote email ($ (this) .val ()); console.log (email); if (! Email) {$ ('# email-extracted'). Text ('** no email in comment'); } And if (emails.length & lt; 3) {var text = ';; (var i = 0; i & lt; email length; i ++) {text + = email [i] +', ';} $ (' # -Ex-extracted '). Text (text);} and {$ (' # email-exit Mr. went "). Text (" ** to ignore the comments, a lot of email addresses ( '+ emails.length +'). ');}});
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