Tuesday, 15 January 2013

active directory - LDAP Users not visible in the Manage Users in the WebSphere admin console -

IBM is the WAS 8.5 test version in Windows 7 and I have installed the MS Active Directory with the original DN on the same machine DC = SSO, DC = PACS, DC = TEMENOS and I have a user friendly Formed as DN as "CN = Manohar, OU = user, DC = SSO, DC = PACS, DC = TEMENOS" and "Temenos17" Password

With Manohar I became another user A T24User1 & amp; In the form of T24User2 with parent DN, I created a federated repository in the OU = user, DC = SSO, DC = PACS, DC = TEMENOS

Created MS AD I have configured all AD details to be properly displayed. I'm able to login to WAS Console with a lovely user. When I try to list users in the WAS with "Manage Users" link, no single user is showing and at the same time showing all groups from the "Manage Groups" link

< P> Please help me in my list of all my Active Directory users in my WAS console.

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