I have an issue here with Month Calendar Controller in Visual Basic. I have a calendar and text box in what is happening in the program. The user selects a date on the calendar, then in the component of the lessons presses the type of information, then the add button. From there, the add button sets a parallel array where the string added from the selected date and text box is a way to add planner information for each date. Then every time such an increase has increased, the date has been bolded for this.
From there, you understand that to click on each bold date and see the information you added. This issue only works on the previous date. For some reason this only reads the last element added in the array. I have a loop below, I do not understand why I can not choose any bold date and add text. I have the option tough so I know that there is no data loss. I also know that the date is being selected and every time when a date is selected on the calendar, the string is placed in it because I am displaying it on the label every time what is the problem. Is this a logical error that I am not holding or is it something else?
The Public Sub Month Calendar Calendar for 1DateChanged Integer = 0 for 1_DateChanged (As System. Sender, System as E-mail and System.AventRG) Index for Index IntSizeOf Selected Date - 1 strSelectedDay = CStr (Month Calendar Calendar Select Start.) 'Keep the selected date in a string lblError.Text = strSelectedDay lblError.Visible = True Dim strAryDate string = ary as selected date (index) ArySelectedDates (index) = StrSelectedDay) then lblInstruc Tions.Text = strSelectedDay lbl Date selected. Text = aryTextForDates (index) index = intSizeOf selected selected array - 1 end if the next end sub
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